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IGN Tease: Tomorrow's PS2 Top Story = Shocking


human5892 said:
Because they lose an exclusive. If it was the former, we probably would've been told that both GC and Xbox owners could be disappointed with the news.
Why the hell would GC owners care if some other system got a game that they're already getting? They don't. The only people who care are fanboys. They didn't say Xbox fanboys would be upset.

Think about it, what really makes an Xbox non-fanboy owner more upset: both other consoles getting RE4, or PS2 owners getting an uglier version of Jade Empire? I'll take A.

I'm so glad I own all three consoles so I don't have to care about meaningless shit like this.


KotOR 2 would be a big coup for the PS2, though I don't think it fits with the 'it's not a huge game' description, as KotOR 2 is quite awaited.

Psychonauts would seem too irrelevant, but I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Jade Empire is highly unlikely, as even though Bioware owns the IP, MS is publishing it for the Xbox. It'd be more likely for them to announce it first for the PC than for the PS2.

Phantom Dust would be highly unlikely as well, since it's owned by MS.

Spikeout Battle Street?
Unreal Championship 2?


Tag of Excellence
From the looks of it, I didn't miss anything. Hopefully it'll turn out to be something interesting, but IGN hates us all so I doubt it.


human5892 said:
Because they lose an exclusive. If it was the former, we probably would've been told that both GC and Xbox owners could be disappointed with the news.

Good point. I have to say people are rather childish to complain over losing exclusives, but then I have the benefit of being a multi-console owner.


on the 15th floor
90% probability its either

Outrun 2 or

Riddick was already pseudo-announced for PS2 by Vin Diesel, wasn't it?


It's not RE4.

Than this is obviously not nearly as exciting as you apparently wanted to make it seem. Luckily, I'll just learn about it here rather than giving IGN another hit over its need to self-inflate itself.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Pedigree Chum said:
What do you know? Just because you have "IGN" in your name, oooooh, big man. NOT.

Please tell me you're being sarcastic, LOL... ummm you know why he has IGN in his name?


Sam Houser fucked my wife
teiresias said:
Than this is obviously not nearly as exciting as you apparently wanted to make it seem. Luckily, I'll just learn about it here rather than giving IGN another hit over its need to self-inflate itself.
Messages boards inflated the importance of it, not anyone at IGN (though we may have fanned the flames). Again, some will care, some will not.


It's likely from a western developer, so:

Pyschonauts or Unreal Championships 2.

Those are two titles i can see slipping from Xbox. If it were a eastern game I think it would have been annouced at TGS.


Sucks at viral marketing
Here's almost everything IGN has said on the matter. Let's try to stay focussed with our guesses.

We'll have a shocking (and I do mean surprising) PS2 top story tomorrow -- But um, try and contain your pre-story excitement.

If possible.
Some of you may not care, and some of you will be quite pleasantly surprised.
Nah, it's better than that ;) [reffering to GT4 videos] It might make Xbox fans angry.
Additional Details About Tonight's Top Story
As always, the speculation for an IGN "secret story" has gone so high, that it will never live up to what it really is. Imaginations and speculation are far too powerful to compete with. Even so, I'm going to drop this info for you in an effort to keep you from getting too over-hyped and to further tease you with what we'll have.

1.) It's not the "OMG Megat0n" that will shatter houses and force every non-pS2 owner in the world to run out and buy one. So no, it's nothing on Sony's upcoming "PS2 Live" service, Halo is not coming to the PS2, and I DID NOT save more money by switching to Geico.

2.) It is still a pretty shocking story. Especially to those of us around the office who have followed the progress of tonight's top game in question and for those of you who have been looking forward to it. It was shocking enough that when we thought about it, it deserved top billing tonight.

3.) It is an announcement related to previouly "other system only" game coming to the PS2. The cool thing is, it hasn't come out for that system yet either.

4.) The game itself is very cool. And PS2 owners who may have never given it a second thought before, should do so.

5.)It isn't a new Lord of the Rings game. LOL.

5.) At the very least, the story will be an all-new trailer and the announcement. There should be more to it than that, but that's what you can expect as a minimum.

Thanks for your time. And I sincerely hope you guys like tonight's top story. Because we sure do.
*Think of the most unimportant game you can, a game you probably already knew was coming to the PS2, but we hadn't said anything about it yet, and that's our story. Now, I've got to run around all the different internet forums and hype this up as much as I can and claim "I didn't do it, people just got there hopes up too high," even though they were only doing what we were trying to get them to do.

IGN needs the hits. If hits don't go up, they might start making us spell rite and use gooder grammer.*
Its not RE4

*may not be real*
guys Maybe I fall in the will not care category but a UC port wouldn't be shocking at all. I never even realized it was an Xbox exclusive. It seems like unreal is on every platform under the sun.

The only Xbox game ending up on PS2 that would be shocking is Ninja Gaiden.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
OutRun 2 and RE4 are terrible guesses.
Why would Out Run 2 be a terrible guess? It fits the criteria perfectly, and it has even been rumored to be on the PS2 at one point.

Still, I think it's Psychonauts.
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