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I just saw the last Hobbit movie AKA The Hobbit: TBOTFA Spoiler Thread *SPOILERS*

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Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Is the soundtrack any better than the last two? Those have been crushingly disappointing so far.
It's on the same level as the preceding scores. Far below the scores of The Lord of the Rings.

There are a few highs; the Sons of Durin and Ironfoot for example, but nothing as accomplished as The Battle of the Pelennor Fields, The Lighting of the Beacons, A Far Green Country to name but a few from The Return of the King.
Edmond Dantès;143237830 said:
It's on the same level as the preceding scores. Far below the scores of The Lord of the Rings.

There are a few highs; the Sons of Durin and Ironfoot for example, but nothing as accomplished as The Battle of the Pelennor Fields, The Lighting of the Beacons, A Far Green Country to name but a few from The Return of the King.

Damn, that's a real shame. I guess I might as well buy it anyway considering I have all of the collections... including the Complete Recordings sets... but I was really hoping this would be a more interesting score. Really disappointed to hear that the entire trilogy of scores seems a bit phoned in.


Watched it last night, I didn't like it that much at some point I was just waiting for it to finish. The movie just seemed kinda pointless.
The elves were cool though.


About equal. I've preferred the EEs everytime with LOTR and the Hobbit movies, so I'll likely prefer next year's extended version of this one.

I loved it a very nice closure and bridge towards LOTR that ending makes me want to watch LOTR again.

Loved it when the dwaves came with the big fight with thorin cousin. But Thorin getting more corrupt and it was oozing that smaug when he talked that no body got share of the gold showed to me how deep the well he got. I really liked it and waiting for EE of all 3 versions to appear on blu ray.
Just got back from a screening in Tokyo.

The beginning is amazing - the Smaug and fire effects look great in HFR3D.

However, I just didn't like the movie. The fact that I didn't really care about anyone dying or winning really cements the fact that this film just doesn't have any emotional core that resonates with me. There's a lot of battles, but it seems like they just amped up what was done in the LOTR trilogy with lots of callbacks or Lucas poetry.

There's almost no impact.

Was Dain fully CG? Why? What did they gain from having him look so fake? What an odd choice.

Is there an OT yet? They should name it:

The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies |OT| Will someone please think of the children?

That Wormtongue-lite character was just awful. I really wanted to love this trilogy, and I've been a supporter of the first two, hoping that Jackson's plan would all come together. This one just left me hollow.


I really hated Smaug's death. The whole scenario was ludicrous, from the way Bard levelled the arrow on his son's shoulder, to Smaug walking slowly towards them while telling them he was unbeatable, despite being able to see what Bard was doing. So awful.

The way they tie it into LotR is really hamfisted too: Legolas going to seek out Aragorn, Gandalf revealing he knows Bilbo has the ring, everyone assuming that Saruman has taken care of Sauron. It's the complete antithesis to the subtlety of the original trilogy.


Edmond Dantès;143159908 said:
Indeed. A happy medium of the two efforts would be ideal.

Two film CGI series starring Andy Serkis as everyone, featuring every book scene and little extra, with lots of folk songs? :)


"hello?" "this is vagina"
People may gripe about length, but it's a non issue once all the films are released and I can't imagine them being condensed further. If anything, I could have done with more slow paced scenes to let the action breathe.

Three Hobbit movies roughly equal a miniseries, which they could be in another format. Once I have my own copies of the films, the longer the better, though I understand for a mass audience they have to limit the running length. Releasing it in cinemas as opposed to it's more series-appropriate length allows for a much larger budget, which I'm glad for.

The problem is the movies really don't hold up individually and feel more like acts in their own right but again, this doesn't matter once the blurays are out.
People may gripe about length, but it's a non issue once all the films are released and I can't imagine them being condensed further. If anything, I could have done with more slow paced scenes to let the action breathe.

