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"I Need a New PC!" 2014 Part 1. 1080p and 60FPS is so last-gen and your 2500K is fine

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Does using closed-loop liquid cooling on gpu is any good?
I'm thinking of buying one of this:
Anyone have any experience with the Noctua NH-D15 and non-LP RAM such as Corsair Vengeance? Noctua's website claims "Thanks to its recessed lower fins, the NH-D15 provides 64mm clearance for tall memory heatsinks in single fan mode, making it compatible with most high end RAM modules on the market. In dual fan mode, the NH-D15 should be used with standard height RAM (up to 32mm).*"


The above review claims "The only small issue we ran into during installation was that the outer 140mm fan had to be attached at a higher point, as a result of our tall Corsair Vengeance Pro memory modules."

I wish I bought low profile ram :(
Pretty sure nobody here has the D15. As of right now it's still not available in American retailers. I know. I was checking every single day on four different websites. Eventually I gave up waiting for it and got a Phanteks instead.

As far as your actual question, from everything I've seen, the outer fan will kill the ram clearance if you mount it level with the other fan. It looked like some boards were okay with the first 2 ram slots but the third slot was iffy. You have the option of just not mounting that fan at the cost of maybe 2-3C higher temps (I can't remember the exact benchmarks).

In any case, if you go with an air cooler and want dual fans, you're probably gonna have to remove your heat spreaders. My Phanteks cooler is awesome, except for the fact that it hogs space and makes working with ram impossible. I had to remove the heat spreaders on my ram just to make it fit.
So I purchased a new case and Seasonic platinum fanless PSU as I planned to take my old PC and turn it into an HTPC for the living room. I just finished the build but I'm getting no power at all from the PSU.

What I've tried so far:

Reseated the MB and CPU cables
Unplugged everything put the MB and CPU
Tried different cables and outlets
Tried different plugs on the PSU for each cable
Checked the "power button" on the MB
Flip the switch back and forth to "reset" it

Any other suggestions?
Paperclip test that PSU. If it fails, time to RMA

edit: Damn, forgot fanless. Is there a power led? The paperclip test is most obvious because the fans kick on.


Yes if true I'd like to hear Intel explain why that's the case

I'd heard DC was gonna be released a month after Haswell refresh which would mean around July. I'm done speculating lol

I have a feeling the extra cost on the TIM is being passed down through the boards. I remember Intel saying they saved a ton of money by using TIM over solder. And I'm super doubtful that broadwell will work on Z97 considering they have already run 2 cycles of CPU on this socket. Broadwell should be a new architecture which usually means a new socket.


Sorry to totally lower the tone of the thread but I want to pick up a cheap machine for my other half to replace our now defunct desktop and have little to no consumer hardware knowledge anymore...

She basically:

- watches streaming TV (Netflix, iPlayer, NowTV);
- skypes;
- plays app store type games (nothing more demanding than Minecraft (unmodded);
- browses the internet;
- occasional Office/home accounting stuff.

Will an AMD A6-5200 APU be up to the job?

Thanks in advance for any replies/help.


1. No, not really partial to either. Only game that I can remember using PhysX in a meaningful way that I played in the last few years was Arkham City. It seems just new EA games are supporting Mantle for now, so I'm not too sure how big its going to get in the future.

2. Yes, I meant the non reference cards. Good to hear those run cooler if I decide to go that route.

3.It wouldn't be out of my budget, but from what I've read spending extra for 4 GB of VRAM when I'm just going 1080p seems like overkill. If I was running multiple monitors or had a high resolution monitor I would probably go that route though. No plans at this point though.

Also saw the list of AMD games and I either have them or I'm not interested (Battlefield 4, Thief).
You definitely want to upgrade before Watch Dogs is released? I'm only the slightest bit reluctant to recommend the standard 770 as some games are close to pushing the borders of its VRAM capacity (modded Skyrim, for example, can be an issue). That and the 280X can be had for cheaper (balancing out even with the Watch Dogs bundle). The XFX model has a $20 rebate last I checked bringing its total final price to $279 and you could probably sell the game bundle. They're both great cards, of course, and I'd probably recommend looking into the 290 before a 4GB 770 right now, but I would pick a non-reference 280X over the 770 if overall price difference with all things accounted for is miniscule either way and Nvidia features are not a factor. Either choice should be fine however, but people will have differing opinions on VRAM amount.

