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Imran Khan "Square Enix is panicking slightly over Final Fantasy XVI preorder numbers, which are tracking behind FFXV"


Gold Member
So bad that it sold 11 millions copies. As much as people like to hate on FF XV, this game was obviously checking some of the right boxes for 11 millions people to decide to buy it.

Let's wait and see if FF XVI can already do as good as that.
lets not forget the awful dev cycle this game (previously know as FFVersusXII) had


RSI Employee of the Year
1. You literally looked at the data (analyzing) over a short period (short term) to refute my claims...

2. How many is a lot exactly?

Enough to reach a volume of 456,000 shares traded in a day. Or perhaps you think these are only traded by Japanese investors? Considering how clueless you are, you probably do, lol. 😂

One thing's for sure. It's a whole lot more than 328. 😂

A decent chunk of the 11 million sales came from Xbox / PC and after a price drop. You need a lot of sales at the beginning since this isn't a GAAS game.

It sold 5 million units and broke even with development costs in 24 hours.

I’m quite sure we broke the 50 posts by one user by now.

Yeah, should totally let the misinformation run rampant right? I'm sure you'd love that.
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Gold Member
no. lets see how this will end
Enough to reach a volume of 456,000 shares traded in a day. Or perhaps you think these are only traded by Japanese investors? Considering how clueless you are, you probably do, lol. 😂

One thing's for sure. It's a whole lot more than 328. 😂

Yeah, should totally let the misinformation run rampant right? I'm sure you'd love that.
There is more than just Japan and America you know.... Also, it wouldn't be surprising if most trades on the Japan exchange is done by people living in Japan... I know strange concept. Also no source = no creditability.


Microsoft would have to pay a LOT more than what Sony pays, simply because they can offer considerably less sales on their platform. It would likely make zero economic sense for all parties involved.
They could’ve easily payed to have the game skipping any exclusivity. Would’ve been pocket money. And it would’ve made all the sense, bigger userbase, less negativity from fanboys fighting on social, more positive talk pre-launch and post-launch, this thread wouldn’t have existed because preorder numbers would’ve been higher and Twitter fanboys wouldn’t have made an article like this, and you and that cowboy would’ve spent your time doing something better than discussing stocks you probably don’t own anyway.
oh, the irony.
I given my sources and you just ignored it lol. Like how I proved to you that raising game prices to 70 dollars does effect game sales. Here is another source just for you.

The bottom line is that when price elasticity is high, your customers react strongly to price changes. In simple terms: a price reduction will likely bring new customers or sales. A price increase, on the other hand, causes customers to buy less product, meaning you're losing sales.

That was during the pandemic; anyone who looks at their actual fiscal numbers can tell PlayStation is the primary breadwinner for them by far.

The growth on PC is nice to have, of course. But it's not the "main platform" in the way that actually matters to the bottom line.

How so?

Just recently about 50% of their sales were on PC platform.



RSI Employee of the Year
There is more than just Japan and America you know.... Also, it wouldn't be surprising if most trades on the Japan exchange is done by people living in Japan... I know strange concept. Also no source = no creditability.

Funny, because I said "A lot of Americans (and investors from all over the world)"

Most investors trade stock where they're officially traded, as 456,000 versus 328 clearly proves.

They could’ve easily payed to have the game skipping any exclusivity. Would’ve been pocket money. And it would’ve made all the sense, bigger userbase, less negativity from fanboys fighting on social, more positive talk pre-launch and post-launch, this thread wouldn’t have existed because preorder numbers would’ve been higher and Twitter fanboys wouldn’t have made an article like this, and you and that cowboy would’ve spent your time doing something better than discussing stocks you probably don’t own anyway.

