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I feel so sorry for Matt from IGN ... seems so desperate


Man .. he really could run Nintendo better than they could themselves. It's so sad ... he's like trying his best to round up any interest in Nintendo anymore, there's another 'what if' feature on IGN's from page about a Zelda fighter, and he's made a few mockups of ads that would be awesome for Nintendo in the mailbag. It's like he's saying 'Nintendo ... pleeeease do this, you know how many fans you would get?' And it just seems to fall on deaf ears like .. 'What? Cool million dollar ideas? Pss ... lets make another bongo drum'.

Ah really sucks when a webmaster has done more to stir up interest in Nintendo than anyone else. So many cool ideas just ignored ....


Actually, I think the staff at IGN does very little to please Nintendo fans while the staff at IGNXbox and IGNPS2 give all the big exclusives tons of coverage. (and comparatively higher review scores)

Matt will not be covering the Revolution. Mark my words.


Well to be fair, he hasnt had any new info to cover anything with ... it just seems so sad ... he's like trying to drum up interest in the company with ideas that would be awesome, but they won't do.


If Matt has so many good ideas, why is he writing for IGN?

I think he has a pretty cool job, myself. Without anything to really cover, he's left to his own devices. "You know, I wonder what Kirby would look like in a dress. Whoa, I think I have today's top story."


Yeah, he says "Nintendo do this" and most of the time it's really stupid. Some of his ideas are absolutely stupid, well IGN's. Take that new zelda fighter thing for example.


His fake GameCube ads on IGN are stupid. I can just imagine all the reactions to the ad of the Zelda emblem with blood on it:


Ugh. Most people who saw the ad nowadays wouldn't even know what game the emblem was for. It's funny that Matt talks about how Nintendo is its own little world when he is just as equally.


I'd be a much bigger fan if not only gave deserving scores (Mario Kart's review didn't need rantings against Nintendo business decisions), but inflated them artificially so anything deserving of an 8.5 or so would get at least a 9...

heck, if ignxbox.com is going to inflate scores for any exclusive they can grab on to, the best thing igncube.com can do is match them toe-to-toe...

Brute Force is a 9, then so is Custom Robo, B*TCHES!


I'm not sure where Matt will be in five years, but I have to wonder if he'll even be with IGN, to be perfectly honest.
I really think Nintendo is big enough to take care of themsel...hahaha

Nintendo's doing a good job with the DS and they got the MAHTIURE Zelda coming. They are being active about Echoes. They're not dissapointing their fanbase right now. They're releasing 4 high profile title for the holidays (Pikmin 2, Paper Mario, Echoes, Mario Tennis). Really, this is one of the best holidays for the little cube, the problem is that it's being left in the dust in favor of Halo 2 and GTA:SA.


I would think it would be tough to run an internet-news site based off of Nintendo games. The media releases that Nintendo does is more suited for monthly magazines. They are extremely tight on information on anything of interest. So while other sites will have weekly GTA exclusives a good 6 months before release, sites like IGN-Cube have to rely on month old, blurry, screenshots and an tight-lip sentences from nintendo-devs.


BuddyChrist83 said:
If Matt has so many good ideas, why is he writing for IGN?

I think he has a pretty cool job, myself. Without anything to really cover, he's left to his own devices. "You know, I wonder what Kirby would look like in a dress. Whoa, I think I have today's top story."



Tenguman said:
I would think it would be tough to run an internet-news site based off of Nintendo games. The media releases that Nintendo does is more suited for monthly magazines. They are extremely tight on information on anything of interest. So while other sites will have weekly GTA exclusives a good 6 months before release, sites like IGN-Cube have to rely on month old, blurry, screenshots and an tight-lip sentences from nintendo-devs.
I dunno, Nintendo Inside (Japanese) does a fantastic job. But really a site can't maintain a substantial amount of interest on purely GC news - all the Nintendo news should be on one site. I don't know why IGN hasn't done that yet, to be honest.


That top 10 list of most wanted games on that Nintendo Inside site is interesting...

Homeland beating out New SMB and Kingdom Hearts? Most intriguing.

And Nintendo is releasing Sin & Punishment in China for iQue? The bastards...


Nintendo needs to do something that interests gamers that are not in their core fanbase. I think that's the point of Matt's editorial. The vast majority of casual gamers aren't into Paper Mario 2, Mario Tennis, and Pikmin 2.


