Walter Matthau
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Maybe they'll make new IP. Selling off the ones that are essentially dead weight to them might not be a terrible idea. Especially if they don't have the talent to capitalize on it anymore.Selling off your most valuable properties that have been the core of your business for decades for a short term cash infusion is really bad and no business would do it unless they’re on deaths door. Interplay selling off Fallout or THQ getting chopped up, that sort of thing. Konami is not in that situation.
Even if Konami 2020 has no interest in working on these games, maybe the Konami 2025 will want to and it makes no sense to cripple your company’s future for no reason.
I think this is all fanboy stuff and would be shocked were it true. Maybe they license it to somebody but that’s different.
It would be a Megaton and a huge slap in the face if they did buy Metal Gear. I think people would be pissed to the point of boycotting Xbox to be honest.
I'd still prefer capcom
'youre nuts! NT would OWN Silent Hill. TC would smash MGS and.............well, I dont know who would work on Castlevania just yet. Maybe Initiative. But all three would be in very good hands with either of these teams.If it's true i hope Sony gets MGS and Silent Hill and maybe Castlevania, i wouldn't trust MS with these IP's
I don't care if these properties are bought, leased, given away or Konami takes interest in them again. Just start making more games in these franchises again please!
Read the article. It states MS would still have to pay royalties on any potential remaster of old Konami games and Konami would still be able to make games based on the Konami IPs for their arcade machines.I seriously doubt it. Just a bunch of unfounded rumors playing against themselves.
Konami is much more than a gaming company and they use these IPs for plenty of things outside of gaming.
People didn't read the articles. Apparently, MS is also taking the ex Konami devs and starting up a big new studio in japan called Xbox Game Studios Japan as a beacon to gain japanese devs to make new games from the Konami ipsI don’t know how western developers would handle these games. I really have my doubts. Well, I know the western attempts at SH were fucking trash.
I don’t mind the MS platform, though games like this have historically sold much better on PS and Nintendo consoles.
Just let a company lease Konami’s IPs and keep them away from Stadia.
Read the article. It states MS would still have to pay royalties on any potential remaster of old Konami games and Konami would still be able to make games based on the Konami IPs for their arcade machines.
All the time? I've seen one rumor for both companies.I get that, but these rumors happen 100 times a day. There is no reason to believe that either Sony or MS are buying, renting or whatever with Konami's IPs. These rumors come up all the time with both.
They can give it to Ninja Theory and we can get emo Snake.I'm salivating at the idea of MS developing a new MGS and bringing in a new head to make it
Are you sure about that? Because right now, most of Konami's money comes from pachinko machines and an agreement with either Sony or Microsoft would involve letting them use those IPs on pachinko machines.Konami will never let go of it's IP's.
I'll let you do the maths, which is the most profitable ?Are you sure about that? Because right now, most of Konami's money comes from pachinko machines and an agreement with either Sony or Microsoft would involve letting them use those IPs on pachinko machines.