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IGN Posts Up More Project Cafe Hardware Power Rumors


Log4Girlz said:
Shut your whore mouth.


AceBandage said:
The only people that will be broken hearted are you and big-z, thankfully.

I deliberately left my post vague and didn't specify who would be left broken hearted by the console reveal.

It could just as easily be Sony and MS fans if this new Nintendo console is indeed a GFX beast.

It's interested that you both assumed I meant Nintendo fans.



AceBandage said:
The only people that will be broken hearted are you and big-z, thankfully.

your tears will taste the most delightful. but dont worry i will give you a comforting hug and help you through the experience.

Busty said:
I deliberately left my post vague and didn't specify who would be left broken hearted by the console reveal.

It could just as easily be Sony and MS fans if this new Nintendo console is indeed a GFX beast.

It's interested that you both assumed I meant Nintendo fans.


Considering how many Nintendo topics go, it's not so unusual to assume that people wanting to "taste tears" in it are anti-Nintendo in some way.

big-z said:
your tears will taste the most delightful. but dont worry i will give you a comforting hug and help you through the experience.

Celebration sex over how awesome Cafe will be?


AceBandage said:
Considering how many Nintendo topics go, it's not so unusual to assume that people wanting to "taste tears" in it are anti-Nintendo in some way.

Celebration sex over how awesome Cafe will be?

im not anti-tendo, i own every handheld and console they've put out.(exception: 3DS,VB)
i just know a lot of people are going to be let down from what they're thinking nintendo is going to show.

i wasnt planning on sex but if it'll help feel better.....
EatChildren said:
I'm not opposed to ports or support. I have no personal investment in third party ports. I know why Nintendo-only owners would want it, but it doesn't matter to me. A 'me too' system is completely unteresting from where I sit.


Support = good. Support that equates to multiple platform games = good only if you prefer to game on that system. I dont. As said, I already game on PC, and now I own a PS3. I'd prefer Nintendo to do something utterly absurd, if just for the possibility of more titles that I wont be able to get anywhere else.

A platform can't thrive on exclusive support alone, though. All of Nintendo's last three consoles demonstrate that.


big_z said:
your tears will taste the most delightful. but dont worry i will give you a comforting hug and help you through the experience.


Classy. I'm sure nobody who's viewing at work wants that crap showing up on their screen.


Even Nintendo fans who are excited about a GFX beast will only be sad for a few minutes, until they see Skyward Sword and Yoshi's Island and Super Mario 3D Feat. Tanooki.


1-D_FTW said:
Classy. I'm sure nobody who's viewing at work wants that crap showing up on their screen.

hostile and defensive aren't we ... compensating perhaps? hmmm


So anyone else want a new Monster hunter on Cafe? i think its a good fit for the platform :)
beast786 said:
I agree with what nintendo need to do as per making sure that 3rd is happy. But to be honest. On a personal level I don't care about 3rd parties unless it will be exclusive to cafei. MY PC is pretty powerful so I will always play the Multiplat on it. I am just really curious how nintendo will use all that hardware power. Like you said, if they dont they will be out class on there own console by 3rd parties. Hence, they must have couple of trick saved. I think that is the biggest question mark for me. What will nintendo do with all this hardware power. It will cost them more money and time for each game.

Just catching up on my reading since last night and this is the stupidest thing i've read in a while on this forum. I hope to God that nintendo does not share your sentiment as third party exclusives are pretty much dead.
Nessus said:
Why is this so hard for people to grasp?

Steel Diver clearly didn't have a huge budget.

Seems to me Super Mario 3D is probably going to be the first big budget Nintendo game on the system (even the Ocarina remake isn't being handled by Nintendo, and Kid Icarus is being made by Project Sora), but even that isn't going to be the best to gauge by since it's being made by EAD Tokyo, one of only 2 Nintendo studios (along with Retro) actually known for really pushing high end graphics.

All this is a convoluted way of saying I'm genuinely curious to see what Nintendo's other teams (Zelda team, Intelligent Systems, etc.) manage to pull off with the more powerful hardware of the 3DS and Cafe.
I think Mario Kart will be pretty big budget and also relase before Super Mario. Project Sora's also a Nintendo owned studio, like Retro.


Okay say it runs every multiplat game just notch below a standard PC these days.

Is your standard 360 gamer going to buy it for better looking Madden 2013?


ace3skoot said:
hostile and defensive aren't we ... compensating perhaps? hmmm


So anyone else want a new Monster hunter on Cafe? i think its a good fit for the platform :)
On screen keyboard is all that I want, a more straight item mangement in the controller screen too, and maybe hit visualitation, for example to show in what part of the Monster I'm hitting.
Luckyman said:
Okay say it runs every multiplat game just notch below a standard PC these days.

Is your standard 360 gamer going to buy it for better looking Madden 2013?

