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Is the xbox setting up a Genesis\Snes style comeback?


force push the doodoo rock
Okay, everyone knows recently the xbox has been selling like hot cakes (and for good reason!) and every month it inches closer and closer to ps2s monthly sales. In my gamestop i have more people askin for xbox stuff than anything! But anyway we all remember the genesis\snes days and how sega managed to even things up with nintendo.

Do you think microsoft can manage a comeback? Do you think people will think twice about buying ps3 after the next couple of years of (projected) good xbox sales? I dont mean to start a big flame war (as i assume this might become) It seems rather realistic to me.

Theres no way to tell if microsoft or sony will drop the ball with their next systems, but lets say both of them have very solid next gen systems. Do you think sony will dominate as much this time around?
There's a difference between doing well thanks to price cuts and a miracle. The latter is the only way they're ever going to catch up to Sony. Neck and neck sales don't up much when the leader is millions and millions of units ahead.


No one has succeeded in dominating the console market 3 generations in a row. Will Sony fall into the same curse as Nintendo? We shall see...


Unconfirmed Member
Damn it, I just set my popcorn stand up in Wellington's RNC thread... :p

Personally no, I can't see them matching the sonycoaster yet, not in the "casual" mindshare / marketshare.

Although I do expect them to lessen the gap between them, but just not a charge for #1 dominance, not yet, and not next gen.


Chili Con Carnage!

A better question is can Xenon outsell PS2 (monthly) if it does indeed come out a year or more before PS3.


anything can happen, but its too late for xbox or gamecube this gen. Look at it this way, Xbox still doesn't even have that big of a lead over gamecube in the US. Nintendo always has a good holiday season and I think like last year sales will pick up for GC and will be comparable to the other systems despite what haters think.

Next gen, I think all the systems have a shot of being successful much like in the way of the 16-bit era where it was close all gen.


force push the doodoo rock
Semjaza Azazel said:
There's a difference between doing well thanks to price cuts and a miracle. The latter is the only way they're ever going to catch up to Sony. Neck and neck sales don't up much when the leader is millions and millions of units ahead.

Its not just the price drop, games like halo and other western games are selling really well (fable actually has a crap load of preorders at our store)

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
No, I think the playstation brand is too strong. Plus I think Sony has been doing too many things right to just give up the lead. And do you notice how Xbox is the superior console in hardware, it has the best graphics, mature and cool image, and you don't even need a memory card, yet the PS2 is still outselling it.


force push the doodoo rock
Marconelly said:
Threads like this probably make Nintendo fans a bit nausious.

Well, as much as i would like to see nintendos name up there too, from the (minimal) analysis ive done from working in a game store, not many people are interested in GC. We sell more n64 games to be honest...
sp0rsk said:
Its not just the price drop, games like halo and other western games are selling really well (fable actually has a crap load of preorders at our store)

I'm sure that the price cut isn't hurting lol. Regardless, they're going to have to sell like three times what Sony does for months and months straight to even really make a difference.

I don't know if it'll affect sales much next gen. Depends on a lot of things, not just previous generation awareness.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
JC10001 said:
No. And PS3 will rule with an iron fist while I sit back and laugh at everyone who thought otherwise.

IAWTP and I will sit back and laugh even harder at Balmer who thinks that they can not only beat Sony next gen in Japan but they will double the sales of Sony.


Well, I think no one would say that Microsoft has a chance of catching the PS2 this gen, but SporSk has a good point in that the sales momentum could drastically shift in Microsoft's favor before the generation is over. That would bode VERY well for next generation.

However, the only way for this to happen is for Microsoft to deliver superb games for the rest of Xbox's lifetime and Sony has to release less compelling content than it already has the last few years, but I just don't see that happening. If MS gets one or two more killer apps than Sony in the next 1.5 years, then yeah, they could steal the momentum going into next-gen because more people already have PS2's and they may be looking to get the next hot machine.... Microsoft should bust out the marketing blitz in a HUGE way and come up with something better than "it's good to play together" if they really want to make a Sega-like 2nd-half push.


Why would it make nintendo fans nausious? GC still is doing respectable and will only do better this holiday season. Despite what alot of haters say..Nintendo is still a huge force in the console market and has just as much as a chance next gen as microsoft and sony...don't kid yourself. I don't see sony next gen being as dominant as it has been soley due to it won't have the unfair advantage of being without competition for over a year.

Deku Tree

It depends on the games MS brings to the launch of their next console,
if they don't bring a 2-3 AAA games and/or they don't have bkwds compatibility then I don't see them getting a strong early jump out of the gate which is one thing they would need.


