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ine Inch ails - Hesitation Marks |OT|

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I love The Fragile, but Reznor could've cut out 5 or so songs and made it spectacular.


Favorite NIN albums is a tough one but if I'm to rank them from best to least favorite...

The Fragile
Year Zero
Hesitation Marks
The Downward Spiral
With Teeth
The Slip
Pretty Hate Machine
Ghosts I-IV

I'm still in awe that Trent could put out something like The Fragile. It's a pretty immense piece of work, I'd like to see him tackle a double album like that again some time soon. His music is the most interesting when it's telling a story.

Year Zero I have very fond memories of. It felt like With Teeth but with a lot more... teeth to it. Much more progression and much more experimentation. It proved how much NIN can evolve and adapt.

Hesitation Marks is quickly proving to be an album I can just chill to and have playing while humming some of the memorable tunes. I'd be interested in seeing Trent do a Lights In The Sky-esque live tour of it.

I'm always split on The Downward Spiral. It's a very angry album and I think as far as subject matters go, it's my least favorite that NIN depicts. The Fragile had a lot more levity than this did which elevated the general ideas. That said it's undoubtedly well put-together and has phenomenal progression. Ruiner is one of my favorite NIN tracks.

With Teeth is a very standard album for me, easily the safest NIN album. But safe has never really been bad in my eyes and Trent is still a good songwriter. As far as atmosphere goes I love the latter half, it almost shows signs of another concept album that never came to be.

The Slip is basically the same thing as With Teeth in my eyes but reversed. It has a fantastic first half and a bit of a slow second half so it all balances out. The first time I had ever heard of the album was incidentally when I went in on nin.com for the first time in ages on that specific day of release. It was pretty surprising to see, and I expected it to be another Ghosts-style album because of it, especially after hearing the intro. I left pleasantly surprised after 1,000,000 kicked in.

Pretty Hate Machine is an album I much prefer live and there are only a number of tracks that I really love on their own. The remaster has made me appreciate it a lot more though, I'm surprised to see how much of a leap Trent did between that one and Broken.

Broken I guess isn't really an album but since everyone groups it together with the rest I think it's fair game. I only really like Last and Wish on there. It's a bit of an "eh" for me.

Ghosts is background music. Pleasant to listen to but I don't think much of it.


Finally listening to the Audiophile Mastered Mix....this thing is so different from the other. It sounds so much better when you can hear everything in the mix.


Not really sure where I'd rank the albums but With Teeth would be rock bottom. I never go back to it. PHM, and Fragile near top/top.
After listening to HM everyday since it was leaked, I have come to the conclusion that it's a very, very good album. I've accepted the fact that Trent will likely never top The Fragile, but that doesn't mean he can't still create some amazing music. There were several songs (Satellite to name one) that I didn't immediately like, but all of them have since grown on me. I'd say at the very least every song has an amazing chorus. I'm disappointed that there's not much of an instrumental track or a very sad song (most of his albums have one of each), but overall, I'm very happy with this album and I'd say it's definitely his best since With Teeth, and possibly since The Fragile.
Finally listening to the Audiophile Mastered Mix....this thing is so different from the other. It sounds so much better when you can hear everything in the mix.

Yea, it's really amazing; however, the tunes are amazingly mediocre for the most part. There's some stand out, great tracks on here, but after many listens it doesn't work as a cohesive album for me.

The Audiophile master though, god I love it. Remaster them all this way, digitally, Trent. 24/96khz bring me home.