Edit: Newegg link if you're in the U.S. - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150678


So recently my motherboard shutdown and would not power on again. I RMAd the board and got it repaired. The repaired board worked for awhile but the pc would randomly shutoff. Finally it shut down and would not power on again. I got a new motherboard today after giving up on the old one but the new board is not working either. When I power the board on the cpu fan spins for a second then shuts off. Could the new board be defective? Or could it be a cpu or ram problem now?(keeping in mind I've had the cpu and ram working fine well before the first problem board)
UPDATE: I received a new asus motherboard with led indicators. I have the same problem noted in the quotes. The led for sbpwr is lit solid with none of the other LEDs lit

Replacement board yields same result. Must be CPU issue? I verified that the RAM is ok.
I'm out of any other ideas unless someone can help.
Last Update hopefully
The replacement CPU seems to have fixed everything. I have the pc running again for now. The CPU must have been damaged by the faulty board.

Thank you Hazaro for the help. I should probably do a memtest on the ram still just in case


Did some more research on stability testing. Still planning on using Prime95 like was mentioned before, but I'm curious what everyone thinks of IntelBurnTest and LinX. Also curious what people's takes are on stability testing the GPU and CPU simultaneously and what they recommend for GPU stability testing.


Supply has probably waaaaaay overtaken demand.

Indeed I'm still holding out, 5 months from now I'm expecting it to be quite cheap.
Thats whats funny about this kind of product, it may be on sale now but it will only get cheaper.

Side note: does that 290 have any cooling issues, i was looking at the sapphire one with like 3 fans on. But its like $70 bucks more than that. But if its got the better cooling its worth it.


Right, so I'm almost all set for a new PC build to replace my aging (and huge) Fractal R3 tower. I'm hoping to be able use this as both a HTPC/Games machine/general purpose windows box.

Two things are still worrying me with regards to connecting to my TV though -

1. I've got a nice Panny plasma, but it has no options for setting RGB input to full, only limited. Is this likely to be a problem?

2. I route everything at the moment through a Marantz 5.1 AV amp. Can modern GPUs run 5.1 audio over HDMI, or will I have to run a separate SPDIF from the sound card to the amp? Is this likely to cause problems?


All right, I don't want to overclock, so I'll get the regular 4790 chip. And if the H97 motherboards are better for not overclocking, is there a recommended model? Would the Gigabyte GA-H97-D3H work? It seems like a good one to me, but if there's a better one, I'll get that.


Indeed I'm still holding out, 5 months from now I'm expecting it to be quite cheap.
Thats whats funny about this kind of product, it may be on sale now but it will only get cheaper.

Side note: does that 290 have any cooling issues, i was looking at the sapphire one with like 3 fans on. But its like $70 bucks more than that. But if its got the better cooling its worth it.

According to this review, the XFX version actually cools even better (at their stock fan profiles) than the Sapphire Tri-X, but it also gets a bit louder.


Right, so I'm almost all set for a new PC build to replace my aging (and huge) Fractal R3 tower. I'm hoping to be able use this as both a HTPC/Games machine/general purpose windows box.

Two things are still worrying me with regards to connecting to my TV though -

1. I've got a nice Panny plasma, but it has no options for setting RGB input to full, only limited. Is this likely to be a problem?

2. I route everything at the moment through a Marantz 5.1 AV amp. Can modern GPUs run 5.1 audio over HDMI, or will I have to run a separate SPDIF from the sound card to the amp? Is this likely to cause problems?

1) I think Panny and Samsung don't label RGB setting explicitly as RGB settings in their menus. I think they're labeled as "Black Level" menu items or something. Do a google search on AVSforum or something (and I'm sure someone here with a Panny can tell you, I have a Pioneer which DOES say RGB explicitly).

In any case, if you have a Nvidia card there's no explicit Nvidia Control Panel setting to set the HDMI output RGB range. The setting for RGB output in the Nvidia CC is only for video playback and not desktop/graphics rendering. Why Nvidia hasn't fixed this yet is beyond me. There's a utility I use that automates editing the registry to enable full RGB after the drivers are installed. You can get it here:


You need to run this and retoggle RGB full every time you install a new driver version as far as I can tell (but perhaps that's just because I do a clean install each time).

2) All modern cards can run 5.1 audio via their HDMI outputs as far as I know. I have shortcuts on my desktop to switch between my main computer monitor and plasma tv, but unfortunately I can't get switching between my desktop audio card and the HDMI audio output to automate. I always have to go into Windows audio settings and change the audio output device manually when I switch back and forth. A bit annoying, but not a deal breaker - though it would be nice to find a solution.

Going back to your first question, you'll also want to check your Marantz's settings and see if it needs to be set explicitly to properly pass RGB Full if you switch everything to RGB full. My Denon receiver (about three years old now) has to be told whether inputs are RGB full or limited, and it's a global and either/or setting which is annoying (ie. this means need EVERYTHING connected to it via HDMI - PC, PS3, PS4 - to be set to full RGB even when I'd prefer limited on the PS3). Newer AV receivers may be better about this so you may have more options.


