Had a fun day upgrading my CPU in my desktop:
The photo's slightly out of focus, but that's my old Pentium G3258 on the left and the Core i7 4770K on the right that I'm replacing it with.
I had been putting off installing it for a little while because I knew it would take a while (I'm using a Fractal Core 304 and everything's squeezed very tight in there), but I just got Watch Dogs 2 for cheap and it won't run at all on the G3258, so I figured it was finally time to get the upgrade done. As expected, the process of disassembling the PC, installing the new CPU and re-assembling it took basically the entire afternoon. Unfortunately, once I finally finished, I had to deal with the following:
- First attempt to boot, doesn't post. DRAM LED on motherboard solid red.
- Re-set both RAM modules. Still doesn't post. LED solid red.
- Use memory test button on motherboard. LED turns on and off a few times, then solid red. Doesn't post.
- Test with RAM module 1 in slot A. LED solid red. Doesn't post.
- Test with RAM module 1 in slot B. LED solid red. Doesn't post.
- Test with RAM module 2 in slot A. LED solid red. Doesn't post.
- Test with RAM module 2 in slot B. LED red for a second... then system boots.
It seems like an issue with the motherboard (if RAM module 2 is good it should work in either slot), but I'm going to test out the RAM on a friend's PC first, as it's a quicker test than replacing the motherboard. Fortunately both mobo and RAM are in warranty, so if necessary I could RMA either or both, but I'm hoping it's just the RAM, as I'm not too eager to spend another day tearing my PC down and rebuilding it (although even replacing RAM sticks is quite a hassle, all that testing above was pretty laborious). I've also had an intermittent problem recently where the computer will hang, although it's so rare it's hard to diagnose (and I figured I may as well wait until the new CPU is installed beforehand), but I'm guessing it's the same mobo/RAM issue.
At least the system is booting and running fine with the single stick of RAM, and the CPU seems to be working fine. Frustratingly, though, even though I now have a sufficient CPU to run Watch Dogs 2, I'm now below the minimum spec on RAM, as I've only got 4GB with the second stick removed.