So I have been playing some room scale games (vanishing realms and H3)on a rift with two cameras and no space in my room. Obviously these games were not meant for my situation but they are functional and would be so much better if they add a super simple ability to just rotate the view. Why is this not in every game. Staying facing forward would help tracking a ton and make navigating these games work fine with an VR setup.
Because it makes some people motion sick.
There's a larger discussion to be had here about whether developers should provide options that will make some people motion sick. See also: people calling for sliding motion in games that are teleportation-only.
I'm of two minds here. First of allI never get sick, so I would obviously benefit from more options (although I personally find that joystick movement breaks immersion more than teleporting). Then there's also just the whole mentality that PC gaming is about giving users control, and that's a great thing!
From a branding perspective, however... it's difficult to sell people a device that may make them feel ill. I was having a discussion about VR at work, and a couple of people were telling me they are interested in VR, but worried about sickness. I tried to explain that many games on the ViveThe Lab, Budget Cuts, The Bluwill never make anyone motion sick, because there's no artificial movement. They found it kind of hard to believe based on everything they had heard about VR.
I feel like the Vive is going to have problems moving forward if the biggest titles cause sickness for a significant percentage of players. Or even if they provide options that make some people sick, unless they're hidden in a config file or something.