Hey guys, I was going to get a laptop that would serve a dual purpose of letting me game and do schoolwork, but its not working well within my budget so I was thinking I'd get a desktop and laptop combo instead. I'm mainly here for the desktop portion.

My current desktop specs:
Power supply(I have the 600 watt according to order history on Newegg)
DVD Drive

I'm thinking I can keep the DVD drive and the Power Supply from the old machine to the new.

Budget: 1000 or so. USA
Main Use: Gaming, Schoolwork(Programming)/General usage
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080(32 inch tv)
When will you build? Hopefully next week
Do you have a deadline? No

Will you be overclocking?: Maybe(YES)

Mostly I want to be able to run games relatively well. May have a bigger budget, but not sure yet.


1) I think Panny and Samsung don't label RGB setting explicitly as RGB settings in their menus. I think they're labeled as "Black Level" menu items or something. Do a google search on AVSforum or something (and I'm sure someone here with a Panny can tell you, I have a Pioneer which DOES say RGB explicitly).

In any case, if you have a Nvidia card there's no explicit Nvidia Control Panel setting to set the HDMI output RGB range. The setting for RGB output in the Nvidia CC is only for video playback and not desktop/graphics rendering. Why Nvidia hasn't fixed this yet is beyond me. There's a utility I use that automates editing the registry to enable full RGB after the drivers are installed. You can get it here:


You need to run this and retoggle RGB full every time you install a new driver version as far as I can tell (but perhaps that's just because I do a clean install each time).

2) All modern cards can run 5.1 audio via their HDMI outputs as far as I know. I have shortcuts on my desktop to switch between my main computer monitor and plasma tv, but unfortunately I can't get switching between my desktop audio card and the HDMI audio output to automate. I always have to go into Windows audio settings and change the audio output device manually when I switch back and forth. A bit annoying, but not a deal breaker - though it would be nice to find a solution.

Going back to your first question, you'll also want to check your Marantz's settings and see if it needs to be set explicitly to properly pass RGB Full if you switch everything to RGB full. My Denon receiver (about three years old now) has to be told whether inputs are RGB full or limited, and it's a global and either/or setting which is annoying (ie. this means need EVERYTHING connected to it via HDMI - PC, PS3, PS4 - to be set to full RGB even when I'd prefer limited on the PS3). Newer AV receivers may be better about this so you may have more options.

Great info, thanks. Just to clarify though, I think it's Limited I want to be able to set my PC to (if possible), rather than full range.

Actually it might be a moot point anyway - just searched the manual for black level and found this -

Changes the black level of the image for HDMI input mode with DVI input signal
manually [Normal] / [Full]
● When the DVI input signal from the external equipment (especially from PC) is
displayed, the black level may not be suitable. In this case, select [Full].
● The black level for HDMI input signal will be adjusted automatically.
● For HDMI input mode with DVI input signal


Hey guys, I was going to get a laptop that would serve a dual purpose of letting me game and do schoolwork, but its not working well within my budget so I was thinking I'd get a desktop and laptop combo instead. I'm mainly here for the desktop portion.

My current desktop specs:
Power supply(I have the 600 watt according to order history on Newegg)
DVD Drive

I'm thinking I can keep the DVD drive and the Power Supply from the old machine to the new.

Budget: 1000 or so. USA
Main Use: Gaming, Schoolwork(Programming)/General usage
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080(32 inch tv)
When will you build? Hopefully next week
Do you have a deadline? No

Will you be overclocking?: Maybe(YES)

Mostly I want to be able to run games relatively well. May have a bigger budget, but not sure yet.

You could keep your RAM too. What about your HDD?

Programming wise, is the software you use RAM intensive?

Could start here for instance http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3OQ35 Room in your budget too if you would prefer a modular PSU.


Oh thats cool, thanks

When i look at the same card on new egg i see multiple version of the XFX 290 but i cant see whats actually different except that one is more expensive...

The more expensive one is the black edition. It's the same thing, but comes clocked a bit higher out of the box.


So overclocking my 4670k, have no problems running prime 95 upto 4.1 GHz, above that and the temps go 80degs +, which is too high? I don't know.

My OC involves just sliding the multiplier to 41, what else can I do to get it higher?

Also, memory speeds. As I have 1866 mem do I just set that as1.866 in Bios, or should I go lower, currently at 1333 I think?

Btw this thread is great.


So overclocking my 4670k, have no problems running prime 95 upto 4.1 GHz, above that and the temps go 80degs +, which is too high? I don't know.

My OC involves just sliding the multiplier to 41, what else can I do to get it higher?

Also, memory speeds. As I have 1866 mem do I just set that as1.866 in Bios, or should I go lower, currently at 1333 I think?

Btw this thread is great.