Three Hobbit movies roughly equal a miniseries, which they could be in another format. Once I have my own copies of the films, the longer the better, though I understand for a mass audience they have to limit the running length. Releasing it in cinemas as opposed to it's more series-appropriate length allows for a much larger budget, which I'm glad for.

The problem is the movies really don't hold up individually and feel more like acts in their own right but again, this doesn't matter once the blurays are out.

Well when the final LOTR EE arrived, people started referring to that series as one piece, one movie. When the final Hobbit EE comes out, I assume people will start to do the same.


Just back. My expectations were really low, so this might contribute to my current estimation of the film:

But I actually enjoyed it a lot more than both previous films.

It still has incredible flaws (for example that I still don't care about any charcters and "the dwarfs" are still that. a collective without personality). Nevertheless, it was much more entertaining.

Now if 1+2 were recut as one film plus Smaug's end and the third one became a more focused 2nd part, they could actually have been good. Could!


I saw it last night. I didn't like the first two at all, so it isn't a surprise that I didn't like this one either, but had to see it just for the conclusion.

I can't count the times I wanted to laugh out loud at how bad it was, but couldn't because I went with people I don't know well enough to do that with :/
It really is pretty depressing. As I said before, I thought that the 3 movie structure might pay off in the end, but it didn't. This really would have been better as 2.


I didn't like it so much. Didn't like the second either but thought the first was pretty entertaining albeit slow.

Visually, I thought it was a bit weird as the colours didn't look very nice. CGI issues looked far more noticeable as well.

Thorin's madness and redemption was kind of nice to watch. Kili and the relationship was tiresome to watch.

The battle seemed to go on forever. Battles looked great and pretty at first especially with the dwarf formation stuff but it gets draining to watch and eventually, when it really starts hitting towards the end, it lacks any form of emotion.

I really didn't like the how eagles saving the day. It's just incredibly overused. It's tiresome how they couldn't be more creative implementing it in such a way that didn't feel the same.

One thing that was way overboard was how there were supposed emotional moments during the battle.

I liked those rams. Was pretty cool how they scaled the mountain. Elk was cool.


Junior Member
As a proponent of Tolkien's works, I must object in the severest possible fashion to the use in this thread of the plural "dwarfs." The Professor himself was quite clear that, within the context of Middle-earth discussions, it has to be "dwarves."

Mr Git

I thought it was exceedingly disappointing. Am I the only one who thinks the CGI is awful too? Why was Billy Connolly seemingly entirely CGI? He's not dead. A shame they rely on it so much considering Weta's amazing talent for making real things.
I thought it was exceedingly disappointing. Am I the only one who thinks the CGI is awful too? Why was Billy Connolly seemingly entirely CGI? He's not dead. A shame they rely on it so much considering Weta's amazing talent for making real things.

I thought there were lots of amazing CGI moments, but Billy Connolly being CGI was super weird and unnecessary. He didn't do anything particularly amazing - I didn't get it.

I thought it was funny that Legolas ripped off TWO moves from Kratos - the harpy hang and riding on the back of the troll while controlling it.
Watched it yesterday, mixed feelings and my least favourite of the Hobbit films as it stands. My Thoughts:

Had a problem with the image itself, it looked like my TV at home when I turn the contrast right up and it turns everything into a eighties American soap opera. That took a while adjusting to.
Having said that I did enjoy the Lake town scene at the start, Until Bard used his son to help shoot the arrow, something I felt absurd and completely pointless. No idea why Jackson thought that was a better way of killing Smaug then Bard using the mounted crossbow we see in DOS.
Dol Guldur scene was pretty cool, Sauramon, Galadriel, and Elrond where suitably bad arse for beings of such power. Wish it had gone on for longer actually, in fact as many people have touted that particular story arch as one of the reasons it was split into three films I was expecting more.
Love triangle was daft as it's always been, ham fisted and an obvious vehicle to wedge in Tauriel and Super Ninja Elf. Thankfully I have the power of apathy and choose not give a shit.
Corruption of Thorin had some interesting dialogue, in fact pretty much the only dialogue scenes with any weight.
Battle was suitably enjoyable in typical Jackson style, lovely wide shots of armies and plenty of close up fighting. Not enough Beorn though, blink and you'd miss him.
Ending was OK, the farewell to the dwarves was over rather quickly, but I did think the final scenes in Hobbiton where done well and the transition to the FotR was done smoothly; nobody dying of a broken heart in this movie.
It all seemed rather unfinished and rushed with not enough Gandalf, hopefully the EE will fix some of the issues I have with the film. :/


