(Now posting in the thread I actually wanted to post in
Finally got to play Raw Data after the patch (got to wait for coop!), and it got significantly better again.
I love the new katana throw mechanics. Since you now have full control over the direction, the speed, and its movement while mid-air it's even more skill-based than before. I'm far from perfect at it, but you can pull off a great variety of moves with it now, from a slow "shield" in mid-air in front of you all the way to picking off drones at much larger distances than before.
It's still WIP obviously, I had a few collision detection snafus, but it's on a really good track now.
And in the latest version, you control both its direction and initial speed (and thus range) with the throwing motion.
Finally got to play Raw Data after the patch (got to wait for coop!), and it got significantly better again.
I love the new katana throw mechanics. Since you now have full control over the direction, the speed, and its movement while mid-air it's even more skill-based than before. I'm far from perfect at it, but you can pull off a great variety of moves with it now, from a slow "shield" in mid-air in front of you all the way to picking off drones at much larger distances than before.
It's still WIP obviously, I had a few collision detection snafus, but it's on a really good track now.
Yes, you can control it after releasing it.I haven't figured out the sword in Raw Data. You control it after releasing? I guess I'll have to try again. My arm was sore the next day when I first played.
And in the latest version, you control both its direction and initial speed (and thus range) with the throwing motion.