I really want to hear the alternative master. I ordered from Amazon so I can't access it.
Audiophile master is fucking great. Lots of great layers in there. Oddly the playthrough wasn't as bad as the first few.
YES YES Echoplex is one my favourite NiN songs. Haven't gotten around to this album yet.Echoplex is a great song. It isn't that he can't make a great song without a heavy drum sound, it's that when there's no heavy drum sound, there's generally still some bass and depth to the song. Echoplex feels purposeful and intentional, not just like he's fucking around.
999,999 -> 1,000,000 -> Letting You is as good of a 3 song chain on a NIN album as Pinion -> Wish -> Last.
DD: How is your golfing game?
Trent Reznor: I have never golfed. Actually, I golfed one time and was filled with resentment. Just the fucking people. I didnt get past that. The outfits.
Trent Reznor: I have never golfed. Actually, I golfed one time and was filled with resentment. Just the fucking people. I didnt get past that. The outfits.
The idea of Trent on a golf course with brightly colored plaid shorts and a white visor is pretty great. Someone should photoshop that up.
YES YES Echoplex is one my favourite NiN songs. Haven't gotten around to this album yet.
DD: How is your golfing game?
Trent Reznor: I have never golfed. Actually, I golfed one time and was filled with resentment. Just the fucking people. I didnt get past that. The outfits.
so after listening to all time low, i realized it kind of sounds like early RHCP. the guitar riff sounds like prime frusciante. and trent sings in a kind of syncopated way like kiedis does.
I enjoyed most of the whole album. A few duds, but mostly really solid stuff that feels like a blend of The Fragile and The Slip.
"Shut the god damn door" in falsetto is probably the single funniest moment on any NIN record.
Which song is this from? I don't usually pay much attention to lyrics until after about 10 listens.
nice find, i'll check it out in a bit
i meant to say staccato, but that might not be completely accurate either. he separates his syllables in a way that reminds me of kiedis.What? He sings pretty much right on the beat the whole song... Not really syncopated.
Funny, I'd say it sounds the least like those two albums. My thought was Year Zero x PHM.
Which song is this from? I don't usually pay much attention to lyrics until after about 10 listens.
I had no idea With Teeth seems so reviled here, it's got some of my favorite NIN tracks on there. I assume it's due to how almost all the songs are basically very radio-friendly alternative rock songs?
The Line Begins To Blur is still killer to me.
With Teeth has a whole lot of awesome. All The Love In The World, The Collector, The Hand That Feeds, Only, Everyday Is Exactly The Same, Only, Right Where It Belongs are top shelf.
I don't really know if I can rank properly. The Fragile is tops for me, but everything after that is a toss up. I'm not big on TDS, though.
Would you guys rank the album's?
I don't really know if I can rank properly. The Fragile is tops for me, but everything after that is a toss up. I'm not big on TDS, though.
there's a new EP on Spotify of some live tracks from the recent festival shows.
Copy of A
Came Back Haunted
Find My Way
Still is the best remix album/companion piece to an album