Now I think that this album is the best since The Fragile. Or at least it's the right album for me now.
Anyway just saw them in Milan fuck yeah!
It absolutely is, but I think that says more about the rest of his post-Fragile output than HM's quality. To be honest, I think HM lacks standout tracks (Various Methods of Escape is the best song by far since it sounds like a scrapped Fragile tune, and Copy of A is already one of my favourite NIN songs, though) but I like the mood of the album and the minimalist approach to the music.
I haven't read the lyrics of every song yet, but I think it fits the theme of reminiscing about life during TDS era very well. Feels like an introspective, contemplative album. I prefer noisy NIN (thats why I love Getting Smaller although it seems that a lot of people hate it), but I can appreciate what Trent was trying to do.
For me, right now, TDS > The Fragile > PHM = Broken >>>>>>> HM >>>>>>>>>>>>>> With_Teeth >>>>>>>> The Slip >>>> Year Zero.
Oh, and regarding Everything: I like it in the context of the album, but it feels like a wasted chance. I think he could have tackled the subjects adding some layers of things falling appart, dischordant tunes or out-tuned strings to leave the impression that everything is not alright after all, that in the end is hapiness is only a mask and you can see its cracks. I know that the song wasn't about that at all, but I had a similar idea for a song :lol