My list:

Still (yes I consider it an album)
The Fragile
With Teeth
Hesitation Marks
The Slip
Year Zero


Neo Member
nine inch nails ‏@nineinchnails 11m
TENSION 2013: Alessandro Cortini, Joshua Eustis, Robin Finck, Lisa Fischer, Sharlotte Gibson, Pino Palladino, Trent Reznor, and Ilan Rubin.
Did anyone else thing the middle was especially mediocre? I loved the beginning and most of the end, but I haven't heard a NIN album with such crazy peaks and troughs since With Teeth. It didn't help at all that I don't like Disappointed (such an appropriate title), All Time Low (I only loved the bridge), or Satellite (it's their poppiest song since anything on Purest Feeling). It's honestly one of my most disappointing albums of the year, but I'm still stoked to see them live a second time because the live setting and remixes could really improve this album.


nine inch nails ‏@nineinchnails 11m
TENSION 2013: Alessandro Cortini, Joshua Eustis, Robin Finck, Lisa Fischer, Sharlotte Gibson, Pino Palladino, Trent Reznor, and Ilan Rubin.
Oh I see two back up singers, should be interesting, Trent has two people to hit the notes he can't now.

Copy of a
Terrible Lie
March of the Pigs
All Time Low
Came Back Haunted
Find My Way
I Would for You
A Warm Place
Somewhat Damaged
The Hand that Feeds
Head Like a Hole

Even Deeper
In This Twilight
While I'm Still Here
Black Noise

Not sure I'm crazy about that set.

At least Gave Up was dropped, but why couldn't Survivalism and Only get the boot as well?


Show was amazing. Fourth time seeing them and easily the best of over five hundred concerts I've attended. The light show alone was worth the cost of admisson and four hour one way drive.


9/30 Setlist:

Copy of A
Terrible Lie
March of the Pigs
All Time Low
Came Back Haunted
Find My Way
Into The Void
The Frail/The Wretched
A Warm Place
Somewhat Damaged
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole

Even Deeper
Various Methods of Escape
While I'm Still Here
Black Noise?

Black Noise maybe wasn't played


9/30 setlist is much better on paper than the first setlist. Hope there's still a chance for La Mer and/or The Way Out Is Through but it's probably a long shot.


yoooooo i would traded even deeper for various methods of escape

and i woulda traded i would for you for the frail/the wretched

sick setlist!

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Saw the Aussie teaser image today. I am gonna die when he opens with Copy of A. We are hyped!


Omg I see that various methods was played. I'm sitting here right now watching explosions open. Super excited.


9/30 Setlist:

Copy of A
Terrible Lie
March of the Pigs
All Time Low
Came Back Haunted
Find My Way
Into The Void
The Frail/The Wretched
A Warm Place
Somewhat Damaged
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole

Even Deeper
Various Methods of Escape
While I'm Still Here
Black Noise?

Black Noise maybe wasn't played

I would have LOVED to have them play Burn or Deep live. Otherwise, I'm happy with the setlist from 9/28 show. The new album grows on me more and more each time I listen to it. It isn't the best effort, but it's still a very solid album and I can easily listen through it in its entirety without skipping any tracks.


I was going to sell my ticket for the ATL show and go see something else more local, but fuck it.....seeing those setlists got me hyped again.

Anyone going on the 24th in ATL?


My spoiler-filled thoughts of the Cleveland show last night (I was there):


+ TR, even at 48, still has the fire and intensity he always had.
+ Explosions in The Sky were excellent at opening up the show.
+ Amazing stage production courtesy of Moment Factory.
+ Band sounded great and tight as usual. Pino was great. This is an excellent line up.
+ Great representation of The Fragile. Finally TR doesn't abandon his best work like he's done past couple of tours. 5 songs from Fragile tonight. Into The Void was great.
+ Lisa Fischer sounded fantastic during Even Deeper, which evidently is now a staple.
+ Lisa Fischer and Sharlotte Gibson were fantastic. I agree with TR's decision to bring these talented vocalists on board. They sounded great. All Time Low was enhanced with their presence.
+ TR finally dropped some staples that worn out their welcome long ago. Here's looking at you Gave Up.
+ Excellent varied setlist with some good deep cuts.
+ The Hestiation Marks songs sounded great live. Running was my least favorite track on HM, but after last night I've found a new appreciation for it.
+ A WARM PLACE. Seriously?? What a shock. I don't know if it was a recording or if there were anyone on stage playing it. I know several members jumped off stage at that point. Not sure if it was everybody. But I still got misty eyed during that.
+ While I'm Still Here/Black Noise - seriously Ilan Rubin killed that drum kit. Ilan Rubin is a gem and I hope he remains with NIN for a long long time.
+ Very good setlist consisting of mostly TDS, Fragile, and HM.
+ No Ghosts. I love Ghosts, but it doesn't work in arenas - mainly because of people in the crowd yelling. Unable to focus on it.


