So guys I'm building a second rig for my studio, I just want something mid range good enough for DayZ, Rust, Titanfall, Source / Valve games.
A local shop has a clearance on AMD stuff: AMD-8350 35% off with an HD 7870
Usually I don't like AMD stuff but seems like a really good deal, Any of you guys with a 8350 what do you think about it?
I have a FX 6300 and a 8800GT (soon to be a GTX 760 ;_; )
Rust runs great maxed out. Not really demanding.
The source engine isn't intensive so it can definitely run maxed out with my settings
Haven't tried DayZ, but I have tried Arma 2 not sure if they use the same engine, got some high settings. I think this is where the GPU started to show it's age.
If my computer which has worse parts can run it those should be able to as well.
But honestly the FX-6300 is the only AMD CPU I recommend for gaming as of right now, Intel has the better CPUs for around the same price range, but it's your money.
With MoBos avoid MSI boards. Not so great VRM and heatsinks when it comes to overclocking.