Also the first 2 hours of any Infamous are by far the worst 2 hours to me, so I encourage everyone to at the very least get through some of the main missions until you get more powers at your disposal then go explore. Seriously the further into Infamous you get the better it becomes. I am not trying to convince delt to change his mind, but just a word of advice to others who didn't like how the first two started and find themselves in a similar position with this.
I couldn't get past the boring bits in the first infamous and i didn't play infamous 2 because of it. Everything about the first game was a turn off, I just couldn't do it. I'm not expecting the same with this one, it looks far more appealing. I wish developers would stop putting boring missions at the beginning of these open world games that basically act as tutorials. We know how to play games, just get to the good stuff off the bat.