Probably not. Madden has a serious online component as well.


big_z said:
im not anti-tendo, i own every handheld and console they've put out.(exception: 3DS,VB)
i just know a lot of people are going to be let down from what they're thinking nintendo is going to show.

I don't really want to get into this but I agree whole heartedly.

1-D_FTW said:
Classy. I'm sure nobody who's viewing at work wants that crap showing up on their screen.

Your pain. It runs deep, share it with me!

*Sybok hug*
DragonKnight said:
Just catching up on my reading since last night and this is the stupidest thing i've read in a while on this forum. I hope to God that nintendo does not share your sentiment as third party exclusives are pretty much dead.
The only region Nintendo could realistically hope to get any 3rd party exclusives for is Japan. Both because JP developers are still open to single platform development and because the current HD consoles are still relatively weak marketshare wise there. Hopefully they're sewing up deals for MH4 and DQXII as we speak.
lunchwithyuzo said:
The only region Nintendo could realistically hope to get any 3rd party exclusives for is Japan. Both because JP developers are still open to single platform development and because the current HD consoles are still relatively weak marketshare wise there. Hopefully they're sewing up deals for MH4 and DQXII as we speak.

Not even Sony and Micro will see third party exclusives next gen. It's pretty much a dead deal guys. The third party exclusives scene has largely shifted to handhelds. And I think you mean DQXI


lunchwithyuzo said:
The only region Nintendo could realistically hope to get any 3rd party exclusives for is Japan. Both because JP developers are still open to single platform development and because the current HD consoles are still relatively weak marketshare wise there. Hopefully they're sewing up deals for MH4 and DQXII as we speak.

Eh who needs HD consoles, handhelds is where it's at in Japan.


DragonKnight said:
Not even Sony and Micro will see third party exclusives next gen. It's pretty much a dead deal guys. The third party exclusives scene has largely shifted to handhelds. And I think you mean DQXI
Is all up to first party release then, except for Dragon Quest of course, console features (online), AND joint ventures with external developers like Mist Walker, Gambarion, etc...
TunaLover said:
Is all up to first party release then, except for Dragon Quest of course, console features (online), AND joint ventures with external developers like Mist Walker, Gambarion, etc...

This is why i'm not sure how nintendo is going to recapture the "core". Unless they are assuming that their older audience (people who used to be nintendo fans) switched because they were missing out on premium third party content. That said, certainly those people have fallen in love with other franchises that are on competing systems? Nintendo can't just expect them to jump back in because Mario and Zelda will be new and shiny. But then again, who doesn't like new and shiny? I don't even know anymore. I wish I could be banned until E3 to stop all the pointless speculation...
DragonKnight said:
Not even Sony and Micro will see third party exclusives next gen. It's pretty much a dead deal guys. The third party exclusives scene has largely shifted to handhelds. And I think you mean DQXI
No, DQXI should go to 3DS.
lunchwithyuzo said:
No, DQXI should go to 3DS.

You misunderstood my point. DQX is going to be on the wii and he cited DQXII. DQXI hasn't even been announced! No such game exists at the moment. What platform it is going to exist on is irrelevant.

Edit: to clarify, he was incorrectly saying that the next DQ game would be 12 instead of 11


EatChildren said:
This why I'd like to see Smash shown. Brawl's character models are pretty amazing in terms of texture detail.
The video to show these, should be like Brawl's with the old models transforming into the new ones /drools


So has anyone proposed Retro as the developers making the next F-Zero? I think it makes some sense. It's a game everyone's been asking for and it's a game that I think the main Nintendo devs might have trouble trying to develop so giving it to Retro would be smart.
DragonKnight said:
This is why i'm not sure how nintendo is going to recapture the "core". Unless they are assuming that their older audience (people who used to be nintendo fans) switched because they were missing out on premium third party content. That said, certainly those people have fallen in love with other franchises that are on competing systems? Nintendo can't just expect them to jump back in because Mario and Zelda will be new and shiny. But then again, who doesn't like new and shiny? I don't even know anymore. I wish I could be banned until E3 to stop all the pointless speculation...
Self-bans are requestable. I've done it before - specifically when I'm trying to get my taxes done.


DragonKnight said:
Keep your expectations low everyone. It will make the GAF meltdowns easier come E3

If I say I want a Dreamcast level jump over PS3 and 360, and online as good as Xbox Live for 360
and a Smash Bros teaser
, is that keeping my expectations low?

Because to me, that sounds pretty fucking low. Anything lower than that would suck major balls.


I don't know why people want Retro doing Starfox or F Zero. Retro's strenght is in creating beutiful artistic worlds. Worlds I want to explore freely. Having Retro create generic space backdrops you are forced to traverse on rails (Starfox) or cityscapes confined to tracks (F Zero) that you cannot deviate from would be such a waste of their talents.


radcliff said:
I don't know why people want Retro doing Starfox or F Zero. Retro's strenght is in creating beutiful artistic worlds. Worlds I want to explore freely. Having Retro create generic space backdrops you are forced to traverse on rails (Starfox) or cityscapes confined to tracks (F Zero) that you cannot deviate from would be such a waste of their talents.

