Holy crap I just put my first build ever together and it all turned on and worked out right on the first try. God damn, it felt awesome. I expected at least the LEDs on the case to be plugged in wrong or something considering that I pretty much just skimmed the documentation, but everything's fine so far. Hardest part was actually installing the heatsink due to absolutely abysmal documentation. And god damn, SSDs are absolutely magical. Have a second internal hard drive formatting right now, so fingers crossed for that. I feel like I'm doing something wrong because I read so much about BIOS configuration and all that stuff, but I basically just plugged in my SSD, installed Windows, cracked the case back open and plugged in the mechanical drive, and now it's formatting.
Also, I think 60 FPS makes me motion sick
Booted up some Nosgoth to try out the 280 (was going to get a 280x but Microcenter had a 280 on clearance for $200 and I figure I'll just do some over clocking to bring it as close as possible), and it's toooooo fast. Gotta over clock the 2500k that I'm recycling too.
Also, cable management is an art that I am so heinously far from mastering. It looks like a jungle in there.