Are you seriously advocating that Microsoft should start paying developers for *no exclusivity?*

Hey... let me pay you for nothing at all. You're welcome. 🤔



"Companies sell shares in their business to raise money. They then use that money for various initiatives: A company might use money raised from a stock offering to fund new products or product lines, to invest in growth, to expand their operations or to pay off debt"
yes, that’s called an equity raise.
Only young companies with no profit and modest/insufficient cash flow raise money that way.
Mature companies like apple or Microsoft actually buyback their own shares to reduce the float and increase earning per share.
Square is profitable and cash flow positive. The stock price is irrelevant.
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lets not forget the awful dev cycle this game (previously know as FFVersusXII) had
This is irrelevant to the vast majority of these 11 millions buyers, I doubt that all are invested to the point of reading news and stuff on the internet.

FF XVI should satisfy these people as well I guess.


Gold Member
This is irrelevant to the vast majority of these 11 millions buyers, I doubt that all are invested to the point of reading news and stuff on the internet.

FF XVI should satisfy these people as well I guess.
is not irrelevant for the ones making and paying for the actual development and marketing of the game.

FFXV development, and the retail production was a feliure and a shitshow
So bad that it sold 11 millions copies. As much as people like to hate on FF XV, this game was obviously checking some of the right boxes for 11 millions people to decide to buy it.

Let's wait and see if FF XVI can already do as good as that.
How many people bought it because they wanted to believe the series had finally recovered, had their hopes dashed, and now aren't preordering FFXVI


How many people bought it because they wanted to believe the series had finally recovered, had their hopes dashed, and now aren't preordering FFXVI

Disappointing fans since 2009. It’s why they are trying to God of War 18 their way out of this slump.

They need an installment that hits hard, this game must be in the 90s metacritic or nothing is changing.


Everything. There's real consequences for big games bombing now, and actively hoping that it does hurts real people all because that particularly game doesn't cater to what you want out of it.
So, ALL games should sell gangbusters?

Well then, go buy yourself a copy of Gollum, Redfall and so on.
Even better, buy a copy of every indie game out there, since they're real people and not corporations.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
They could’ve easily payed to have the game skipping any exclusivity. Would’ve been pocket money. And it would’ve made all the sense, bigger userbase, less negativity from fanboys fighting on social, more positive talk pre-launch and post-launch, this thread wouldn’t have existed because preorder numbers would’ve been higher and Twitter fanboys wouldn’t have made an article like this, and you and that cowboy would’ve spent your time doing something better than discussing stocks you probably don’t own anyway.

You don't pay off a publisher to keep it non-exclusive. That's just....dumb.

Square revealed why they went with the deal; because they received direct support from Sony engineering teams and could focus on a single platform. They said this helped them make launch in quicker time and of higher quality. The Xbox audience/market wasn't big enough/worth it enough in the end to override that.

Some things aren't always about money.
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Are you seriously advocating that Microsoft should start paying developers for *no exclusivity?*

Hey... let me pay you for nothing at all. You're welcome. 🤔
It’s not nothing at all, if they can’t pay for exclusivity, pay to stay relevant. And pay for a Gamepass release whenever possible. They’re already okay with wasting 70 billion on ABK without COD exclusivity for two generations on console or cloud. Throwing SE a small no-exclusivity bone here wouldn’t even be worth mentioning on their earnings reports in comparison.


RSI Employee of the Year
It’s not nothing at all, if they can’t pay for exclusivity, pay to stay relevant. And pay for a Gamepass release whenever possible. They’re already okay with wasting 70 billion on ABK without COD exclusivity for two generations on console or cloud. Throwing SE a small no-exclusivity bone here wouldn’t even be worth mentioning on their earnings reports in comparison.

You're assuming that a "small bone" would suffice, and that's a very farfetched assumption.

They're paying ABK 70 billion with the perspective of making a TON of money with ABK's games. By owning ABK they also get its revenue, you know? On top of their whole development structure, their IP, and their assets. You're comparing apples to escalators, two kinds of transactions that have literally nothing to do with each other.
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Everything. There's real consequences for big games bombing now, and actively hoping that it does hurts real people all because that particularly game doesn't cater to what you want out of it.
Im not the company dad, nor its friend. If the product ends up failing, its because the company failed to understand what its fanbase wanted. And the consequence of that is not getting enough money to run. Im not gonna finance something I dont want because said company can go under. I value my money more than that. And I bet most do too.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
You’re misunderstanding. SE would never have FF as a Xbox exclusive. So if MS can’t pay to get an exclusive, because their platform is too small and not popular enough, pay to not be left outside instead.