Steroid Distributor
I think that Xbox wont have the advantage of having the most powerful system next generation. PS2 has had a better game library this time around, but for graphics whores like myself the Xbox version of most games are more impressive looking. And third party software has become increasingly more important to a consoles success.
So if the PS3 and the Xenon are of similar power than it would be really tough for Microsoft to beat Sony.
But I'm finding more and more people that I know are spending more time with their Xboxes than their PS2s lately. Even the trackers from places like Blockbuster and Gamefly have shown a huge increase in Xbox rentals. As well so have the monthly sales charts that several of the game magazines publish.
So it is very possible that Microsoft has a chance at #1 next gen, but to become #1 you have to take the champ out. And I don't really see Sony screwing up bad enough to lose the top spot.
I continue to enjoy what this console competition has done for me as a gamer. I feel I'm seeing more and more great games, and the prices are getting better too. So it's all good for us gamers.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
SKluck said:
Next gen I expect to see Nintendo's sales cut in half, and that half go to MS. Sony will remain constant.

Bingo. Right now Xbox and GC are pretty much splitting the portion of the market that N64 had to itself, while PS2 is well ahead of where PlayStation was at this point in it's life cycle. I think Xenon/XB2 will make major inroads next gen and do quite well, but not at Sony's expense.


When talking to casual gamers at work, I have sensed a shift from Playstation to Xbox being the "cooler" thing to own and play. I think Xbox does have the momentum now and I think that will help them out tremendously next year if they launch earlier than PS3. But if they don't have any real killer app between the X2 launch and the PS3 launch then it could easily swing back to Sony.
Semjaza Azazel said:
There's a difference between doing well thanks to price cuts and a miracle. The latter is the only way they're ever going to catch up to Sony. Neck and neck sales don't up much when the leader is millions and millions of units ahead.

IAWTP. As much as I'd love to see MS/Sony as Sega/Nintendo, Xbox will have to gain a lot more mindshare before it can compete on the same level as PlayStation. It also has to deal with Nintendo (a.k.a. Ralph Nader) who is siphoning sales away. Perhaps with an all-star start next gen and a continued blitz of advertising Xbox can match PS3 mid-gen. If Nintendo continues to play their silly game as they currently do, their next system will remain about the same, maybe less in sales (I estimate--from looking at sales of all Nintendo games for GameCube--that there are about 500-750k hardcore Nintendo fans that will always buy anything Nintendo sells). So MS has to be able to pull more Sony fans to their platform in addition to maybe converting some Nintendo fans (though I doubt this will happen, as many Nintendo fans are just too fanatical to admit that Nintendo has nothing to offer other than their own games and that other consoles' 1st party games and console exclusives are worth playing). Case in point:

Kobun Heat said:

The Xbox is setting itself up for the Gamecube to overtake it, SNES-style.



sp0rsk said:
But anyway we all remember the genesis\snes days and how sega managed to even things up with nintendo.

And we all remember what happened with their next console.

Sega did nothing with the Saturn even though everyone said it would dominate and Nintendo kept on going.


force push the doodoo rock
Well yeah, thats why i buffered the statement with "but lets say both of them have very solid next gen systems."

Halo 2 is going to be a huge push for xbox. I assume it will be a big deal this christmas.


I think MS is in it for the long hual and eventually it will ovetake Sony in sales but it will be only hardware sales, becuase software will always belong to Sony with GTA, GT, Madden etc.



If Xenon hits next year without backwards compatibility as the rumors have pointed, Microsoft just shot all their progress in the nuts.

Musashi Wins!

Well....one thing you can say in N's favor is that as long as they remain profitable in all their decisions, and retain those core fans who aren't going to be tremendously swayed by MS or SONY software than they will always hang around.

I think MS has done a lot to solidify themselves as a gaming brand with the larger public and their system is definitely hot in stores now, but I'm not sure even with their great big vaults of money that they'll subsidize a system more than one more term. They better have learned from their mistakes this gen and really take a bigger piece of that pie from Sony.

Nintendo does all sorts of things to hurt their popularity but they have their niche, and a nice profit doing it so they can do what they do until they find their next Mario or Pokemon.


force push the doodoo rock
RevenantKioku said:
If Xenon hits next year without backwards compatibility as the rumors have pointed, Microsoft just shot all their progress in the nuts.

With the xbox doing so well right now it would be very silly for microsoft to release xenon in the next year. and yeah, nintendo doesnt have much to worry about, it has its userbase and they are almost unmovable (see: internet nintendo fans)


RevenantKioku said:
If Xenon hits next year without backwards compatibility as the rumors have pointed, Microsoft just shot all their progress in the nuts.
I agree, even the hard drive not being there either sucks. The HD is what makes XBOX great...*sigh* when will they learn?



sp0rsk said:
With the xbox doing so well right now it would be very silly for microsoft to release xenon in the next year. and yeah, nintendo doesnt have much to worry about, it has its userbase and they are almost unmovable (see: internet nintendo fans)

Yeah, its all just rumors, but still. MS needs to get a better hand in Japan as well if they want to cut into Sony. Most stores I saw stock at most 15 Xbox games. It was really sad.


