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If you're a UK buyer of the PS5 Pro


Did you receive an email confirmation?

I pre-ordered from the Sony store on the morning they went on sale and I got a 'Order placed successfully' message and an order no...

But so far, no email confirmation which seems odd. Anyone else in my position?


Did you receive an email confirmation?

I pre-ordered from the Sony store on the morning they went on sale and I got a 'Order placed successfully' message and an order no...

But so far, no email confirmation which seems odd. Anyone else in my position?
Check your spam folder, might be there (was for me).

I don't think it's a big deal tbh, as long it's showing in your account preordered your probably gonna get it, as it's not gonna be scalped or stay sold out for that long.
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Gold Member
There was a few hours delay for me between placing the order and receiving an email. The only email you should've got was the 'Thank You For Your Order' one. Once they ship it they'll charge your account and send a shipping confirmation email.


Did you receive an email confirmation?

I pre-ordered from the Sony store on the morning they went on sale and I got a 'Order placed successfully' message and an order no...

But so far, no email confirmation which seems odd. Anyone else in my position?
Yeah I received one, but as others have mentioned it was in my spam folder


I’m in the US, but I never got order confirmed e-mails for the Pro or the Disc Drive and Vertical stand. I did get an order shipped e-mail for the drive and stand and received them a couple days after that.

I was surprised I got the shipping e-mail as I never seem to get e-mails from Sony, be it order confirmations, shipping or PS Blog e-mails I’m signed up for. They stopped coming through to my Hotmail address a few years back, aren’t in spam folder etc.

In any case, I wouldn’t worry about it. As long as the order shows in your order history on the website you’re good and likely your e-mail provider is just blocking most Sony e-mails for some reason.
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