Brawly Likes to Brawl
All Gaffers that are speaking harshly against a tiny country that contains the people that have been hated and discriminated against since the beginning of time: Go ahead and move to Israel, earn your citizenship, then talk about it like you know it. I'm willing to bet the that the majority in this thread don't have to worry about potential death crossing the borders to your country at any given moment. The constant threat of it's neighbors, is why there is a mandatory participation in the military, otherwise, the military would most likely be weak, and Israel would be overrun easier, or you'd see it's allies in more conflicts in the Middle east (well more than there are now).
On the other side of that, I wish the government of Israel could find a better way to work with their neighbors and non Jewish residents.
This thread is about someone who's lived in Israel all her life and came to the conclusion that she can't condone violence, so what are you even talking about?