- Hesistation Marks is his best work since The Fragile. It's an amazing album and my favorite of the year (a spot previously held by Daft Punk's Random Access Memories.) So you know what that means? You guessed it. Trent didn't play enough of it. Although it had the highest count of plays by discography (7 plays), I still needed more. I was hoping to hear the best tracks from the album - Various Methods Of Escape, I Would For You, and In Two. I was hoping for at least 2 out of 3. Instead I got 0 out of 3. @#$%. Well, maybe at Nashville. He's been rotating in VMOE and IWFY in the past couple of setlists (but not together, which in my opinion is a great mistake), just not last night. I'm deducting 1 whole point from the NIN scale below just based on this.
- In This Twilight was the closing song at all the Lights In The Sky tour shows. Shouldn't have been played last night, although it's a great and amazing song, probably best on Year Zero - would've rather heard one of the HM songs I mentioned above.
- Guess I was spoiled by the LITS setlists, they were 30+ songs long. Last night? Only 25. I paid double the money for 5 less songs. That's kind of annoying.
- TR still won't push himself and play We're In This Together live. He's played it a few times with the old With Teeth band at a lower key. He should get some stones and play it. I guess he hates how it sounds. Nobody online agrees. Everyone who's seen Youtube of WITT thinks it sounds good even at the lower key. He can do it. He just refuses to for whatever reason.
- I felt like the six man band was underutilized. I'd love to have heard some epic instrumentals like Just Like You Imagined/La Mer/etc.
- The Hand That Feeds (the worst song from With Teeth) is still on the setlist.
- Survivalism (the worst song from Year Zero) is still on the setlist.

Other Comments:

* Cleveland continues Ohio's time honored tradition of having the most boring crowds. Majority of people were sitting during the show. Atlanta, Lexington, and Indianapolis still have the best crowds in my opinion - while Ohio still at the bottom of the barrel.
* I think I saw Mariqueen bring out Trent's very young kids from the right side of the stage at the beginning of the show. This is a really bad idea because NIN fans are by and large idiots (except GAF of course) and I worry about their safety. For their sake, probably should keep them in the back away from these wild hooligans.
* I saw the blue mohawk guy yet again (I've seen him at like at least 50% of the shows) and once again, his blue mohawk is extremely tall and will obstruct the view of anyone behind him. Cut that thing bro. You know who you are.
* Everyone feels the need to scream during the verses of Hurt. News flash: If you scream during Hurt, you're a jackass.

That's all I got.

Here's the final score.

General score: 9.7 / 10
NIN adjusted score: 7.5 / 10. (about lower to mid range compared to the other shows I've seen. coulda been higher if more HM)


yo what @ hating on survivalism

fuck outta here bro!!!!!! </3

agreed with your negatives re: not utilizing the full band to their full potential, in my opinion. i would've LOVED to hear Just Like You Imagined.


I love The Fragile, but Reznor could've cut out 5 or so songs and made it spectacular.

Disagree in every way. It was spectacular for the very reasons it was a bit indulgent. I wouldn't cut one piece from the album.

Also, the audiophile edition of HM is a fucking joke. Seriously, it went from DR5 to DR6 in dynamic range. What and the hell are these guys smoking! After all that talk about appeasing audiophiles and they release a ridiculous edition aimed at who again? These guys are going deaf. That is all I can come up with.