I just saw this on the weekend (early release in Mexico)...

and damn, I'm so fucking sad at how badly PJ blew it :(


Scaley member
I found it a bit odd Thranduil just let Legolas walk away like that. Also wondering whether or not he pardoned Tauriel since he was empathizing with her at the end.
Having said that I did enjoy the Lake town scene at the start, Until Bard used his son to help shoot the arrow, something I felt absurd and completely pointless. No idea why Jackson thought that was a better way of killing Smaug then Bard using the mounted crossbow we see in DOS.
Dol Guldur scene was pretty cool, Sauramon, Galadriel, and Elrond where suitably bad arse for beings of such power. Wish it had gone on for longer actually, in fact as many people have touted that particular story arch as one of the reasons it was split into three films I was expecting more.
Love triangle was daft as it's always been, ham fisted and an obvious vehicle to wedge in Tauriel and Super Ninja Elf. Thankfully I have the power of apathy and choose not give a shit.
Corruption of Thorin had some interesting dialogue, in fact pretty much the only dialogue scenes with any weight.
Battle was suitably enjoyable in typical Jackson style, lovely wide shots of armies and plenty of close up fighting. Not enough Beorn though, blink and you'd miss him.
Ending was OK, the farewell to the dwarves was over rather quickly, but I did think the final scenes in Hobbiton where done well and the transition to the FotR was done smoothly; nobody dying of a broken heart in this movie.
It all seemed rather unfinished and rushed with not enough Gandalf, hopefully the EE will fix some of the issues I have with the film. :/

I thought the Dol Goldur scene was very weird. Too much fight choreography for someone like Saruman - it just doesn't feel right to me.

Corruption of Thorin might have been fine if the guy hadn't been a complete asshole for 98% of the last two movies. He went from asshole to fucking asshole at the beginning of this film, then to great guy at the very end. Terrible "arc."

Had no problem with using the kid as the crossbow, though. Thought it was kind of cool, albeit nonsensical. Really dug that beginning with Smaug.

Though it highlights the fact that the Stephen Fry character had no reason to exist. Same with the wormtongue guy. Same with Beorn. All of that could have been cut for a much leaner 2 movies. Like I said before, I believed that Jackson had a reason for doing 3, but now I'm convinced that he's just insane. He needs to do some smaller films after this to reorient himself.

Dead Alive (Braindead) 2?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The other movies gave us previews of how awful this was going to be, especially when they showed the Black Arrow in the last one. Perfect example of how making something bigger can make its impact smaller.


I only have one question: Does Bard really not say the blessing over the Black Arrow before firing it at Smaug?
Just saw it as well, went to a trilogy marathon in Imax. I'll try to give my quick SPOILERY impressions:

3D and effects were much, much better than the first 2 IMO. I felt like I also got to see more "real" landscapes instead of pure CGI (though there are still a shitload of CGI)

I laughed out loud at the copy/paste elf soldiers from the trailer.

Richard Armitage was amaaaazing and I loved the character moments with him and the others. I'm kind of sad there was so much action but I guess it had to live up to the title.

