Haha, nothx. I have all these blocks and like 20' of EK ZMT and fittings.I don't get it. There are too many holes in it to fill it up with mineral oil
Haha, nothx. I have all these blocks and like 20' of EK ZMT and fittings.I don't get it. There are too many holes in it to fill it up with mineral oil
Haha, nothx. I have all these blocks and like 20' of EK ZMT and fittings.
No return to Green!?!?!? Gonna divorce Gigabyte for this.
Ok GAF, what is the ultimate GPU OC stability test? Got the very rare crash on W3 and would like to verify if it is the game or my card.
So I'm just wondering if anyone can shed light on Intel's current part-naming conventions.
Looking at the various Iris Pro 6200 processors here: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015...ore-broadwell-cpus-and-the-iris-pro-6200-gpu/
...I'll be damned if I can understand the difference between the C-series and R-series processor (the i5-5675R vs. the i5-5675C). Can anyone enlighten me?
As always with a Windows PC, I'm mainly just kicking tires, but I'm kind of intrigued by what the Iris 6200 has to offer -- namely that I should be able to get solid performance for a bunch of stuff in my Steam library (old stuff like Company of Heroes, etc.) and probably passable performance for even some recent stuff.
I know this path may be heresy to serious PC gamers, but the theory is I'll update to a newer discrete card, when budget permits and technology suggests it's time.
I guess my biggest concern is that I'm reluctant to buy what appears to be one of the last LGA1150 processors.
My HTPC that's been chugging along the last +3years finally died on me last night, so looking at what parts I can salvage and at the same time upgrade - the mobo is DEAD sadly...
The components which I reckon are still working are:
- Fractal Design Node 304 Mini ITX DTX Case USB3.0
- Silverstone Strider Plus 600W ST60F-P
- G.Skill Ares F3-1600C9D-8GAO 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3
I've got the following spare parts kicking around that I would be keen to use, but obviously would require a small ATX formfactor case which I dont have...
- ASRock Z87 Extreme4 Motherboard
- Intel Core i5 4670
- Galaxy GeForce GTX 760 2GB
Anyway, looking for suggestions - I'm based on Australia so that likely doesnt help what parts are available. The HTPC is used primarily for streaming/connecting to home network/watching movies/tv + i do use it as a gaming pc on the big screen so need to have that option (high def).
I was looking at the Asus Maximus VII Mini ITX mobo aswell as the Asus Strix 960 Mini graphics card; but very quickly that pushes the price up to $700...like I said open to options.
Ideally if I upgrade this for AUD$500 ish then thats my best result.
Anyone know what fans these are? I want that sleeving
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i3-4150 3.5GHz Dual-Core Processor ($118.00 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: ASRock H97M PRO4 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($76.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($53.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($52.99 @ Newegg)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 2GB SuperSC ACX 2.0+ Video Card ($209.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Cooler Master N200 MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($44.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Corsair CX 430W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($14.99 @ Newegg)
Monitor: Acer H226HQLbid 60Hz 21.5" Monitor ($119.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $741.91
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-06-03 23:27 EDT-0400
Is that the i5 4670 or the i5 4670K? In either case, if you're not planning to do any overclocking, you could find a cheaper mITX H81 or B85 motherboard to use in your build with the i5 processor. No need to go overboard with the expensive gamer-oriented motherboards. Then you could reuse the Fractal case.
If you don't mind the larger size, the cheapest option would be to buy an ATX size case and throw all the parts in.
Reusing your GTX 760 is an option.. I think the GTX 960 is only a slight performance improvement over the GTX 760 but does offer lower heat, noise, and power use.
Okay, so what do people think of this for a decent gaming PC for my GF's dad?
The actual total comes to about $730, and we can probably sell the Arkham Knight code for around $20, so $710 in the end, excluding potential rebates.
I was trying to keep the price of the PC itself below $600, excluding the monitor, so I really can't go any higher than this.
He needs the new monitor because he's currently using a CRT that can't hook up to the video card without a converter, and I need to keep the DVD drive in, or he'll be sad.
I'd like to get an SSD, but I feel like I'd need at least a 250gb (which would be in the $80 range), and I doubt he really cares or would notice the difference that much, so I'm going for the $50 regular 1TB drive.
Anyway, it's only my second time building a PC, so I just thought I'd ask and also see if there were any glaring compatibility issues. Thanks for any help/suggestions!
Question: I recently upgraded my GPU, but whenever I play any games, it makes this buzzing noise from speakers/headphones. But the weird thing is, the buzzing noise disspears when I do anything else on the computer, like watching movie, listening to music or anything. It only makes that sound whenever I play games.
Yeah, those are the EK fans meant to be pseudo-GT replacements.
If you want to buy 4k monitors, with G-Syns, which one to get? I am looking to buy two, one to surf on one to game on.
EDIT: I have a 780 GPU right now, so I wont be able to game in 4k, but looking to upgrade to something more powerful soon.
The article you linked to says the R series processors "are BGA CPUs that will be soldered directly to the motherboard" and cannot be removed or upgraded. BGA means ball grid array and is a method of soldering parts onto a circuit board.
its the i5 4670 (not overclock).
I think my best option is to find a flat (horizontal) case that takes ATX and I simply shove all the existing components into that - any recommendations? Reason being i have a gap of around 300-350mm height under my tv that I use...so would rather keep that setup.
Question: I recently upgraded my GPU, but whenever I play any games, it makes this buzzing noise from speakers/headphones. But the weird thing is, the buzzing noise disspears when I do anything else on the computer, like watching movie, listening to music or anything. It only makes that sound whenever I play games.
Okay, so what do people think of this for a decent gaming PC for my GF's dad?
