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ine Inch ails - Hesitation Marks |OT|

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My deluxe edition still hasn't shown up at my local record store. While I've already listened to the album a few times, I've been holding off on really digging in until I get my copy. Looks like that won't be happening until Friday. :(


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Copy of A might be the best song Trent has done in about a decade...

All in all I dig the album. I get why some don't. It definitely heavily borrows from everything Trent has done since he retired NIN, but I'm cool with that. I'm more than pleased with the album we got!


Listened to it tonight. I was a bit distracted with other things while it was on, but I liked what I heard overall. Some songs are excellent, some are clunky bunk.

Afterwards I went back to Pretty Hate Machine. Sai_Kun I should have bought that vinyl a couple days ago damn it. I forgot just how good it is, especially That's What I Get.
Echoplex is a great song. It isn't that he can't make a great song without a heavy drum sound, it's that when there's no heavy drum sound, there's generally still some bass and depth to the song. Echoplex feels purposeful and intentional, not just like he's fucking around.

999,999 -> 1,000,000 -> Letting You is as good of a 3 song chain on a NIN album as Pinion -> Wish -> Last.
YES YES Echoplex is one my favourite NiN songs. Haven't gotten around to this album yet.



The idea of Trent on a golf course with brightly colored plaid shorts and a white visor is pretty great. Someone should photoshop that up.
YES YES Echoplex is one my favourite NiN songs. Haven't gotten around to this album yet.


Lucky you.

DD: How is your golfing game?

Trent Reznor: I have never golfed. Actually, I golfed one time and was filled with resentment. Just the fucking people. I didn’t get past that. The outfits.

I need a mulligan
I need some help
I need a mulligan
You know my handicap is still at minus 12


Has Trent ever released his work out schedule? It always surprises me to see him so yoked. Also, I don't think I've ever seen a dude sweat so much. I'm watching the Wave Goodbye DVD right now. He's completely drenched 3 songs in.

I really wish Trent would have produced Chinese Democracy.


Trent, did you learn nothing from Chris Cornell? Holy fuck what happened to you. This album is an embarrassment to NIN. Did you get Timbaland and JB to write this shit for you? Jaysus.


I wish Robin would put out a solo record. I mean, he's spent most of the past 20 years working with Trent and Axl Rose. The stuff he gleaned from them plus his own weird ass style should combine to make something pretty amazing. Besides a random solo on a Ceelo song and the Ghost of Mars soundtrack, I don't think he's been on anything that isn't GNR or NIN related. That's really a shame. His contributions to Chinese Democracy I think were more important and better than Buckethead. He only has one official song writing credit (Better), but he definitely put in the most work on riffs, leads, and solos for that album.

Why hasn't he put out solo stuff? I miss his wacky dancing at GNR shows. He got so into Mr. Brownstone.
so after listening to all time low, i realized it kind of sounds like early RHCP. the guitar riff sounds like prime frusciante. and trent sings in a kind of syncopated way like kiedis does.

What? He sings pretty much right on the beat the whole song... Not really syncopated.

I enjoyed most of the whole album. A few duds, but mostly really solid stuff that feels like a blend of The Fragile and The Slip.

Funny, I'd say it sounds the least like those two albums. My thought was Year Zero x PHM.

"Shut the god damn door" in falsetto is probably the single funniest moment on any NIN record.

Which song is this from? I don't usually pay much attention to lyrics until after about 10 listens.


Just got it. First time listen in progress, but I'm digging the hell out of Copy of A. Catchy as shit.

Find My Way... so good. Gat'damn.

While I'm Still Here (Howler Mix) is fucking godlike. By far my favorite track on the record. Should have been part of the actual album rather just a bonus track IMO.




So this album sounds better with headphones to me than just through my stereo. Been listening to it at work and its alright I guess. Everything still sucks even after about 20 playthroughs of the album.

To be honest, the album just made me want to listen to The Fragile.


there's a new EP on Spotify of some live tracks from the recent festival shows.

Copy of A
Came Back Haunted
Find My Way


What? He sings pretty much right on the beat the whole song... Not really syncopated.

Funny, I'd say it sounds the least like those two albums. My thought was Year Zero x PHM.

Which song is this from? I don't usually pay much attention to lyrics until after about 10 listens.
i meant to say staccato, but that might not be completely accurate either. he separates his syllables in a way that reminds me of kiedis.


