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Imran Khan "Square Enix is panicking slightly over Final Fantasy XVI preorder numbers, which are tracking behind FFXV"


What? The action combat in Devil May Cry during the PS2 era is absolutely comparable to its present-day iteration. In fact, Dante's move set in Devil May Cry 3 is almost identical to the one he possesses in Devil May Cry 4 & 5. Sure, there have been improvements in particle effects, resolution, textures, and lighting (which is true for every genre), but to suggest that Square Enix was specifically waiting for particle effects to improve is ridiculous. No sane person would look at combat systems like those in DMC, Ninja Gaiden, or God of War and say, “You know what? This combat system would work great in our game, but let's stick with turn-based combat because the particle effects aren't good enough.”

That's an utterly absurd perspective.

Moreover, they did create Action RPGs during that era. In fact, they made several.

I do. Anyone who has put in even a minimal effort to explore the history of RPGs understands the reasons.

EVERYTHING looked less attractive. What kind of utterly insane argument is that? Final Fantasy and DQs combat looked like trash compared to today standards as well.

Why? This conversation has been incredibly entertaining. It's very enjoyable to watch you come up with the most bizarre explanations to try to justify how the decision to move towards action combat is entirely due to technical limitations.

Well, that, or you could just accept the logical explanation that the audience that Final Fantasy once appealed to has shrunk, which forced the developers to appeal to a more global audience that prefers action combat over turn-based combat. But perhaps that's just a bit too sensible for you.
People forget that SE pushed to have more "action" elements in the fighting system since XII-2 as they wanted to appeal to larger audience and sell more copies, and people always complained about it since XIII


They need to remove the embargo early then to get word of mouth going. People are holding off because the game is a shift in playstyle a d people need to know how that will work.

That or the rumored demo.

Review codes went out already from what I understand so the review embargo should end quite a bit earlier than usual.

It’s a big departure for the franchise, so critical reception will be very important.

Hopefully the game is judged on its merits and not whether or not the reviewer wanted a turn based game, a purple haired main character, to play it on Xbox etc


This game will underperform sales-wise. They will say that the release date going up against other numerous highly anticipated releases was the reason. As a result, Square/Enix stock will take a dip allowing Sony to buy them on the cheap. Sony is not dumb.


It'll probably make up for it if it has a good demo and the reception is good... But I can't say I'm hyped about it, they still have to sell me on the game.

And it has nothing to with the combat being action-based, it just doesn't feel like an adventure and the world doesn't feel worth exploring. There's also the fact that they still haven't showered a single character that I feel will be memorable through the journey.

Maybe it'll end up being amazed, but I'll have to wait and see.
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Like we all have been saying for a long time now: Square treats Final Fantasy as a brand now, because as a franchise it has no idea what to do with it.

FF was always about turn based combat, party management, build customization, and a strong story. This narrative about FF being something completely new every time was always bullshit. So when Square comes and makes a FF that has almost nothing FF in it, what do you expect to happen?

At least FW, the game's sales will certainly be dissapointing, and I can't see it reviewing high enough to justify people changing their minds on a day one purchase.
I agree only with the first part.

I still expect it to be financially successful


I am waiting for the demo which I heard will be two weeks before launch. If it feels good, I am pre-ordering.
Pretty sure it will be fine. This will be my next purchase after Zelda, if it reviews good enough (which I have a feeling it will). I haven’t bought a FF in a long time
FF7 Remake and Intergrade isn’t on Xbox, nothing about Rebirth coming either, and I wouldn’t assume that FF16 is any different at this point. If it does come later it’ll be a release with little fanfare that will likely sell poorly just like any other LTTP release.
Sony more than likely extended the exclusivity for FF7 since it is episodic and want to keep selling console off of FF7.

Remember that Nier Automata, DQ 11, FF 7-12, KH 1, and KH2 was originally on playstation before coming to xbox.

It would make business sense for MS to pay for these games to come to xbox and launch on game pass for both MS and Square.
I really don't think you've taken a look at Square Enix's financials in the past decade, have you?

They have been consistently in the black for a long, long time. I can't even remember the last time they posted financial results in which they did not have a positive income.

They're not even in the same galaxy as "going bankrupt" despite what people who know nothing about the industry think. 😂
If you don't make money and keep losing more money each and every year that means bankruptcy is coming.
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Telling me I am wrong without posting actual reasons why I am wrong.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Besides, PC version will sell about as much as PS5 version if released day 1. They are ignoring that as well.
People keep saying that and there are exceptions but things like RE4 happens everytime with PC barely breaking 10% of total sales.


