IGN = Incels Gone Nutless.
I don't mind criticizing some excessive skin show in movies or video games (especially ones aimed at a younger audience), when they don't serve the script/screenplay and are just mere props, but "unrealistic body types"?
Yeah, it is "unrealistic" to western hippos who eat, sleep and survive on McDonald's and KFC, to get triggered when even a moderately fit looking woman is out on the entertainment industry, promoting a product she worked on.
This is how, "the average" South Korean woman looks, you fucking sex starved apes. They do not look their age. The woman who body scanned this character is 33 years old, and looks like she's in her 20's. Their beauty industry is the highest revenue generator, on a country basis. This is THEIR fucking standard. They DON'T have to conform or adhere to an asinine set of fat acceptance / bOdY PoSiTiViTy dogma based on your fucking fragile feelings of insecurity of you landwhales.
Yes, female "peak" beauty comes in one shape and size. It's called fitness. Under 25 BMI, or in other words, not fucking obese.
Stop eating more than you exercise, and learn caloric deficit, and stop using genetics and other hormonal disorders like PCOS as a shield to your laziness and craving of food, when even in those extreme case, caloric deficit works, albeit slower than normal.
Stay triggered.