Grimløck;104811474 said:
i think they're busy mucking it up in the next-gen screenshots thread.
I hate to agree, but god damn, the Next-Gen screenshot thread is so full of salt I needed to call a Doctor.
It's like Second Son has brought out the secret insecurities of many PC gamers. For the record, I have a beast PC that I build in late 2012, and yeah, it's awesome, but I've been a console gamer since the 80's, and I'm constantly amazed at how they progress each generation. Right now, inFAMOUS Second Son is the best looking open world game I've seen. On both consoles and PC, not just "for a console game."
I love my PC, but I love my PS4, and Sony's First Party studios have always been enough to get me to game PlayStation. inFAMOUS was my favorite new IP last generation, and while I never buy a console for just one game, Second Son was as much of a system seller for me the moment it said "Only on PlayStation 4." These screens have exceeded my expectations for the visuals, and Sucker Punch deserves to be spoken of in the same reverence as Naughty Dog and Santa Monica Studios, and not just because of the visuals, but because, ever since the beginning, they've been crafting incredibly fun games, even when they didn't have maybe the time and budget to make them shine like SS. I think inFAMOUS 2 doesn't get enough credit for how good it looked back then (and even now). I know many folks go apeshit over jaggies and draw distances, but overall, i2 was a looker.
Not all PC gamers are snobs and elitists. With that said, I've been trying to stay out of the shenanigans in the next-gen screenshot thread. It was painful to read, actually.
Friday can't get here soon enough. I have the CE pre-ordered, but it was pretty tempting to order from that ebay guy. Ultimately, I'm glad I waited. I'm a patient guy.