Even with the Rift, you can access any OpenVR game on Steam. You'll need the Touch controllers to make use of the vast majority of them, and I'm not sure how the default mapping of those controllers to the Vive wands will pan out in all games, but the option is there nonetheless. Meanwhile on the Vive end, Vive owners can also play Oculus games, but access is dependent on ReVive being able to inject into the game. (It also depends on Oculus not being dicks and deciding they want to be a DRM laden closed system. I'd like to think that wont happen again, but it'll take years for me to have any confidence in that..)
The biggest thing I'd think about is tracking. Can you even set up a Rift with equivalent tracking capabilities in your space? Roomscale/360 tracking requires opposing cameras/lighthouses. With the lighthouses this is fairly easy. They just need to be mounted somewhere near an outlet - something that's normally available at multiple points around the room. Give em power, and you're done. With the Rift, the cameras need to route back to the PC. This means a USB extension cable from the far camera will be needed, and it'll either snake along the floor or be pinned to the ceiling all the way back. This is annoying at best, and depending on the room setup potentially a deal breaker. The cameras also have a smaller FoV than the lighthouses, so have to be further from the designated play area to have full coverage.