There were a few somewhat prominent people who have spoken out against the audiophile edition too. Including one dude who even worked with Reznor or knew him, a guy that is at the forefront of dynamic range and what not.

Don't get me wrong. I didn't want DR12 or anything for a NIN album but I totally expected DR9 across the board. The fact that half the songs are still DR5 is amazing to me. I am someone who can deal with compression, and NIN stuff needs it at times. But this was just a botched release. Oh well, I don't pay millionaires for music anymore anyway. I have seen NIN in concert three times and I think my last time was the last for various reasons. TDS and TF will remain great works of art. Broken as well. I even enjoyed Ghosts a lot. HM is a decent album but I really just cannot get over the amount of dynamic range his albums have at times.

For instance, TDS was a very good remaster and on the SACD/DVDA you could definitely hear that they kept their range. Something like DR9. There really isn't any point at all going below DR7 in my mind unless you are doing tones or club stuff or whatever. I still don't think stuff ever needs be that compressed in the DR6 and 5 range.

Another band that severely crushes most of their releases into oblivion is Boris of all bands. Some of their stuff just sounds awful.

On another front the new release of In Utero kept ALL of its dynamic range along with the new mixes by Albini, something they didn't bother to do with Nevermind, which still isn't as crushed as NIN stuff. I will admit on the lower volume stuff HM sounds good. But when those guitars get cranked I reach for the volume knob and put it down.


Spoiler filled thoughts on Nashville! (was there, second show on Tension)


+ Band was firing on all cylinders last night. Unbelievable intensity. Felt a lot more visceral and frantic than Cleveland show.
+ Godspeed! You Black Emperor were great openers.
+ 10 HESITATION MARKS TRACKS. YES. This is what I wanted. A lot better than Cleveland's measily selection of HM.
+ Setlist was amazing and a lot more unpredictable than the Cleveland setlist.


- This Fall Tension tour looks like it will be the only leg of Tension. That makes me sad. Lexington, KY Rupp Arena needs a Tension spot.
- Various Methods of Escape and I Would For You are 2 of the 3 strongest songs on HM (in my opinion, In Two being the other one which WAS played and WAS awesome), hence those songs should be staples, and not rotation songs. Hopefully they are on the next States tour whenever that is. I want those songs live so bad. I still have yet to hear VMOE, IWFY, and Everything live. Everything will never be played live as it has "became an irritant" (direct TR quote). I'm going to congratulate ETS user Papagolash for single handedly ruining Everything for Trent with his unicorn and puppy filled Everything video.
- Still no We're in This Together.
- The Hand That Feeds (the worst song from With Teeth) is still on the setlist.
- Survivalism (the worst song from Year Zero) is still on the setlist.

Other Comments:

* There was a mystery drunk woman around the middle of the set (Find My Way and Satellite were nearly ruined for me) who just came from the pit to in front of sec 106 (where we were sitting) to complain that her purse is missing and she swore up and down it was in the front row, when none of us in sec 106 seen this woman before. Security checks the front row at least 50 times despite all of us including my friend White telling staff that this woman has never been in our section ever. I almost wanted to say "well, the mystery purse wasn't here the 46th time you checked, maybe it'll show up on the 47th!"
* Another drunk woman getting in front of my friend towards end of set.

Final score.

General score: 9.9 / 10
NIN adjusted score: 9.5 / 10. (one of the top 5 best NIN shows for me)


I went to the Boston, MA show recently and it was fantastic. I'm not a fan of the new album and was actually pretty disappointed after listening to it initially. But I will say the new music translates WAY better live. I enjoyed it a lot. I was also pretty pumped they played The Wretched, because it's one of my favorites and I've never seen it live before. woot!

Anyhow, great tour. go see it if you still can!


i was also at the boston show, i had a great time. the light shows for each song were unbelievable. disappointed is far from my favorite song off HM, but it might have been my favorite song from the show.
the lines spinning and turning into the revolving cube was so cool to see.
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