Insertia said:
Nintendo needs to do something that interests gamers that are not in their core fanbase. I think that's the point of Matt's editorial. The vast majority of casual gamers will aren't into Paper Mario 2, Mario Tennis, and Pikmin 2.

I don't think there's much Nintendo can do right now to appeal to them, no matter what the company does. It's pigeonholed in the media, and in the minds of consumers, so why take a chance by doing something that might not be worthwhile, while they can continue to make more than enough money by simply making their fans happy?
Catalyst said:
Matt is the man. He hits home on a lot of ideas and opinions, I don't know why you goofballs dislike him so much.

His radical, countercultural, from-the-hear suggestions about Nintendo don't appeal to my white-bread, old-school gaming sensibilities. I'm just not open to Matt's truth!


Insertia said:
The vast majority of casual gamers aren't into...Mario Tennis...

Honestly...then fuck em.

I think the Zelda Fighter idea is idiotic in the sense that their stretching for characters is REALLY stretching, in my view. Like...every supporting character in the history of the franchise who spoke a line of dialogue. Fuck, I half expected the hand from the bathroom of the Inn from Majora's Mask to be included. "Aryll, with her telescope of terror", I swear, I thought they would write it down.

My problem with Matt is not that I think he's wrong about Nintendo; I think many of his criticisms are valid. I just think that, considering that he's writing for a Nintendo fan site, he could, you know, be a little less discerning. Criticize what needs to be criticized, fine, but do it once. Stop speaking in hypotheticals CONSTANTLY. It's so damn annoying to have half of the mailbag be "If Only...". A little criticism is fine, but when he turns everything into hypothetical better situations, it only serves to make it seems like one giant clusterfuck of idiotic ideas combined with other random idiocy.


Soul4ger said:
I don't think there's much Nintendo can do right now to appeal to them, no matter what the company does. It's pigeonholed in the media, and in the minds of consumers, so why take a chance by doing something that might not be worthwhile, while they can continue to make more than enough money by simply making their fans happy?

I don't think Nintendo has a fixated image in the minds of the media or consumers so much as Nintendo hasn't done much to gain a respectable image. With Gamecube, Nintendo has not been delivering to gamers. They've been blantently going against the grain.

At this point there isn't much they can do but a year or two ago they could have done a lot.

Consumers and the media would have been a lot more excited seeing a Zelda fighting game this fall rather then Donkey Konga, Pikmin 2, or Mario Tennis.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Insertia said:
Consumers and the media would have been a lot more excited seeing a Zelda fighting game this fall rather then Donkey Konga, Pikmin 2, or Mario Tennis.

seriously? i completely disagree - aside from there not being enough supporting characters in the zelda franchise to warrant a fighting game (although the grandma from WW would fit in well :p ), i think most people wouldn't be that interested in one. i think the cube's failure has a lot to do with its appearance, and the lack of extra features (dvd etc)..and don't forget the lack of range in the games.. but who knows. i still love my cube though :D


Insertia said:
I don't think Nintendo has a fixated image in the minds of the media or consumers so much as Nintendo hasn't done much to gain a respectable image. With Gamecube, Nintendo has not been delivering to gamers. They've been blantently going against the grain.

Define "Gamers." If we're talking about the core audience, as that one person stated above, and I would consider myself to be apart of Nintendo's core audience, I've had nothing but fun with Pikmin 2, Paper Mario 2, and Donkey Konga, and I'm looking forward to their forthcoming games. You're never, ever going to please everybody, no matter what you do. It's stupid to act like Nintendo could reverse its fortune by releasing a violent fighting game, or a shooter, or any other host of games, with one of its licenses attached.



That guy is hilarious. He needs to accept what most of us have. I've moved on. He needs to do the same, although he is getting paid to write that bs.


(more a nerd than a geek)
A Zelda fighting game sounds only moderately more interesting than a Star Wars fighting game... and we know how that went.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Celicar said:

That guy is hilarious. He needs to accept what most of us have. I've moved on. He needs to do the same, although he is getting paid to write that bs.

haha - same here, i think after prime / paper mario and all that have been and gone, my cube will die a lonely death - although there are a few games that came out in the states that i've been meaning to pick up for ages and as usual Nintendo Australia didn't release them (maybe they didn't know they existed?) so i might be able to take advntage of some cheap imports :D


Memles said:
... it only serves to make it seem like one giant clusterfuck of idiotic ideas combined with other random idiocy.