Companies don't want to pay for essentially a "neutral" offer. There would need to be some kind of marketing deal involved. My guess is that Square looked at both offers from Sony and MS and decided the Xbox audience simply wasn't worth it in comparison. Again phil even said "that's on them". If they hadn't mucked up the Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles and lost a ton of global mindshare then companies like Square would be less incentivized to make these deals.


RSI Employee of the Year
You’re misunderstanding. SE would never have FF as a Xbox exclusive. So if MS can’t pay to get an exclusive, because their platform is too small and not popular enough, pay to not be left outside instead.

The slippery slope you're describing is complete nonsense.

If Microsoft started doing that, ALL developers with any decently popular game would offer exclusivity to Sony in an attempt to get Microsoft to pay them for "Non-exclusivity" instead. It's a completely bonkers idea, and it would backfire HORRIBLY.

Im not the company dad, nor its friend. If the product ends up failing, its because the company failed to understand what its fanbase wanted. And the consequence of that is not getting enough money to run. Im not gonna finance something I dont want because said company can go under. I value my money more than that. And I bet most do too.

You do understand that video games aren't made by "companies" but by "people?"

What a miserable point of view.
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Im not the company dad, nor its friend. If the product ends up failing, its because the company failed to understand what its fanbase wanted. And the consequence of that is not getting enough money to run. Im not gonna finance something I dont want because said company can go under. I value my money more than that. And I bet most do too.
Lmao. "doesn't hurt me, so why would I care wishing harm on others." K, dude. Can't be anymore clearer than that.
How so?

Just recently about 50% of their sales were on PC platform.

Capcom said it sold a total of 9.6 million games in the second quarter, with the majority of the sales comprissing overseas sales and catalog title sales. Based on these figures, we can deduce that Capcom sold around 4.8 million PC games over this period.

The figures were for the second quarter of 2022, and between PS5 shortages, PS4 tapering off, and Xbox not necessarily pulling up the end console-wise with software sales, I suppose it would make sense PC had to pull in the extra units.

But they also specifically mention that being due to foreign markets and for non-new releases (at least that's what I take 'catalog titles' to be referring to), i.e legacy/older software releases. Also while the title of the article mentions revenue, the actual unit measured are unit sales; there's no saying what the average software price was for the titles on PC but considering they were catalog games, probably wasn't the ARPU of an actual new software release.
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Companies don't want to pay for essentially a "neutral" offer. There would need to be some kind of marketing deal involved.
Well that’s honestly what they’ll have to deal with, I’m just being realistic here. MS needs to wake up and realize they have to pay to actually stay relevant. The bigger PS get compared to Xbox the more exclusives will go to PS by default.


RSI Employee of the Year
Well that’s honestly what they’ll have to deal with, I’m just being realistic here.

You are not. Because you're not considering that it'd open a can of worms in which Microsoft would end up with a new status quo in which they have to pay for "non-exclusivity" of every even remotely relevant game.

As I mentioned, your idea would backfire horribly, and that's why they don't do it. Do you seriously think you came up with the magic bullet solution that Microsoft somehow did not consider?
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The slippery slope you're describing is complete nonsense.

If Microsoft started doing that, ALL developers with any decently popular game would offer exclusivity to Sony in an attempt to get Microsoft to pay them for "Non-exclusivity" instead. It's a completely bonkers idea, and it would backfire HORRIBLY.
I’d say it’s exactly what’s needed. Why would anyone outside of US want to do Xbox exclusivity at this point? And why would SE ever even consider it? Xbox has bombed terribly in Japan, it would hurt the launch like crazy if the game wasn’t on PS day 1. MS will never ever get an exclusivity of a bigger IP from them, but they could be there beside the PS version.


