That 460 is pretty long in the tooth these days. It really does depend on your budget what you replace it with. For 1080p gaming a 760 is good at the $250 price point, its probably the most recommended card around here these days for 1080p. The 770 is great at around 329 for 2gb and 379 for 4gb. I think the 2gb models are going to be just as good for the forseeable future at 1080p.
Man, I wish the R9 290 was available at $400. It would absolutely steal the show, IMO.
Those older i7 CPUs are still going strong, and wasn't that 930 considered a beast of an overclocker. You have it OCed...? You could hang with it for a while longer, depending on what games you favor. Being CPU bound isn't all that common, except in some multiplayer stuff and advanced emulators like Dolphin.