Complete and utter newbie here looking for advice/direction (most of the talk in this thread is like a foreign language to me).
We do very little PC gaming, I play Diablo 3 and the wife plays Minecraft. Would like to be able to run things a bit more intensive but nothing crazy, just looking to maybe play things like Legend of Grimrock, Ys, Divinity Original Sin etc. Stuff doesn't have to look amazing, as long as it runs well (to be honest we mostly play games on console). Currently just have a super old desktop that she plays Minecraft on that runs poorly, then I had an old ASUS G50V laptop which ran Diablo 3 fine which is all I cared about, but the videocard has died on it finally. We've been wanting to build a PC for while but have been lazy about it plus I have an irrational fear of building a PC since I'm afraid I'll get incompatible parts or mess something up. I actually took that laptop apart a while ago and redid the thermal paste on the heatsinks which a friend tells me is as hard or harder than anything I'd do actually putting a PC together so figure I will try to give this a go.
The laptop dying was unexpected so not much of a budget. Long-term I want to build a better one, but short-term looking for a cheap one I can put together which can then be the secondary PC for Minecraft or whatever later. I know very little about any of this, so I tried to replicate Hazaro's budget build using the site to get a feel for things, there's some things I wasn't sure or clear about though.
First the build is here (I copied Hazaro's as well as I could):
Motherboard: I wanted to go with the ASRock H97M, but on partpicker the listing for just "ASRock H97M" has no reviews which strikes me as odd, and then I also see listings for H97M PRO4, ITX/AC and Anniversary two of which have a ton of ratings so I wasn't sure which one I should be looking at?
RAM: The guide says to avoid picking RAM with tall fins, but how would I tell that? I went with the RAM that had the most high ratings while meeting the 1866/1.5 requirements, there seems to be a ton of different options all within a very small price range so I'm not sure how much of a difference this even makes?
Graphics: No idea if brand matters here? Picked the card with the highest rating under R7 265 2GB, they were all about the same price.
Expansion Cards/Networking: If I'm looking at the motherboard correctly it has 1 ethernet port on it correct? So if I only need one ethernet port I would only need to get a wireless network adapter if I wanted to go wireless on the PC correct?
Assuming my parts are good I'm still open to any suggestions, or if anyone can vouch for this machine being able to run something like Diablo 3, Minecraft, Divinity, Street Fighter 4 (and 5, but don't know that we know enough about that one yet to make an educated guess spec-wise?) etc. Off the top of my head Divinity is probably the most intensive thing I'd run on it; more power/options are obviously great, but I'm not looking or wanting to max out Crisis or Skyrim with mods etc. Already have a monitor and legit copy of Windows 7 etc.