RSI Employee of the Year
I’d say it’s exactly what’s needed. Why would anyone outside of US want to do Xbox exclusivity at this point? And why would SE ever even consider it? Xbox has bombed terribly in Japan, it would hurt the launch like crazy if the game wasn’t on PS day 1. MS will never ever get an exclusivity of a bigger IP from them, but they could be there beside the PS version.

I see. You actually do think you came up with the magical solution that Microsoft didn't think about. Perhaps you should send them a resume 😂
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You are not. Because you're not considering that it'd open a can of worms in which Microsoft would end up with a new status quo in which they have to pay for "non-exclusivity" of every even remotely relevant game.

As I mentioned, your idea would backfire horribly, and that's why they don't do it. Do you seriously think you came up with the magic bullet solution that Microsoft somehow did not consider?
It’s not a magic bullet solution, it’s what’s needed. What else can they do? Do you think they can get exclusivity for any game just by opening the wallet? Even IPs popular in Japan?
I don’t see that happening.


The nicest person on this forum
I guess some people already decided they hate the game no matter what.🤷‍♂️

I'm personally hyped for the game, I have no reason not to be and unlike past FF games Yoshida and his team were not shy about showing it off and I love everything I have seen.
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I see the usual suspects are in here trying to turn this into a console war thread because "mUh XbOx!" so let's offer up a hefty dose of reality. These are all from UK boxed sales numbers which are the only reliable metric (since NPD is sketchy and I'm not gonna trust VGChartz on it), and probably inflates the numbers over the total worldwide sales:

Final Fantasy 13 sold 2:1 on PS3 over Xbox 360. (In Japan, week one sales were a meager 22K on Xbox.)
Final Fantasy 13-2 sold 4:1 on PS3 over Xbox 360. (In Japan, week one sales were 8k on Xbox.)
Final Fantasy 15 sales were a 69/21 split between PS4 and Xbox One, respectively.
Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core Reunion sold an abysmal 6% on Xbox platforms.

That's just Final Fantasy. Octopath Traveler and the Dragon Quest titles SE put up on Xbox have also had a similar showing, selling worst on Xbox platforms compared to PlayStation and Switch. Part of that is the Game Pass Entitlement effect ("Game Pass wen?!?!" "Not buying, waiting for Game Pass.").

Cutting out Xbox isn't going to have a single effect on the future of Final Fantasy. Xbox fans already showed they don't give a shit about the game. They couldn't be bothered to support it (or most other SE JRPGs) in any significant manner so why waste time., money, and resources to sell it to a few dozen people.
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aka IMurRIVAL69
The figures were for the second quarter of 2022, and between PS5 shortages, PS4 tapering off, and Xbox not necessarily pulling up the end console-wise with software sales, I suppose it would make sense PC had to pull in the extra units.

But they also specifically mention that being due to foreign markets and for non-new releases (at least that's what I take 'catalog titles' to be referring to), i.e legacy/older software releases. Also while the title of the article mentions revenue, the actual unit measured are unit sales; there's no saying what the average software price was for the titles on PC but considering they were catalog games, probably wasn't the ARPU of an actual new software release.

Some of you guys are unreal. They did exactly what they set out to do, make 50% of their sales on PC. Probably in a shorter time frame than they anticipated as well.



RSI Employee of the Year
It’s not a magic bullet solution, it’s what’s needed. What else can they do? Do you think they can get exclusivity for any game just by opening the wallet? Even IPs popular in Japan?
I don’t see that happening.

If you don't understand that your idea would literally give all developers who have a semi-relevant IP leverage to extort free money from Microsoft, I can't really help here.

What they can do is what they have been doing, offering something that Sony doesn't offer (Game Pass, cloud, etc) and grow these differentiating factors enough that skipping their platform doesn't make economic sense. The result is that Sony can't afford to pay temporary exclusives on *everything* and can only pick and choose a few, because Microsoft's platform is still attractive for a lot of developers.

On top of that, acquisitions like ABK's also block Sony from acquiring exclusivities and marketing deals, while providing Microsoft with the acquired company's assets and revenue on top of that. At least they have something to show for it.
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