So glad there going into more in depth action combat rather than turn based. I stayed away from the Final Fantasy series for a long time because of that. I do agree though that it should be more team based with character switching though.

Now get that turn based crap out of my Yakuza series!


I'm 100% buying it, just havent yet

I believe that being a PS5 exclusive is what's hurting pre orders.

Square is a little nuts with sales predictions, and maybe they are comparing it to FF 7 R and they shouldnt


RSI Employee of the Year
If you don't make money and keep losing more money each and every year that means bankruptcy is coming.

I know it's hard to understand for some, but Square Enix has not "lost money" literally in years, let alone "keep" doing it. And you'd have noticed if you just actually read the post you quoted.

I will put it in simple terms for you: Square Enix is regularly profitable. They're not losing money and they haven't in several years. Unlike some big Western publishers, they're making money, and with a comfortable margin.
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Not only do they play differently, but they also scratch a different itch.

Exactly. that is the point. FF is not offering the same things as Diablo to the same person who likes both.

yeah. video games sell way more over here.

and a game being trash is not going to push people to buy a full price game.

"basic economics"

and as you stated with PS5 in japan:

Xbox sales are pretty underwhelming world wide.

so, FFXVI not being on xbox is not going to have a meaningful impact in sales.

1. Again, games have audience overlap. If someone has to choose between Diablo or FF16 more than likely they will go with Diablo because it is more popular, has co-op and more replay value.

2. Games sales have dwindle because of the 70 dollar price tag
https://www.thegamer.com/playstation-data-suggests-70-dollar-games-fewer-sales/ .
Also, it is common sense. More something cost, the less sells you will get.

3. Xbox series sales are tracking higher than previous xbox consoles. Also, seems the other major third party publishers are releasing their games on xbox with no problem as long as Sony isn't money hatting exclusivity. Just look at the last Playstation state of play.

MS Xbox series consoles also does well in North America which is the most important region since North America buys the most games and subscriptions than any other region.

Japan is pretty much dead when it comes to console games. That is why FF is trying to cater to the western audience.

4. FF15 as bad as it was sold around 2 million on xbox one alone. That is more than enough to justify a port.
I know it's hard to understand for some, but Square Enix has "lost money" literally in years, let alone "keep" doing it. And you'd have noticed if you just actually read the post you quoted.

I will put it in simple terms for you: Square Enix is regularly profitable. They're not losing money and they haven't in several years. Unlike some big Western publishers, they're making money, and with a comfortable margin.
I just looked at square enix stocks in last 5 years. They are losing money especially when you start adding in inflation into the equation.
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Hopefully the game is judged on its merits and not whether or not the reviewer wanted a turn based game, a purple haired main character, to play it on Xbox etc
In the end a review is just a well-written and highly personal opinion and summary of a playthrough experience with a number at the end. It’ll be judged by individuals with personal opinions on things like any of us here, and a score can be affected by any subjective reason, even purple hair and exclusivity.

Can’t wait for demos to make a serious comeback in gaming again! I want to try before I buy. It’s a rare thing for me to find a game critic with the same taste in games and features and themes as myself.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Imran Khan still has me blocked on Twitter for calling him soft on games when he was back on Kinda Funny
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RSI Employee of the Year
I just looked at square enix stocks in last 5 years. They are losing money especially when you start add in inflation.

Oh god. Inflation and stocks have nothing to do with profit or loss.

Square Enix has announced a $317 million profit in the latest fiscal year and has made a regular profit for several years. Please educate yourself on how this stuff works before arguing.
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RSI Employee of the Year
lol you getting salty because he's 100% right?

Indeed. That's exactly what happened.

Let me put it in simpler words for you to undestand, I get it, youre a blind fan. I played Automata extensively stop assuming everyone is bad at games like you. Enjoy your casual shit.

I'm 101% right then. Stop being cringe my dude.

A comedy in two acts:

Act 1: get proven factually wrong about the game he says he "played extensively"
Act 2: go full cringe and call other people cringe. 😂
Oh god. Inflation and stocks have nothing to do with profit or loss.

Square Enix has announced a $317 million profit in the latest fiscal year and has made a regular profit for several years. Please educate yourself on how this stuff works before arguing.

You do realize companies depend on their stocks doing well, correct? If it doesn't do well they will have less money to invest and soon go bankrupt because they can't expand. Losing money in stocks means company is losing money for investments. Only the government getting involved can save square enix at this point.

Also, inflation does apply because 10 dollars today isn't worth 10 dollars five years ago. Which means losing money. Please educate yourself son.
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RSI Employee of the Year
You do realize companies depend on their stocks doing well, correct? If it doesn't do well they will have less money to invest and soon go bankrupt because they can't expand. Losing money in stocks means company is losing money for investments. Only if the government getting involved can save square enix at this point.

