Why do you think so? I'm not a fanboy, I just started to listen to NIN two months ago, but I thought that I Would for You was at least decent.
I get why you're asking, and I'd be glad to elaborate.
The sum of Hesitation Marks' parts reads is essentially the backwash of what's become a very flawed recording style on the part of TR. His personal resources of inspiration -- strictly in terms of music -- shows all the signs of depletion, and the alarming part about that is it's completely unbeknownst to him. What he sees as more organic song creation is actually what's dumbing down his work. It takes being quite adept at reading between the lines of his catalog to catch that. If not, HM comes off as another NIN album with another style. I think it's far worse than that.
The songs I listed earlier as being atrocities are so (in my opinion, of course) because they would have never made the cut if TR was as self-aware as he used to be. They're essentially empty filler tracks with just enough coats of polish to pass through. And as a result, there isn't much within HM, as a whole, to grasp.
It's a soulless surface value record. Bleeps, bloops and beats with the occasional shade of brilliance.
The other issue is how much his HTDA project rubbed off on his music. A few songs have quite a few vocal styles, beats and melodies that read like a Welcome Oblivion B-side. There's even a touch of Mariqueen in his vocal delivery. I suppose if you hang out at a barber shop long enough, you're bound to get a haircut.
All of this equates to Nine Inch Nails music becoming a glorified formula that won't dare deviate from the template. The artistic genius is still in there somewhere, but it didn't show up in HM whatsoever. Maybe next time, I hope.