I felt the same way as the OP until I bought a 3ds a few months ago.
I had never owned a nintendo console until the gamecube, so when I got one I was absolutely blown away, it ended up being my favorite console of the gen (still owned ps2 and xbox). I had played mario before at a friend's place, but I grew up with a master system, and then a playstation so I missed a lot of classics and completely skipped the N64; ended up buying a gba sp and played some of the snes ports on it. I loved wind waker, it was my first zelda, and I was overall impressed by the quality that nintendo managed to put in almost all its games.
Than the Wii came. I bought it a few months after launch but never got the feeling for motion controls, so it stayed unused for most of its life; I sold it after galaxy (that I had not finished) and bought it again when galaxy 2 came out. Even after that I didn't buy a lot of games for it, and it's the console I used the least in this gen.
After a period in which I didn't play much I finally finished galaxy a few months ago... it was so good that when I saw 3dland bundle at 199 euro, I caved in and bought it, even if I had sold my ds years before because I didn't really use it. Since then, I have put about 210 hours in it and I bought a Wii U when pikmin 3 came out. Looking forward to 3dworld and DK tropical freeze!
I had never owned a nintendo console until the gamecube, so when I got one I was absolutely blown away, it ended up being my favorite console of the gen (still owned ps2 and xbox). I had played mario before at a friend's place, but I grew up with a master system, and then a playstation so I missed a lot of classics and completely skipped the N64; ended up buying a gba sp and played some of the snes ports on it. I loved wind waker, it was my first zelda, and I was overall impressed by the quality that nintendo managed to put in almost all its games.
Than the Wii came. I bought it a few months after launch but never got the feeling for motion controls, so it stayed unused for most of its life; I sold it after galaxy (that I had not finished) and bought it again when galaxy 2 came out. Even after that I didn't buy a lot of games for it, and it's the console I used the least in this gen.
After a period in which I didn't play much I finally finished galaxy a few months ago... it was so good that when I saw 3dland bundle at 199 euro, I caved in and bought it, even if I had sold my ds years before because I didn't really use it. Since then, I have put about 210 hours in it and I bought a Wii U when pikmin 3 came out. Looking forward to 3dworld and DK tropical freeze!