Thought the film started off quite well but there was wayyyyy too much Legolas. Seriously the 2nd half of the movie was like The Adventures of Legolas a superhero show starring Legolas. Add in the Tauriel and Azog stuff and to be honest I felt like I was watching LOTR fanfic at times instead of an adapation of The Hobbit. Oh and that ending where Thranduil tells Legolas "Go North, seek out the Strider". OH YEAH ARAGORN RIGHT WE GET IT THIS IS A PREQUEL!!

That said most of the battles were quite enjoyable and the ending was pretty nicely done too (though no one seemed to grieve for Fili or we just didn't see it)

I think it was best of the trilogy (I'd give the first two somewhere from a 6.5-7 and this one a touch higher, maybe 7.5/8. Far from the heights of LOTR but a very fun time. The less you compare it to the book or previous movies the better


More Bard and Dain have been confirmed for after the battle in the EE. So we'll get our resolution for those characters.

Apparently Bombur will actually get a line of dialogue (!!!). And there's more Dol Guldur and Elven Ring stuff coming too.

This is all from a podcast with Philippa Boyens, which can be found here.

Presumably this image confirms Thorin's, Fili and Kili's funeral too:


Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
More Bard and Dain have been confirmed for after the battle in the EE. So we'll get our resolution for those characters.

Apparently Bombur will actually get a line of dialogue (!!!). And there's more Dol Guldur and Elven Ring stuff coming too.

This is all from a podcast with Philippa Boyens, which can be found here.

Presumably this image confirms Thorin's, Fili and Kili's funeral too:

Interesting. I wonder if they've done a better job of detailing the Rings of Power than the developers who made that Shadow of Mordor videogame.


Edmond Dantès;143537275 said:
Interesting. I wonder if they've done a better job of detailing the Rings of Power than the developers who made that Shadow of Mordor videogame.

Have you seen AUJ EE Edmond? The White Council scene in Rivendell is slightly extended where Gandalf and Saruman debate about the Dwarf rings and the One.

Seems a lot of the Dol Guldur/Ring stuff from this trilogy has been chopped out for the EEs. Strange choice considering we all thought the three-film split would be a reason this plot thread would flourish.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Have you seen AUJ EE Edmond? The White Council scene in Rivendell is slightly extended where Gandalf and Saruman debate about the Dwarf rings and the One.

Seems a lot of the Dol Guldur/Ring stuff from this trilogy has been chopped out for the EEs. Strange choice considering we all thought the three-film split would be a reason this plot thread would flourish.
Not yet no. When viewed as a whole this six film saga (in extended form) will indeed be the rise and fall of Sauron the Great.


Just back. My expectations were really low, so this might contribute to my current estimation of the film:

But I actually enjoyed it a lot more than both previous films.

It still has incredible flaws (for example that I still don't care about any charcters and "the dwarfs" are still that. a collective without personality). Nevertheless, it was much more entertaining.

Now if 1+2 were recut as one film plus Smaug's end and the third one became a more focused 2nd part, they could actually have been good. Could!

I have almost identical thoughts.


I enjoyed the 1st one, but the 2nd one kind of killed all the hype I had for this series. I'll see it just so I can see how they wrap things up, but I'm not excited like I was for the 1st 2.


Listened to the podcast in full, here's what we could be looking at in the EE so far:

More Beorn
More Dain
More Bard
Bombur line
More about Legolas' mother
Gandalf's "How shall this day end?!" line
Bilbo's "When faced with death, what can anyone do?" line
Gandalf's "This was the last move in a master plan, a plan long in the making" line
Thorin's "Everything I did, I did for them" line
Ice chariot/warg chase
Dwarf army on rams
Elven arrow volley
Thorin/Fili/Kili funeral
Dol Guldur/Elven Ring plotline

Edit: shots in here that were missing from the movie

Red Mage

Back to Dol Guldur (this entire sequence is stellar, easily my favourite), and we see Gandalf in his cage being taunted by an orc. The orc frees him and attempts to kill him. Galadriel appears, the camera focusing on her ring of power, she flicks her arm ahead of her and the orc is sent flying with a flash of light. She carries Gandalf to a wider area and Sauron begins taunting her in black speech, chanting the "Three rings for the Elven kings, Seven for the Dwarf lords" speech, which Galadriel finishes in the common tongue "and Nine... etc.". She and the unconscious Gandalf are surrounded by the spectral forms of the Ringwraiths/Nazgul.