Also, inflation does apply because 10 dollars today isn't worth 10 dollars five years ago. Please educate yourself son.

Calling people "son" doesn't add any solid ground under the weight of your ignorance, I'm afraid.

Here's how it works in simple terms.

Making money means turning a profit
Losing money means suffering a loss.

Profit (income) is calculated by subtracting expenses from sales (revenue). Stock is not part of this equation. Inflation doesn't turn a + into a -.

Square Enix's sales in the latest fiscal year were $2.45 billion. They turned a $317 million profit.

That, in plain English that even you can (hopefully) understand, is "making money" and not "losing money."
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Calling people "son" doesn't add any solid ground under the weight of your ignorance, I'm afraid.

Here's how it works in simple terms.

Making money means turning a profit
Losing money means suffering a loss.

Profit (income) is calculated by subtracting expenses from sales (revenue). Stock is not part of this equation.

Square Enix's sales in the latest fiscal year were $2.45 billion. They turned a $317 million profit.

That, in plain English that even you can understand, is "making money" and not "losing money."
Listen son, Square stocks was trading at ~31 dollars a share. Now it is trading at ~22 dollars. That is a HUGE loss of money and that doesn't even factor in inflation.

At this rate, Square is going to go bankrupt. Who in their right mind will keep investing money into square enix? Much better companies to start investing your money into like Microsoft and Apple.
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The Amiga Brotherhood
I'll almost certainly be buying it and normally would have probably been day 1, but I'm nowhere near finished with TotK so I'll just pick it up after I'm done with that.


Gold Member
Bad release date. TOTK just released. People are still playing that, it’s a big game and it’s not like everyone can play several hours a day. I have done two temples. Maybe 30 shrines. Juggling FFXVI at the same time is not happening, it’ll be a later playthrough. I consider playing some SF6 since it’s a game easy to play in short bursts, but no purchase yet.
not everyone has n64, but if thats for u like jesus 2nd coming im soo sry abt that ^^


Gold Member
Listen son, Square stocks was trading at ~31 dollars a share. Now it is trading at ~22 dollars. That is a HUGE loss of money and that doesn't even factor in inflation.

At this rate, Square is going to go bankrupt. Who in their right mind will keep investing money into square enix? Much better companies to start investing your money into like Microsoft and Apple.
Not sure if you're trolling, but Square Enix are nowhere near bankruptcy. Stock goes up and down, this is nothing new. It's up over the last 6 months, it's up over the last year.


RSI Employee of the Year
Listen son, Square stocks was trading at ~31 dollars a share. Now it is trading at ~22 dollars. That is a HUGE loss of money and that doesn't even factor in inflation.

At this rate Square is going to go bankrupt. Who in their right mind will keep investing money into square enix? Much better companies to start putting your money in like Microsoft and Apple.

First of all, Square Enix stocks are trading at $45.6. So you're wrong. Secondly, it hasn't traded as high as it does now since 2000, literally 23 years ago. So you're also wrong.


Thirdly, and more importantly, the stock price has absolutely zero influence on whether a company is profitable or not. Not a single bit. Zero. Zilch. Nada.


To be fair, FF15 had like 10+ years of hype and build up, while in comparion 16 seems to almost of come out of nowhere (at least to me).

Also its Square we are talking about, the game could have 5mil pre-orders and they would still probably feel thats poor lol.


Listen son, Square stocks was trading at ~31 dollars a share. Now it is trading at ~22 dollars. That is a HUGE loss of money and that doesn't even factor in inflation.

At this rate, Square is going to go bankrupt. Who in their right mind will keep investing money into square enix? Much better companies to start investing your money into like Microsoft and Apple.


RSI Employee of the Year
I did a year to date analysis on Square's stock. It is down I'm afraid :(
Wasn't it 5 years ten minutes ago? Here are the options:

1: you're looking at the wrong stock
2: you don't understand basic math
3: you're hallucinating
4: you're high
5: you're lying
6: you're trolling

Pick one.

Incidentally, again, the stock price (which has either been consistently climbing or stable since 2013 when FFXIV was released) is absolutely irrelevant in the simple operation made to determine whether a company is profitable or not.

Square. Enix. Is. Profitable. It. Makes. Money. Every. Year.
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There IS a real chance that zelda might cause problems for this games' sales. Might not happen IF the reviews are stellar.
Wasn't it 5 years ten minutes ago? Here are the options:

1: you're looking at the wrong stock
2: you don't know math
3: you're hallucinating
4: you're high
5: you're lying
6: you're trolling

Pick one.

