Remember how hyped we all were before Shadow Fall came out?
Lets keep our expectations in check, just to be safe.
Looks incredible! But... patience.
I have no clue what Super Resolution is and neither does most of the Internet it seems.
If you scroll down, is it the super resolution for game mode?
Are there impressions anywhere? I haven't been keeping up with the thread. Is the game awesome?
Does it let you capture screenshots of cutscenes? If so, you should try and post some like talking to fetch or the levels that have been shown so far (no spoilers) that would be great! Also, nice shots.
Yeah it is, thanks
Works out cheaper than UK prices, are all PS4 games RF?
If you scroll down, is it the super resolution for game mode?
Cheaper if you keep it, if you trade it in for £20-22 then it might be a little cheaper overall buying it domestically
I'm on the fence right now
In Jeddah. There are few shops here who often get early. GamerX is the one I usually buy from. hype for Second Son! I hope this game sells well. Also would greatly appreciate an avatar beanie!
Ebay seller had it up earlier in the week.How is everyone getting it early?
Still haven't seen anybody respond to the sound questions, is the game oddly quiet like infamous 1 and 2?
Ebay seller had it up earlier in the week.
Arthur Gies @aegies
@nib95_ i'm not reviewing it.
Did you order from Cheetah aswell?
The art direction is the best of any Infamous game and by a big margin. It is amazing.
How many powers are there? Just want a number not what they are. Spoiler tag it please.
Still not exactly clear but we know 3 of them, supposedly there should be 4.
What do you mean? Won't it still be cheaper than buying it domestically and trading it in, if purchasing it is cheaper in the first place?
He won't even try will he? Titanfall is a nice game (from what I've played on PC) but still, he needs to mention it just because.
People are already getting copies here in Peru so I might just go to a friend's and play some of it beforehandWill still be getting my copy from Amazon because I can't stand Spanish in my boxarts, don't ask why.
How many powers are there? Just want a number not what they are. Spoiler tag it please.
Got my game today, game is awesome.
Not really spoilers but some people are really picky
The intro is very fast paced so you get dropped into the city and the action very soon.
Visuals are incredible.
Amazing. Can't stop playing.
Can you go back to the wooded intro area? Or is that just a tutorial map of sorts?
Congrats! You are famous now. Apparently, you have good taste as well!
Congrats! You are famous now. Apparently, you have good taste as well!
Hahahaha Wow that's awesome!!
Can't wait for the plethora of comments of people telling me to clean my Dpad XD.
Btw, HOLY FUCKING SHIT this game gets interesting in the story. Damn.
Hahahaha Wow that's awesome!!
Can't wait for the plethora of comments of people telling me to clean my Dpad XD.
Btw, HOLY FUCKING SHIT this game gets interesting in the story. Damn.
Games journalism is pretty much just browsing gaf and reporting on that nowadays.