From my limited knowledge of the IGN audience, I think your choice of adjectives describes a large majority of their readership.

With that, I believe that Matt's work seems to at least brings some order to the chaos.

I cannot begin to fathom the shit he has to deal with from his readership (not to mention threads about him and the site on other forums ), yet I think the interaction and community created around that site is admirable.

Likewise, I know that I've seen plenty of threads here citing his more interesting forum and mailbag comments. (Don't remember seeing much of that from Justice...for that analogy I feel sorry for him.)


Why do you guys who dislike him, dislike him? What exactly has he done? He's a good guy. Gonna dislike someone over petty opinions? ...Because that's what it seems like.
I wouldn't call him a moron pe se, he just lost touch with reality long ago, deep inside, he's crying like the rest of us Nintendo fanboys, holding on to a believe that someday, our beloved Nintendo will be taken serious again as they rise from the ashes to take back everything that we gave away.

I'd personally love to go back to the days when we used to squeeze 3rd parties until they came up with creative ideas in their games.

Matt definitely needs serious help more than the rest of us N fans though.
WTF is wrong with you ppl? What is so wrong with a story such as this?

And the ppl that are skeptical about a Zelda title make me laugh. Could anyone imagine a fighting game staring Nintendo characters such as Game & Watch, Kirby and Pichachu all in the same game before Smash Bros? I certainly couldn't and the idea would have seem ludicrous at the time. I think the Zelda universe is much more suitable to use as the basis as a fighting game then the characters that appear in Smash Bros. Yet Smash Bros still turned out to be a great game.

And I'm much rather have this sort of story then 75 pictures of Metroid Prime 2 spoilers thank you very much.


Here's your idea: side scrolling action RPG in a style similar to what Zelda 2 (Adventures of Link) and Castlevania SOTN mixed together, along with modern technology, would be like.


I agree IGNCube is lacking compared to the other IGN channels, but at least he's trying.

Content was so much better in the earlier days.

We have another Retro Studies Feature from the writers at N-Sider to look forward to where they show the game that is Metroid Prime before it was a Metroid Title.

I really hate the layout of IGN (the whole fucking site) so I don't care about it as much as I did, lets hope they sort it out in time for the Revolution.



Why do all the stupid fanboys think they can run multi-billion dollar companies?

Sega, even moreso than Nintendo, makes lots of stupid business decisions. But I'm not telling them how to run their company, because I know it's not as simple as it seems for you Internet forum kiddies...


segasonic said:
Why do all the stupid fanboys think they can run multi-billion dollar companies?

Sega, even moreso than Nintendo, makes lots of stupid business decisions. But I'm not telling them how to run their company, because I know it's not as simple as it seems for you Internet forum kiddies...

segasonic said:
Why do all the stupid fanboys think they can run multi-billion dollar companies?

Sega, even moreso than Nintendo, makes lots of stupid business decisions. But I'm not telling them how to run their company, because I know it's not as simple as it seems for you Internet forum kiddies...
You can't even compare Sega to Nintendo. Sega has been fucking up over the last 12 years or so, while Nintendo consistantly covers their ass and plays it safe. They release fun games that don't seem to sell well to a GTA-era. It's not their problem that people have a narrow tolerance for gaming. And goddamn, let's not fucking complain about Matt, when the other IGN gaming channels are FAR more fanboyish.
ferricide said:
blame IGN content quotas. also, don't read the site.

segasonic said:
Why do all the stupid fanboys think they can run multi-billion dollar companies?

Sega, even moreso than Nintendo, makes lots of stupid business decisions. But I'm not telling them how to run their company, because I know it's not as simple as it seems for you Internet forum kiddies...

Two statements which cannot be repeated nearly enough.


I feel the same way I did when Matt did his editorial on a new SSB--he's in the wrong job. It's clear that he would be much happier as an editor of another console. As has been stated earlier by other posters--Nintendo keeps their work so close the chest that running anytype of Nintendo site or even magazine is a challenge. Couple that Matt's visible disappoint with Nintendo's performance and you end up with crappy,pleading editorials. There's nothing wrong with criticism or disappoint, but the repetition has gotten to the point where IGNcube makes a person feel bad for being a Nintendo fan--that shouldn't be the point of what is essentially a fansite.


I saw that "Dream Fighter" article this morning and thought "God, this is so sad"...

Poor Ninny - hope they bounce back with the next console and DS.
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