If you consider Super Mario Galaxy a disappointment it's not only about Nintendo
yeah no...
uh do you seriously think any of those characters are as memorable as Samus, Kirby, Link, Pit, Donkey Kong, etc.? They all loook extremely forgettable to me
For me, I haven't touched a Nintendo product since the N64. I was 5 years old in '86 when I sat and watched my older sisters playing Super Mario.
I played the heck out of that system, SNES, and N64. Sony had already sunk it's grips into me during the N64 with what I considered more mature games at the time.
I was done with the kid oriented stuff and still at this point, Nintendo hasn't shown me anything to get me back over the years.
I always wondered the mindset for this if you not played any Nintendo games from N64 till now. When you see some Nintendo games like SMG get so much praise and GOTY. Do you ever want to try and see what your missing and why it has so much love?
That's called nostalgia. It's okay to indulge in that a little but eventually we all need to move on and create new memories.
Kinda feel the same as OP. I told myself that Pokemon X/Y was the last game I wanted to play before I sold my 3DS, however I've had a slight interest to go back and play some games like Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion 2, and Animal Crossing. Past this year though, not seeing much to be excited about.
Horseshit.That's called nostalgia. It's okay to indulge in that a little but eventually we all need to move on and create new memories.
I always wondered the mindset for this if you not played any Nintendo games from N64 till now. When you see some Nintendo games like SMG get so much praise and GOTY. Do you ever want to try and see what your missing and why it has so much love?
...is this your criteria for acknowledging a new IP? lol
And Donkey Kong (for example) is memorable because he has been around long enough for many generations to have grown with it.
If he came out now and was in that post, you would be saying the same thing (or worse) about him.
Well, I guess the question is about what video games are for people. If it's about "give me a a set of rules, conditions, and a challenge" then it doesn't matter that the face of "Mario" reappears so long as what happens in the game provides a challenge. If it's to "create memories", to have lovable stories and characters, to enjoy the sights and sounds, to delve into the deeper themes and meanings of life that literature/movies touch on, then people would understandably get fed up with Mario's face![]()
I seriously doubt we will get many games like that because games are controlled by the player and not the story teller. Not that games are a lesser medium, but they seem ill equipped to handle that particular area compared to books, movies, shows, etc. where the consumer sits back and lets the author tell their tale. At least in my opinion. Games seem to be less about themes and more about interactive fun. I think that's how they make their biggest mark.
Agreed. Games are definitely a lesser narrative medium, and one of those reasons is the forfeit of authorial control. Games are at their best and most memorable when they embrace interactivity.
Yet the gif you used to show skill based navigation is a linear Bowser course![]()
Nintendo games have ceased being relevant in terms of what is the best the industry has to offer.
In terms of story and presentation, perhaps. But in terms of gameplay they're still one of the best in the industry. They blow most AAA games out of the water when it comes to gameplay.
Nintendo games have ceased being relevant in terms of what is the best the industry has to offer. In the 90s, Nintendo were leaders. Now, Nintendo regurgitate the same games over and over without any of the innovation or inherent superiority they used to possess. Galaxy was a great game when it came out. It's pretty much the only Nintendo game you can say that about since Ocarina.
Nintendo games are reruns. They've ceased being exciting or industry defining.
In YOUR opinion, of course.
Disagree. I feel like I'm playing GameCube games half the time. They feel bland and boring. As I said, Galaxy was a great game. It felt fresh and interesting. It's the only Nintendo game I've played in years I can say that about.
A generally well made game is not enough to excuse the constant feeling if déjà vu Nintendo provides. Every game they make feels like it could have been made on Gsmecube, just with (slightly) turned down graphics. There's no sense if their games getting bigger and taking advantage of new systems. Their most powerful system to date is home to Mario 3D Land and NSMB port ups.
Embarrassing.The issue with this is that they look rather similar and even use the same colors for a lot of the effects.
You say you disagree with my point that Nintendo's gameplay is still top notch, then you go on to prove your point by listing things that have to do with presentation. I certainly don't feel like I'm playing a gamecube game when I'm swinging Link's sword in Skyward Sword, or when I'm using the wiimote's pointer to control Yoshi's tongue in Galaxy. I don't feel like I'm playing a gamecube game when I'm using the map on the Gamepad to sent my captains to different areas in Pikmin 3, or when I have 5 people playing Nintendoland all at once, taking advantage of true asymmetrical gameplay. And yeah, there are games whose gameplay was possible on the Gamecube. But there are plenty of games on the 360 and PS3 whose gameplay (once again, GAMEPLAY, not presentation) was possible on the xbox and ps2. Because the industry as a whole hasn't evolved much since then when it comes to gameplay.
I already agreed with you that their presentation hasn't gone the same direction that the rest of the industry has, due to their hardware always being less powerful. My point was about gameplay, and you didn't refute it.
It's not really an opinion. For a brief moment you could say Wii Sports was the biggest game in the world. Since then, not so much. Nintendo aren't defining gaming for anyone but Nintendo fans.
No, no....no no no.
You speak for you, yourself, and you. No one else. This is a serious problem amongst the enthusiast gamer clique that needs to stop. There's no need to project your opinion and perspective as fact onto other gamers. If you don't care for Nintendo games, cool....no problem. That is YOUR issue with Nintendo, not everyone else's.
It is a factual statement that Nintendo's relevance in terms of being seen as industry leaders and influencers for games on the whole is greatly reduced. Nobody is ripping off Nintendo anymore. They're not defining industry standards with games like Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time. They exist in a bubble.
I'm not saying their games aren't popular. Some are very popular. But they're popular as nostalgic experiences; they're not seen as exciting new games.
Nintendo games have ceased being relevant in terms of what is the best the industry has to offer. In the 90s, Nintendo were leaders. Now, Nintendo regurgitate the same games over and over without any of the innovation or inherent superiority they used to possess. Galaxy was a great game when it came out. It's pretty much the only Nintendo game you can say that about since Ocarina.
Nintendo games are reruns. They've ceased being exciting or industry defining.
Why do you think there is Kinect and Playstation Eye? Why do you think Microsoft and Sony are using the Surface and Vita for off-tv play?
The base problem is pretending a single company is infallible and needs infinite respect with regards to every large product.
Why do you think Microsoft and Sony are using the Surface and Vita for off-tv play?
I'm not talking graphics. I'm talking the sense of scale; the games feeling like they're bigger and better and doing things that couldn't be done before. It isn't about the games looking like GameCube games, it's about the games being so limited in ambition they could run on GameCube. The power afforded to them now can enable a more complex game design than Mario 3D Land. The 3DS is powerful enough to support a 3D Zelda with the size of Wind Waker, instead they make a 2D game. They're constantly working as if they have the same restraints they had 10 years ago, and it makes their game designs almost feel retro even when they're brand new.
This is the company that went from Mario 1 to SMW to Mario 64. Now they've gone from Mario 64 back to Mario World.
The base problem is pretending a single company is infallible and needs infinite respect with regards to every large product.
Once again, you're talking about presentation. You're talking about how the games "feel" rather than talking about how they play. Nintendo is constantly making games that PLAY wonderfully. Their games, in general, give the player more agency than an Assassin's Creed or an Uncharted. Not to mention the ways they attempt to evolve gameplay with their new input methods.
The industry is in a rut when it comes to gameplay. It's same old same old across the board. This affects Nintendo as well, but they certainly try harder than the rest of the industry to try new or unique forms of gameplay.