I often endorse VR games in this thread, because really, there are a whole lot of them on Steam, and the majority have a 0 USD marketing budget.
But now, for the first time I think, I'll discourage you from buying a game: The Cabin.
It's an escape room game, and I actually enjoy those in VR. I even enjoy escape room games made on a shoestring budget by a single individual (e.g.
Vacate the Room). But The Cabin is just not worth it.
The graphics are muddy and all over the place, with the developers seemingly taking no care at all to make sure that their LoDs make sense in VR, or that their materials are suitable. I'm not expecting miracles or a high budget here, just some understanding of what does and doesn't work in the medium. Oh, and while they suck they are also inexplicably demanding, causing frequent framedrops on my OC'd 1080.
The interactions with objects (a central point in an escape the room type game) are extremely rudimentary, fiddly, and prone to bugging out for no discernible reason. Finally, the puzzles (the other central component) are extremely simplistic and occasionally buggy.
I couldn't complete the game due to a bug (after already working around another one) and refunded it -- and I usually never refund games.