What is this Cheetah everyone is speaking of?
That was my biggest concern based in the videos. I've always thought that the sound design in the InFamous games was too understated and meek; sad that it's (arguably) also the case here.Actually I don't like so much the sound, is too subtle, too silent, the power's SFX don't pop out in a boom like I want. And the music is too peacefull.
I can tell just from the first few minutes, SP took a lot from ND. Delsin's makes a lot of witty comments just about the environment and everything just like Nathan does.
Actually I don't like so much the sound, is too subtle, too silent, the power's SFX don't pop out in a boom like I want. And the music is too peacefull.
But the rest... Oh my gosh, so fucking beautiful!
Thats awesome. I watched the first 20 min and was very impressed!Man the textures look amazing. Are you impressed by the graphics??
I'm susceptible to ANY tearing and I have not seen any.
None that I notice.
More than impressed. I'm fucking floored. I have no effing idea how SP got these graphics for an open world game.
It's not as quiet as the second game though, right? Cause that stuck out like a sore thumb. Would be unfortunate if true, that they haven't learned.
No its not nearly as quiet as that.
On street level when I stand still I hear the monorail going by, trees rustling in the wind, cars going by, and police sirens.
More than impressed. I'm fucking floored. I have no effing idea how SP got these graphics for an open world game.
I watched that part whereOMG!!you are going to Seattle and the bridge is collapsing
I've noticed a little bit of pop-in. Not directly stuff that's in front of you or way in front of you, but way off into the distance.
Not really pop-in of objects themselves, but pop-in of more detail on those objects.
Edit: I'll put up an example.
So basically what you are saying is Watch Dogs am cry?
Example of the slight pop-in in detail I was talking about.
The buildings off into the distance. Pop-in of the shadows.
Are you using an ssd or sshd? Maybe they can reduce texture pop-in?
Example of the slight pop-in in detail I was talking about.
The buildings off into the distance. Pop-in of the shadows.
And i watched it on youtube..! You are playing it right??This game will probably be the next graphichs kingThat part is crazy!
I was floored.
Example of the slight pop-in in detail I was talking about.
The buildings off into the distance. Pop-in of the shadows.
Watch Dogs looks like a game from a different generation.
Watch Dogs is like an enhance GTAV.
inFamous is on a whole different level graphically from both games.
Out for delivery!!!!!
mine still hasnt updated with that...but the mail usually arrives within the next hour and a half to 2 hours
I am glad to see detail impressions thanks.I just want to restate before people start nitpicking pop-in OMG..
The pop-in is not one of objects and its nothing that takes place right in front of you or even way in front of you. At least from what I've played so far. It's more what I mentioned above, pop in of stuff like shadows far into the distance.
I just want to restate before people start nitpicking pop-in OMG..
The pop-in is not one of objects and its nothing that takes place right in front of you or even way in front of you. At least from what I've played so far. It's more what I mentioned above, pop in of stuff like shadows far into the distance.
And i watched it on youtube..! You are playing it right??This game will probably be the next graphichs king
Does the UGC system from InFamous 2 make a return?
The world looks really dense.
I just want to restate before people start nitpicking pop-in OMG..
The pop-in is not one of objects and its nothing that takes place right in front of you or even way in front of you. At least from what I've played so far. It's more what I mentioned above, pop in of stuff like shadows far into the distance.
wouldn't be an open world game without pop-ins.
HOLY SHIT. This game. This game.
Sucker Punch has completely shattered my expectations.
I can't believe I'm playing an Infamous game.
Seriously the story, sound, graphics, gameplay etc. are all fucking amazing.
If anyone wants to know something specific let me know.