To the first post:


I don't think so Tim.


Do you really want to compare Genesis/Snes battle with PS2/Xbox one? Cause I really can't find any similarities. Saleswise, qualitywise and contentwise.


I don't think Xenon will cut into PS3's market unless it can get the exclusive on a major software release (e.g. GTA 4, or a new franchise like Xbox 1's Halo). But Xenon can slowly take more of the market by releasing early, staying price competetive, keeping and expanding on key features like LIVE and the HD (or another type of mass storage), and keeping good 3rd party support.


Actually, all Xenon needs is to be sponsored by Bob Sapp and MS has Japan in their grasp.

Xenon could be the Bob Sapp of consoles.


Che said:
Do you really want to compare Genesis/Snes battle with PS2/Xbox one? Cause I really can't find any similarities. Saleswise, qualitywise and contentwise.


SNES/GEN war >>>>>>>>>> star wars (ot) >>>>> any war :D


Kobun Heat said:
:rolleyes, eh?

Why DID the SNES overtake the Genesis?

Oooh ooh because Sega dropped all support for the one console while dumping out a new one that lacked backwards compatibility!!


I was actually thinking the something very similar.

While I don't think Xbox will ever even get near touching Sony overall, it seems to be making huge inroads against Sony on the monthly charts. If it were a one-time deal, it wouldn't even matter, but Xbox has been doing this consistently for many months now.

I think this really hit me when Microsoft outsold by PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Advance for a month in the U.S. a while back. Even after that, Xbox stayed competitive. GameCube, on the other hand, is lucky if it surpasses Xbox, much less PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Advance.

I would definitely say that the majority of Sony's American price drops have been -- directly or indirectly -- because of the Xbox.

As far as the next generation is concerned, here's approximately what I think:

Sony: 45%
Microsoft: 40%
Nintendo: 15%

Sony: 50%
Microsoft: 35%
Nintendo: 15%

Sony: 70%
Nintendo: 20%
Microsoft: 10%
Kobun Heat said:
:rolleyes, eh?

Why DID the SNES overtake the Genesis?

The rolleyes was for thinking the GameCube will miraculously beat Xbox in the US by the end of the generation. Comparing the GameCube to the brilliance that was SNES in its late years is also laughable.


Nintendo overtook Sega because of Square and Rare.

"Nintendo: We bring you to the show so you can work for our competitors one day."


Yeah, the Rare and Square thing is a bit strange.

They also used to be very close to DMA, who were actually once rumored to become the official European software branch of Nintendo (that is, an actual department of Nintendo, rather than a wholly own subsidiary like Rare was). Of course, that obviously never happened.


snapty00 said:
I was actually thinking the something very similar.

While I don't think Xbox will ever even get near touching Sony overall, it seems to be making huge inroads against Sony on the monthly charts. If it were a one-time deal, it wouldn't even matter, but Xbox has been doing this consistently for many months now.

I think this really hit me when Microsoft outsold by PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Advance for a month in the U.S. a while back. Even after that, Xbox stayed competitive. GameCube, on the other hand, is lucky if it surpasses Xbox, much less PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Advance.

I would definitely say that the majority of Sony's American price drops have been -- directly or indirectly -- because of the Xbox.

As far as the next generation is concerned, here's approximately what I think:

Sony: 45%
Microsoft: 40%
Nintendo: 15%

Sony: 50%
Microsoft: 35%
Nintendo: 15%

Sony: 70%
Nintendo: 20%
Microsoft: 10%

You must become a journalist. You're sooo unbiased. Let me guess: TeamXbox Forums?


Sucks at viral marketing
sp0rsk said:
Okay, everyone knows recently the xbox has been selling like hot cakes (and for good reason!) and every month it inches closer and closer to ps2s monthly sales.
Huh? Hasn't the monthly sales gap between the PS2 and Xbox been rising every month since the PS2 price drop? They're back to a 100k seperation again. It's like the GCN sales boost last year.... don't be stupid and think it'll last.

The Xbox2 will own 100% of the next-gen market*. The problem is, with all the recent talk about cost doubling next-gen, why would any company want to make that jump prematurely? I'm starting to doubt a 2005 XBox2 launch.

*Until the PS3 and Revolution are released.
Gamespot has alot more knowledgeable gamers than your average retailer. Go someplace more mainstream like Walmart and it's all PS2.
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