Kind of surprised to see this album get so much hate. I can see where people are coming from, but this is no where near as bad as Chris Cornell's scream. And I still think With Teeth is a worse album than this one.


I had no idea With Teeth seems so reviled here, it's got some of my favorite NIN tracks on there. I assume it's due to how almost all the songs are basically very radio-friendly alternative rock songs?

The Line Begins To Blur is still killer to me.


I had no idea With Teeth seems so reviled here, it's got some of my favorite NIN tracks on there. I assume it's due to how almost all the songs are basically very radio-friendly alternative rock songs?

The Line Begins To Blur is still killer to me.

With Teeth has some good tracks, but most of them are just clones of past tracks, and not as good. It also has some real clunkers. I dunno, maybe I'm being too harsh on it.

I'm just surprised people hate the new album to the levels that they are. Although again, I do get where they are coming from. But really? Chris Cornell Scream?


With Teeth has a whole lot of awesome. All The Love In The World, The Collector, The Hand That Feeds, Only, Everyday Is Exactly The Same, Only, Right Where It Belongs are top shelf.


With Teeth has a whole lot of awesome. All The Love In The World, The Collector, The Hand That Feeds, Only, Everyday Is Exactly The Same, Only, Right Where It Belongs are top shelf.

Would you guys rank the album's? Already saw fans earlier saying Pretty Hate Machine was the best. Curious what you guys think is the best to worst. I'll give With Teeth some spins, it's been awhile. I remember buying it when it came out and listening to it non stop while in school. But I never loved it compared to the older stuff.

Do you guys like With Teeth more than Year Zero too?


I don't really know if I can rank properly. The Fragile is tops for me, but everything after that is a toss up. I'm not big on TDS, though.


I don't really know if I can rank properly. The Fragile is tops for me, but everything after that is a toss up. I'm not big on TDS, though.

I loved TDS until I heard The Fragile.

TDS = The fictional account of a man falling apart so drastically he commits suicide.

The Fragile = The true story of a mans addictions to drugs and alcohol thats so bad that he is contemplating suicide.

I still love TDS but The Fragile is so much more personal and haunting to me. I imagine its probably pretty rare that someone so dependent on drugs is able to communicate so beautifully the feelings and experiences he is having.
I'd probably rank them:

Pretty Hate Machine
The Fragile
Year Zero
The Slip

I can't properly place Hesitation Marks, but right now it feels like it'll come between The Fragile and With_Teeth. I used to rank PHM below The Fragile, but over the past year I've come to really appreciate PHM a lot. The Fragile feels like it could have been an absolutely jaw-dropping single album, but got really bloated because Trent couldn't self-edit.

With_Teeth works for me because I can appreciate it as a collection of good rock songs. It gets so much hate because that's what it is. It's not The Fragile or any attempt at recreating that album. That's pretty much why people hate that album so much. It's a rock record when NIN hadn't done a rock record before.


I don't really know if I can rank properly. The Fragile is tops for me, but everything after that is a toss up. I'm not big on TDS, though.

We agree there. The Fragile has always been my personal favorite album. Love it. Here is my ranking (I guess we aren't doing just LP's):

The Fragile
The Downward Spiral
Pretty Hate Machine
Year Zero
Hesitation Marks
With Teeth
The Slip

I'll give With Teeth more listens. Like I said, I listened to this album constantly while in school. And I always enjoyed it. But I never thought it was that great in the context of the discography. But maybe I'm being unfair. I also really love Ghosts, but it's kind of hard for me to rank it. I just know that IMO With Teeth and The Slip are his weakest efforts.


Favorite to Least Favorite:
The Downward Spiral
The Fragile
Hesitation Marks
Year Zero
Ghosts I–IV
Pretty Hate Machine
The Slip

Still is the best remix album/companion piece to an album

there's a new EP on Spotify of some live tracks from the recent festival shows.

Copy of A
Came Back Haunted
Find My Way

I'm liking the artwork alot


I really like "The Great Destroyer", just wish it was a bit longer. I really like when the pre-chorus starts to pick up.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
I really enjoy the album. I'd put it above Year Zero and With Teeth.

Black Noise had me wanting more of that kind of sound though. Sounds like a mix of TDS and The Fragile. I'd kill for album of that.
Still is the best remix album/companion piece to an album

Agreed. Wish Trent had gone back to this style for at least one proper album. Still digging Hesitation Marks a lot but being reminded of Still, too be far too clever, makes me long for all that could have been.
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