The actual total comes to about $730, and we can probably sell the Arkham Knight code for around $20, so $710 in the end, excluding potential rebates.
I was trying to keep the price of the PC itself below $600, excluding the monitor, so I really can't go any higher than this.
He needs the new monitor because he's currently using a CRT that can't hook up to the video card without a converter, and I need to keep the DVD drive in, or he'll be sad.
I'd like to get an SSD, but I feel like I'd need at least a 250gb (which would be in the $80 range), and I doubt he really cares or would notice the difference that much, so I'm going for the $50 regular 1TB drive.
Anyway, it's only my second time building a PC, so I just thought I'd ask and also see if there were any glaring compatibility issues. Thanks for any help/suggestions!
It probably is, but does the coil whine noise also play though speaker?It's not coil whine, is it? I have no idea.
It probably is, but does the coil whine noise also play though speaker?
It probably is, but does the coil whine noise also play though speaker?
So is it the mobo's problem or the gpu? Because I can hear the coil whine from my pc, but the sound isn't all that loud and doesn't bothers me as much, but the stupid coil whine sound that plays through my headphone whenever I play games is bugging the hell out of me.I have the same issue. It's an EMI problem. I'm missing one stand off on my mobo so I'm assuming it's that. I'm getting my new card and gonna put one in. I hope to god it fixes it. It did not have this issue with my old mobo.
Motherboard SATA set to AHCI mode in BIOS settings?Hey so I recently upgraded my PC to a motherboard that actually has sata 3 and my SSD write speeds seem a bit slow, is there anything that could cause this? I've tried pretty much everything I can think of, different Intel RST drivers, all the different sata ports on my motherboard, disabling/enabling write caching etc
It's a Samsung 830 128GB on a Z97X-UD5H
Any help would be appreciated.
Motherboard SATA set to AHCI mode in BIOS settings?
So is it the mobo's problem or the gpu? Because I can hear the coil whine from my pc, but the sound isn't all that loud and doesn't bothers me as much, but the stupid coil whine sound that plays through my headphone whenever I play games is bugging the hell out of me.
I was wondering if anyone could help me with a question?
I'm a first timer starting the process of building a PC, and have ordered a NZXT Source 210 case, which seems to be a well reviewed case for a budget build.
My issue is that on PC Parts Picker I'm getting a message that the motherboard I picked has an onboard USB 3.0 header, but my case does not have front panel USB 3.0 ports.
Does this mean that the USB ports on the front of the case are 2.0? Will I still be able to hook them up for use, or are they not compatible?
Yep, I also run Samsung Magician and everything was reported fine.
EDIT: my write speeds were actually faster on my old P55 sata 2 motherboard, haha
I was wondering if anyone could help me with a question?
I'm a first timer starting the process of building a PC, and have ordered a NZXT Source 210 case, which seems to be a well reviewed case for a budget build.
My issue is that on PC Parts Picker I'm getting a message that the motherboard I picked has an onboard USB 3.0 header, but my case does not have front panel USB 3.0 ports.
Does this mean that the USB ports on the front of the case are 2.0? Will I still be able to hook them up for use, or are they not compatible?
Google forcetrim.exe and run that.
Speeds dont look that bad to me, 4K read is a little low, i would expect about 25MB/s.
I would also uninstall the Intel SATA drivers and use the default Microsoft drivers. You can do that in device manager, just uninstall the SATA driver.
USB 3.0 is backwards compatible with USB 2.0 devices.
If you hook up your case to the USB 3.0 slots you will be able to plug in USB 2.0 and 3.0 devices but 3.0 devices will not work at full 3.0 speed.
If you want to game on your PC anytime this year, buy now (after June 16th for any possible price cuts).
Otherwise, 14nm is scheduled for next year and should hopefully bring more advancements along with DX12 and Vulkan.
Ran forcetrim and still had the same results. I'll try the default drivers now.
I should be getting around 300-400MB/s write speeds with this drive from what I've seen elsewhere.
EDIT: Default drivers have slightly better performance but not by much.
In terms of gaming does it matter? I'm trying to think of what I might use the USB ports for. Worth canceling my case order over?
Question: I recently upgraded my GPU, but whenever I play any games, it makes this buzzing noise from speakers/headphones. But the weird thing is, the buzzing noise disspears when I do anything else on the computer, like watching movie, listening to music or anything. It only makes that sound whenever I play games.
Bleh. So I was planning on upgrading my RAM and it turns out that my motherboard only supports up to DDR2 (what lmao) so I'm looking for a new, cheap-ish motherboard. I'd like to keep everything else for now. I already ordered the RAM as well, I thought it would be DDR3 compatible.
These are my specs:
- AMD Athlon II X3 425
- GeForce GTS 250 1GB
- 3GB DDR2 RAM (currently, ordered 8GB DDR3)
UK btw. If I change motherboard, what else do I have to change (power supply, etc)? Sorry and thanks for all the help, I'm really new to this.![]()
Thanks!You will have to make sure the motherboard you get is compatible with your current processor. Other then that motherboards have standardised inputs so you'll be fine in terms of RAM, power supply, etc.
I would recommend upgrading your processor along with your motherboard though.
Thanks!it's mostly just for older games (2011 backwards) and for Unreal and Maya for uni work, so the processor doesn't seem to be too much of an issue at the moment. But if it does become one I'll check some out
GAF, got a difficult decision here. I'm getting a new GPU, and I've got about £280 to spend. I was initially going for this card, the MSI NVIDIA GTX 970 Gaming Twin Frozr.
But then a mate told me about this card; the ASUS Radeon R9 290X DirectCU II, which happens to be a fair bit cheaper...
I can't decide which card to get, really. I do like the nvidia features and that, but the price of the AMD card... Any thoughts?