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IGN give Hot Shots Golf: Fore a ....


palindrome - A word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward. For example: A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!

Firefox's Dictionary.com Extension? Kicks ass.

I really wish, though, that they would have made the definition of a palindrome...an actual palindrome...if you know what I mean.


Bob by Weird Al Yankovic

I, man, am regal - a German am I
Never odd or even
If I had a hi-fi
Madam, I'm Adam
Too hot to hoot
No lemons, no melon
Too bad I hid a boot
Lisa Bonet ate no basil
Warsaw was raw
Was it a car or a cat I saw?

Rise to vote, sir
Do geese see God?
"Do nine men interpret?" "Nine men," I nod
Rats live on no evil star
Won't lovers revolt now?
Race fast, safe car
Pa's a sap
Ma is as selfless as I am
May a moody baby doom a yam?

Ah, Satan sees Natasha
No devil lived on
Lonely Tylenol
Not a banana baton
No "x" in "Nixon"
O, stone, be not so
O Geronimo, no minor ego
"Naomi," I moan
"A Toyota's a Toyota"
A dog, a panic in a pagoda

Oh no! Don Ho!
Nurse, I spy gypsies - run!
Senile felines
Now I see bees I won
UFO tofu
We panic in a pew
Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo
God! A red nugget! A fat egg under a dog!
Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog.

Palindrome heaven.


Teddman said:
Bah, so it turns out there's no voice chat in the game's online mode after all. BOO!

That's good. I don't want my ear to hurt from hearing "FUCK YOU, how do you keep winning?" and stuff. :p


bjork said:
That's good. I don't want my ear to hurt from hearing "FUCK YOU, how do you keep winning?" and stuff. :p
Well, you could always just not use the headset. It would have been a great feature for playing with my old buddies across the country.

Now I'll have to use my free night/weekend minutes and a cell phone headset instead.


works for Gamestop (lol)
If they did have headset support, I'm sure it would only work for the 4 player games. Having headset support for those real time tournaments (up to 50 players, or apparantly 32 players in IGN's review) wouldn't be feasible. But still, the game should have had some type of voice chat. I was disappointed by this as well


works for Gamestop (lol)
bjork said:
I'm there to finish some number under par, not talk.

Well you better be prepared to chat between rounds, or have something to do while waiting for other people to finish. The wait time between rounds is so long. I found myself waiting in between rounds more than actual play time during the beta
I was in the beta, and enjoyed it for a short time, until all of the waiting and shitty chat boxes got on my nerves, along with the terrible method of finding games and individual players. I play fast, and would find myself waiting for 20 seconds sometimes just for the next player to finish the hole.

I'll still get this for the offline.


ZootedGranny said:
I was in the beta, and enjoyed it for a short time, until all of the waiting and shitty chat boxes got on my nerves, along with the terrible method of finding games and individual players.
Can you elaborate on the method of finding individual players? Is it really a pain?

My #1 reason for getting online is to play with a couple friends across the country who are big Hot Shots fans.

Also, can you have multiple people play from one location online? Like two people on one PS2 vs. another friend online?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Teddman said:
Can you elaborate on the method of finding individual players? Is it really a pain?

The online infustructure is pretty crappy. There's no buddy list whatsoever. I'm not even sure if you can search for individual players. I never really tried it during the beta actually. I think it only allows you to search for the name of rooms/games, but I may be wrong. Not to mention you can't even see who's online before entering in a game. My memory is a bit off though so I'm not sure if I'm completely right

Also, can you have multiple people play from one location online? Like two people on one PS2 vs. another friend online?

I don't think so. 1 player per PS2 from what I could tell


The EGM reviewers moan at lack of analog swing and the game being too easy (Patrick 7.0). The scoring between holes in online play slows the pace of the game drastically (Dan L 8.5). The game is too similar to previous games in the series unlike Tiger which is making major strides every year, (6.5 Joe OPS Mag).


hyperbolically metafictive
sign of impending apocalypse: game reviewers have been conditioned to enjoy ea's style of drek, and have even come to expect it in other games. i liked it better when they shilled for nintendo. and i didn't like that at all.

tiger woods is garbage. the mechanics are easily exhausted; there's nothing under the surface complexity. minna no golf is sublime. its crystalline simplicity belies considerable depth. i expect it's only superficially marred by scea's pointlessly, charmlessly localized characters.

Musashi Wins!

drohne said:
tiger woods is garbage. the mechanics are easily exhausted; there's nothing under the surface complexity. minna no golf is sublime. its crystalline simplicity belies considerable depth. i expect it's only superficially marred by scea's pointlessly, charmlessly localized characters.

ahhh drohne, my buying powers are re-energized.
Sorry for the noob question, but what are the changes from the Japanese version? Also, what were the changes from part 3 for that matter?


hyperbolically metafictive
your buying powers will be slightly de-energized by the knowledge that dead cool, subtly amusing samurai golfer musashi has been renamed "sam" and given a HIRARIOUS ASIAN VOICE.

but still. buy away. it's great. egm sucks.

Musashi Wins!

drohne said:
your buying powers will be slightly de-energized by the knowledge that dead cool, subtly amusing samurai golfer musashi has been renamed "sam" and given a HIRARIOUS ASIAN VOICE.

but still. buy away. it's great. egm sucks.

ooof. solar plexus culture shot.


hyperbolically metafictive
FortNinety said:
Sorry for the noob question, but what are the changes from the Japanese version? Also, what were the changes from part 3 for that matter?

judging by the in-store demo: many of the characters have had their heads crudely replaced and their outfits redesigned. some have been replaced outright. the new voice scripts try way too hard for laughs, and the new voices are grating.

the japanese characters are offbeat and charming, with some really subtly observed and appropriate animations. for example the samurai character, musashi, will pull out a fan, laugh an arrogant laugh, and then abruptly put the fan away and turn very serious. it's really subtle, but it's really funny too. and it's been ruined in hot shots. the american characters tend to go for broad stereotypes and overt jokes, and are often just totally embarrasing and grating. oh, and their new heads are often ugly.

minna no golf 4 is the first one i've imported, and i'm glad i did. the characters are really much better, and i think they'd appeal to american audiences if they were localized faithfully. perhaps some of the female characters are overly sexualized, but other than that i don't see why scea tampers with the series at all.


hyperbolically metafictive
nope. i'd like to, but i'd need to buy a network adaptor and a wireless router, and i don't think my network signal reaches to where my consoles are anyway. it'd be a logistical hassle, and i don't wanna deal with it.
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