This is why you don't work at Retro Studios (obviously among many other reasons).. Retro would look at things like having to create space backdrops while having players on rails and creative visuals that are stunning, not 'generic' and in the same way, Retro could create fantastically detailed tracks for F-Zero and would probably make their work shine more so than having to create 70 levels in Donkey Kong or 100 rooms and corridors in Metroid.

To be clear my point is that they'd turn these things you see as a negative into a positive.

Also I want them working on a new IP, not F-Zero or Starfox, but for different reasons to the ones you outlined.


Caramello said:
This is why you don't work at Retro Studios (obviously among many other reasons).. Retro would look at things like having to create space backdrops while having players on rails and creative visuals that are stunning, not 'generic' and in the same way, Retro could create fantastically detailed tracks for F-Zero and would probably make their work shine more so than having to create 70 levels in Donkey Kong or 100 rooms and corridors in Metroid.

To be clear my point is that they'd turn these things you see as a negative into a positive.

Also I want them working on a new IP, not F-Zero or Starfox, but for different reasons to the ones you outlined.

You completely missed my point. I want to fully and freely explore Retro's worlds since they are so alive/rich/detailed. You cannot do that in a Starfox of F Zero game simply becuase of the types of games that they are (confined to rails/tracks). I don't care if Retro would make the best space backdrops or cityscapes if I can't explore them or go off the beaten path.


I could careless what people do in their bedrooms or if they get married to someone of the same sex. Legalize everything I say. It's just an unnecessary picture that serves no point in this thread.
Anth0ny said:
If I say I want a Dreamcast level jump over PS3 and 360, and online as good as Xbox Live for 360
and a Smash Bros teaser
, is that keeping my expectations low?

Because to me, that sounds pretty fucking low. Anything lower than that would suck major balls.

the lower the better imho
We've still got two weeks left. Hopefully some small thing gives before E3. A little nugget would be greatly appreciated.
Busty said:
I deliberately left my post vague and didn't specify who would be left broken hearted by the console reveal.

It could just as easily be Sony and MS fans if this new Nintendo console is indeed a GFX beast.

It's interested that you both assumed I meant Nintendo fans.

The thought that people would be sad about a new and powerful console speaks volumes about how many manbabies are out there. I know a few myself who would not buy it even if it got the definitive version of ports(say...BF3) for the first couple of years.

I hope those kinds of people are disappointed the most. At least Nintendo fans bought the system and enjoyed it for what it was(great first party machine that was starving for third party support).
Anth0ny said:
If I say I want a Dreamcast level jump over PS3 and 360, and online as good as Xbox Live for 360.

I'd say expect a Dreamcast -> PS2 level jump in terms of graphics, and online is anyone's guess and I'm guessing it will be lower in quality than Xbox Live as they set the bar fairly high.


I'm expecting Shiggy to come out and say, "I've taken up pastry making as a hobby! So here's an amazing new oven!"

And that's basically it. I would be pleased.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Vinci said:
I'm expecting Shiggy to come out and say, "I've taken up pastry making as a hobby! So here's an amazing new oven!"

And that's basically it. I would be pleased.
Paging Shiggy...
Vinci said:
I'm expecting Shiggy to come out and say, "I've taken up pastry making as a hobby! So here's an amazing new oven!"

And that's basically it. I would be pleased.
I've been meaning to learn a thing or two about how to cook.
Appollowexx said:
I'd say expect a Dreamcast -> PS2 level jump in terms of graphics,
So the games will look worse than 360/PS3? :3

I'm hoping for at least a DC -> Xbox level jump. Or going back further maybe something like PCE, a system that was technically 8-bit but which had a capable enough graphics chip that when pushed it could hang with the later 16-bit systems.
lunchwithyuzo said:
No, DQXI should go to 3DS.

Sorry, slightly OT question, but is the DQ formula:
(A) Gets developed for most sold active system in the world
(B) Gets developed for most sold active system in Japan

Just curious because 360 and PSP may have that title in the world and in Japan, respectively, at the time it is released (both will have a newer system out but may still be actively selling).

Cafe would have to explode out the gate and continuously sell like the Wii did (but with better supply) to fit the DQ mold at the point that XI comes out.


GameplayWhore said:
Sorry, slightly OT question, but is the DQ formula:
(A) Gets developed for most sold active system in the world
(B) Gets developed for most sold active system in Japan

Just curious because 360 and PSP may have that title in the world and in Japan, respectively, at the time it is released (both will have a newer system out but may still be actively selling).

Cafe would have to explode out the gate and continuously sell like the Wii did (but with better supply) to fit the DQ mold at the point that XI comes out.

The Wii is still the best selling system world wide. Dragon Quest XI won't be announced for a while and I wouldn't be surprised if it's on another handheld.
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