Thought I'd log in for the first time in forever to comment.
I'm personally looking forward to AC:Shadows, the gameplay looks like a great improvement from other games.
It's incredibly sad/odd how much hatred for this game people has built up, why did non off the other AC games not get hate for the fiction/historical inaccuracies?
You would think the prior games were shining beacons of historical accuracy with the amount of hate shadows is getting....
Anyway, I think people need to focus more on the games they like and are actually interested in, rather than sitting online all the time, being miserable and telling everyone they must hate X or y game, honestly it killed my desire to log in and engage with neogaf and I use to absolutely love this place.
No shade at any of the users I did enjoy engaging with though, they are still awesome.
Anyway I'm off to carry on enjoying the awesome La Noire, surprised it took me this long to get round too it!
I'm personally looking forward to AC:Shadows, the gameplay looks like a great improvement from other games.
It's incredibly sad/odd how much hatred for this game people has built up, why did non off the other AC games not get hate for the fiction/historical inaccuracies?
You would think the prior games were shining beacons of historical accuracy with the amount of hate shadows is getting....
Anyway, I think people need to focus more on the games they like and are actually interested in, rather than sitting online all the time, being miserable and telling everyone they must hate X or y game, honestly it killed my desire to log in and engage with neogaf and I use to absolutely love this place.
No shade at any of the users I did enjoy engaging with though, they are still awesome.

Anyway I'm off to carry on enjoying the awesome La Noire, surprised it took me this long to get round too it!