Touch fuzZy. get BizZay
Nintendo still make great games, though I do agree that they are not as amazing as they were in earlier, more pioneering years of gaming when they led the pack. Now that gaming is more like a technical arms race, the little toy company that could is having a hard time getting support.
I definitely don't look down on them the way a lot others in this thread do though. Yeah I'm old and I've seen it all before now, and that makes me enjoy nintendo games somewhat less... To the exact same extent that it makes me enjoy all other games less. The other systems are not non franchise milking, anti-sequel creativity boxes by any stretch of the imagination. I loved Arkham Asylum. I liked Arkham City. Now I think I'm just barely interested enough to get Arkham Origins.
I'm just hard to make games for. But I wouldn't miss a nintendo system and the quality exclusive content I can't get anywhere else over that, not until I decide I'm done with gaming completely.
I definitely don't look down on them the way a lot others in this thread do though. Yeah I'm old and I've seen it all before now, and that makes me enjoy nintendo games somewhat less... To the exact same extent that it makes me enjoy all other games less. The other systems are not non franchise milking, anti-sequel creativity boxes by any stretch of the imagination. I loved Arkham Asylum. I liked Arkham City. Now I think I'm just barely interested enough to get Arkham Origins.
I'm just hard to make games for. But I wouldn't miss a nintendo system and the quality exclusive content I can't get anywhere else over that, not until I decide I'm done with gaming completely.