She states she is not alone and Elrond appears, drawing his sword. Saruman too. This scene is insane. The choreography and special effects are off the charts, the music too. Saruman and Elrond fight all of the Nine. It doesn't look awkward at all. They are badass. Radagast arrives on his rabbit sled and takes Gandalf to safety, Gandalf begs Galadriel to come with him, but she stays. The Nine seem to be banished, before Sauron's silhouette erupts into flaming form above them, the Nine hovering before him. Galadriel's eyes flash blue and she takes on the form she did in Fellowship of the Ring when Frodo presents her with the Ring. Sauron seems to be trying to tempt her but she calls him "nameless" and says he has no place in this world. Finally he is cast away and banished. Elrond states that he must be followed and permanently destroyed, stating that Gondor, etc. need to be warned. Saruman tells him to take the severely weakened Galadriel to safety and to "leave Sauron to me", hinting at his downfall in LOTR.

I hate Peter Jackson.


And completely idiotic. Why couldn't he have just made one, maybe two, movies and not put in all this fanfic bullcrap?

Wait for the fanedit I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The vast majority of opinions I've read on the Dol Guldur plotline in particular have been overwhelmingly positive.


I found all that Gandalfy Radagasty stuff in the other two to be a distraction from what should be the focus of the film - The Hobbit. I don't care about Sauron or the Nine or any of that (at this point). The LOTR trilogy does its own setting up just fine.


The sequence is stellar ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Your description in the OP sounds like a marketing pamphlet.

When I saw Saruman being all ninja like my eyes rolled out of my skull. Add to the fact that this was contextualized by clunky writing and unnecessary fanservice ("you remember this thing from the LOTR films? here it is again!"). It's lazy and uninspired.
("you remember this thing from the LOTR films? here it is again!"). It's lazy and uninspired.

That's my gripe with the whole Hobbit-movies-thing.

They are basically prequels to the LOTR instead of them being their own thing, like the book is.
That's my gripe with the whole Hobbit-movies-thing.

They are basically prequels to the LOTR instead of them being their own thing, like the book is.

I version of Unexpected Journey last night. I know it wasn't in the original movie, but the moment where Bilbo stares at the painting or Sauron and has this moment where he looks at the ring in the painting and has a moment was so damned stupid. Everything about these movies feels like a reaction to what your already seen and not it's own story.

Mr. Sam

The bizarre Dickensian strands - i.e. the people of Laketown and their plight - grew on me by the end of the film. I didn't like them, I didn't think they fit in the movie, but I just came to accept that they were there to stay. Alfred acts like an absolute, cartoonish piece of shit the entire film, with an amount of screentime that seems comparable to Bilbo's, and gets absolutely no comeuppance. Brilliant.
The first film was enough Hobbit for me, but I didn't like the book much either. The fact that it has been stretched out over three long films makes me sleepy just thinking about it.
The sequence is stellar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It really isn't. I never imagined wizards in hand to hand combat; it was odd in LOTR, but this scene is just ridiculously over the top with Saruman battling.

Do not want.

Also, I'll echo the others in saying that this trilogy basically accomplished what the Star Wars prequels did: nothing. All it did was give uninteresting information and backstory about what everyone was doing a few decades (?) before LOTR. No thanks. I was hoping there'd be some amazing reveal or something interesting with the Dol Goldor plotline, but really it was just building up to reveal something we already knew, just like Anakin becoming Vader. There isn't anything compelling about the way they get there except that they do, and we already knew that from the LOTR movies. A complete failure, IMO, to make it interesting.
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