This gets complicated quickly. I'm glad I live in a country that doesn't use conscription but , if the trade off is that you serve for say 2 years in a reserve situation (where you will be called up on only when every single other serving individual has already been deployed) and you get a 4 year college program paid for by the state with no obligation to stay in the military afterwards ? That's really not so bad then.
Thing is though... this is Israel we're talking about , a country that has put itself at constant war with Palestine in particular , a state that would probably be mostly fine to just exist without so many issues but , Israel keeps trying to steal their land. So in this particular case , being conscripted is merely forcing Israeli citizens to be on the shitty side of a conflict (the aggressor).
So , yes, this woman is going against her state by doing this and because she's a citizen of Israel that means that she is subject to that countries laws - in this case that means jail time until she either surrenders to the military or is proven Pacifist or serves whatever the sentence is for declining mandatory service. It sucks for her , certainly but she knew what would happen and decided being in jail was preferable to helping an army she didn't agree with.
To those saying "what's the issue here , she's basically committed a crime" well, this is getting international media attention because it is exemplifying a way in which a supposed modern nation is backwards with regards to citizen rights. Don't agree with forced violent evacuation of territory stolen from another nation ? Well too bad , for that you get jailed. It may be Israels prerogative to operate this way but punishing it's own people for the easiest level of protest should be frowned upon by the outside world.
Other countries that do similar things such as south Korea get a pass because well, they share a border with the aggressive nation (DPRK) and have to be ready to defend themselves and , last I checked they aren't in active conflict with the aggressor in this case either.