Incidentally, again, stock is absolutely irrelevant in the simple operation made to determine whether a company is profitable or not.
I'm using this stock from google Square Enix Hldgs 2.

According to the about section

Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. is a Japanese multinational holding company, production enterprise and entertainment conglomerate. It releases RPG franchises, such as Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Star Ocean, and Kingdom Hearts, among numerous others.
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RSI Employee of the Year
Zelda is not on Playstation, and FF16 is not on Switch. I dont really get what you mean.

Some people seem to think that Zelda is the second coming of Christ and turns water into wine.😂

I'm using this stock from google Square Enix Hldgs 2.

According to the about section

Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. is a Japanese multinational holding company, production enterprise and entertainment conglomerate. It releases RPG franchises, such as Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Star Ocean, and Kingdom Hearts, among numerous others.

Did the "2 Unsponsored ADR Representing Ord Shs" part not clue you into the fact that you were looking at the wrong thing, Mr "analyst?"

This is the correct share. https://www.google.com/finance/quote/9684:TYO
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Gold Member
1. Again, games have audience overlap. If someone has to choose between Diablo or FF16 more than likely they will go with Diablo because it is more popular, has co-op and more replay value.

Also, people are allowed to like more than one type of game.
Also, people are allowed to like FF more than Diablo...Right?

2. Games sales have dwindle because of the 70 dollar price tag
https://www.thegamer.com/playstation-data-suggests-70-dollar-games-fewer-sales/ .
Also, it is common sense. More something cost, the less sells you will get.
Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick continues:

in other words:
if shit not buy.

people are willing to spend the money for ther favorite franchise or/and if such game is labeled as a "must play"/master piece/10 out of 10. or a big blockbuster with huge marketing and great.

the economic climate is a factor; gamers are more selective on what are they going to spend their money.

3. Xbox series sales are tracking higher than previous xbox consoles. Also, seems the other major third party publishers are releasing their games on xbox with no problem as long as Sony isn't money hatting exclusivity. Just look at the last Playstation state of play.


yizz corden:


while sony "paying to cockblock xbox" could be a thing😂. Xbox poor market share and game pass make easier for publisher to skip xbox release.

MS Xbox series consoles also does well in North America which is the most important region since North America buys the most games and subscriptions than any other region.
North America ≠ The entire world.
Japan is pretty much dead when it comes to console games. That is why FF is trying to cater to the western audience.
japan is pretty much dead right?..Now; if PS5 sales are underwhelming...how can you define Xbox sales in that region...putrefactic?

while FF has been always cater to western audiences more like Dragon Quest or Persona , is still very important for Japanese audiences/market....xbox is basically non existent in that market.

4. FF15 as bad as it was sold around 2 million on xbox one alone. That is more than enough to justify a port.
no is not. that is pretty bad sales number.
First of all, Square Enix stocks are trading at $45.6. So you're wrong. Secondly, it hasn't traded as high as it does now since 2000, literally 23 years ago. So you're also wrong.


Thirdly, and more importantly, the stock price has absolutely zero influence on whether a company is profitable or not. Not a single bit. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Where did you get this stock information from? Also Square enix didn't even exist until 2003 according to my source below.

What do you mean stock prices don't have any influences on company profit? It means less money you can spend to make more money and I'm sure companies do look at stocks to determine if they are going in the right direction or going bankrupt. Also, losing money in stocks means company is losing money.


You do realize companies depend on their stocks doing well, correct? If it doesn't do well they will have less money to invest and soon go bankrupt because they can't expand. Losing money in stocks means company is losing money for investments. Only the government getting involved can save square enix at this point.

Also, inflation does apply because 10 dollars today isn't worth 10 dollars five years ago. Which means losing money. Please educate yourself son.
Hold on, its not like that either. If that's the case, Nintendo would have gone belly up with the Wii U.

Square is profitable, is just that the ammount of profit it gets in a single year is ok to good, just nothing extraordinary if you take into account that half their games cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Square is fine, and much better than what it has been 10 years ago. Its just that everyone wants it to do better, much like Capcom, and Square needs to get their shit together. And turning FF into DMC is not that.


RSI Employee of the Year
Where did you get this stock information from? Also Square enix didn't even exist until 2003 according to my source below.

What do you mean stock prices don't have any influences on company profit? It means less money you can spend to make more money and I'm sure companies do look at stocks to determine if they are going in the right direction or going bankrupt. Also, losing money in stocks means company is losing money.

From the real Square Enix share, which is this. https://www.google.com/finance/quote/9684:TYO

The current company Square Enix has been formed via the merger between Squaresoft and Enix in 2003, but the stock existed before the merger, and it was simply transferred to the merged company.
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