80-85c is as high as you want to go.

To get it higher you can play with the voltage too.

Have a read at this http://www.overclock.net/t/1411077/haswell-overclocking-guide-with-statistics

If your memory is XMP enabled you can just enable that in the UEFI.


So overclocking my 4670k, have no problems running prime 95 upto 4.1 GHz, above that and the temps go 80degs +, which is too high? I don't know.

My OC involves just sliding the multiplier to 41, what else can I do to get it higher?

Also, memory speeds. As I have 1866 mem do I just set that as1.866 in Bios, or should I go lower, currently at 1333 I think?

Btw this thread is great.
80 degrees is pretty normal for Haswell. Try increasing the volts, as well as setting "Load Line Calibration" to high or extreme. That should give you enough for 4.2 to 4.3 GHz. 90s are even okay for Prime 95. Gaming temperatures are going to be much much lower.

For your memory, just enable XMP in the memory settings.

*edit* So beat, but Kharma can't handle the spice. :p
Hey I have a few questions about setting up 3 monitors since I never did it before. On my computer I have a HD 7970 card and I am using both DVI slots to connect to my 2 monitors. I wanted to hook up my computer to my tv next to it and use it as a 3rd monitor. I thought I could just hook up a hdmi cord and plug it into my tv but it won't let me. After searching the web I discover I need an display port. It has to be an active and not a passive display port right? Does it matter if it has a hdmi, Dvi end? And if I get the active display port with dvi, I can use the hdmi port on my video are as well?


Hey I have a few questions about setting up 3 monitors since I never did it before. On my computer I have a HD 7970 card and I am using both DVI slots to connect to my 2 monitors. I wanted to hook up my computer to my tv next to it and use it as a 3rd monitor. I thought I could just hook up a hdmi cord and plug it into my tv but it won't let me. After searching the web I discover I need an display port. It has to be an active and not a passive display port right? Does it matter if it has a hdmi, Dvi end? And if I get the active display port with dvi, I can use the hdmi port on my video are as well?
Any adapter dongle should do the trick. Your video card probably came with one. You only need the active dongle if you want 120Hz or higher res. For 60Hz/1080p, a passive works just fine. I've used passive adapters for both DVI and HDMI connections off of various 7970s.
Any adapter dongle should do the trick. Your video card probably came with one. You only need the active dongle if you want 120Hz or higher res. For 60Hz/1080p, a passive works just fine. I've used passive adapters for both DVI and HDMI connections off of various 7970s.
Thanks! My tv is 1080p/120 Hz, would this matter if I just get a passive adapter? And this is for 3 monitors right? Just want to confirm since I thought I could just get a hdmi and plug it in :p


Yup, they're all 60Hz. There isn't a TV in existence that actually takes a 120Hz signal natively.

Not necessarily true. There's a handful of TVs that will take 120Hz input with a bit of fussing, and a good dela more that will do it with some forcing from the driver side of the PC.

The new Vizio P Series will accept 120Hz inputs over HDMI natively with no hassle.


Not necessarily true. There's a handful of TVs that will take 120Hz input with a bit of fussing, and a good dela more that will do it with some forcing from the driver side of the PC.

The new Vizio P Series will accept 120Hz inputs over HDMI natively with no hassle.
Notice I said natively : P


Wait wait, HDMI spec 1.3 does not support 120hz/1080p. You sure about this on the Vizio?


NoRéN;113016469 said:
GPU wise, what the next logical step from a 680 4gb? Don't care about teams, just about reliability and price.

I don't know any unreliable GPUs. If it's faulty, get it replaced. What's your budget?


Am I right in thinking that stock cooler is fine for i5 haswell if I've no intention of OCing? This would be for a SFF case, so need to keep the heat down.


NoRéN;113016469 said:
GPU wise, what the next logical step from a 680 4gb? Don't care about teams, just about reliability and price.

I believe the 770 is a rebranded 680, so anything higher (780, 780Ti, etc) would be a step up. I think you are better off waiting for the next-gen though.

Am I right in thinking that stock cooler is fine for i5 haswell if I've no intention of OCing? This would be for a SFF case, so need to keep the heat down.

Cooling wise, I'd say it's fine because otherwise they wouldn't give it to you. After-market HSFs are only for overclockers.

Noise is another factor though...I doubt the stock HSF is loud at all, but if you really wanted something quieter, there are some better options.


NoRéN;113016469 said:
GPU wise, what the next logical step from a 680 4gb? Don't care about teams, just about reliability and price.

A 780 will give you (roughly) a 30% boost in real-world, average fps; the Ti is closer to 50%.

Most modern games have better SLI scaling than that so you're probably better off tracking down another 680 if your system can handle it.

Honestly, just tough it out until Maxwell.
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