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It’s official G4 Network is dead


I would still bang her tho


Gold Member
Should create an AI version of G4. With the current advancements you'd only need a prompt engineer or two and the entire thing basically runs itself. It's not like anyone would notice the difference.


Gold Member

He's never been OK.

Guy's pushing 50, and is spewing smug hubris & therapy advice, between outbursts on social media that would make most substance abusers and crackheads blush from the embarrassment.
LOL. Thats some rant. That's video game people for ya.

Typical professional company
- Employees dont represent the brand. HR even tells people dont get involved. Not even the CEO or directors get involved with dumb shit online
- People call the company or products garbage. Marketing people who handle social media either dont respond to dumbasses or simply politely respond

Video game people
- He/she/pink hair/brings home life crisis and politics to work, where making video games and their personal struggles after dinner intertwine
- Gets into Twitter battles with their own bosses
- Yells back at people on social media


I looked up the definition of "butthurt neckbeard" and adam Sessler came up as a synonym.

Fuck this guy. Guy came in, took the money, probably got a nice payout, and spent 80% of his time spewing hate words at people.

Meanwhile, you got people like Gina, Kevin, etc who worked their asses off to try to stick to what G4 is suppose to be, entertain us all, and got F in the end (espacially Gina).

I hope this is the last we hear from toxic people such as adam and Frosk.
Man what a bummer. I wish we had some other place where we could watch people play video games and talk about video games. That’s such an underserved niche.
crazy tom cruise GIF

Are you for real? There are endless high quality youtube and twitchtv channels for every taste.

Personally the games I really like are very niche and there is no chance a place like G4 would ever cover them. Still plenty of youtubers do.

what? there are PLENTY of resources
Over My Head Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Can you imagine living your life so damn angry, immature and arguing with people on Twitter constantly. Seems exhausting.

Mental illness will do that to you. Life is so much better when you cut it all out. Besides GAF, the only "Social Media" I use is Pinterest (which is more for design ideas for my living space) and Discord. Twitter, Reddit, etc. All it does is fry your brain and turn you into a bumbling baboon like Sess here.



So that was her mission to fight Nazi, how could we not see this?

How could she have thought that insulting G4's audience and her previous coworkers judging their moral was a good editorial policy? Is she that dumb?

This is a type of disaster you can't do on your own, you need the entire team to fail that hard. And of course the producers were also a bunch of idiots thinking the goal was "diversity and inclusion" according to the new trends, instead of "just make a good show".






Adam are you ok
He is imploding in front of our eyes....glorious. Must be pissed he has to collect unemployment. He should blame their shitty content and Frosk basically speeding up a process that may have stretched out a year further had that stunt not been pulled. Sadly she will have her followers on her YouTube and Twitch supplement her income and she will be OK. Sessler, on the other hand, is a 40s something cokehead that does not have a social media following to pay his bills. Each post makes him less likely for someone to hire him again.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
"To fix the past". Some of the most wildly successful gen z entrepreneurs are women who sell sexually explicit images and videos of themselves. Some of the most successful modern comedies are the raunchiest.

The critics of old G4TV act as if the world has changed and moved on. All of that same kind of entertainment is still out there, it still sells. It's just that now we have a large online contingent of young people who are prudish, for whatever reason (they're not a monolith, various groups have their own reasons, but all of those roads lead to places like ResetEra).

What's ironic, is if they had leaned into the humor and stylings of the old G4TV they'd probably have been pulling down solid viewing numbers. Just for the shock value of it being so different from most video game related content today. Attack of the Show slowly added more elements, dialog, and skits that were reminiscent of the original and people responded positively towards it. They added Austin Show, who's flagship Twitch stream features fictional characters who treat the ditzy woman co-host in a kind of 1950's stereotypical way. And it had viewer numbers over twice that of AotS and X-Play combined.

Over on the other side of the studio, however, it looks like they hired some executives and producers who more concerned with messaging than making video game content aimed at any one, large audience. I remember sitting through some episodes of the new X-Play and wondering to myself "who is this even for?".
She basically confirmed that she was hired to make the shows woke. Shouldn't be surprised given the parent company that runs G4 now.
They were basically trying to pull a bait and switch on the very people that they were banking to watch it due to nostalgia. Instead of the shenanigens of Olivia and the like, we got Frosk.

They should have put new shows with completely different names without ruining or hijacking past shows. If they had done so by creating a new ip, they might not have had the backlash from past fans who were angry they got this poop. As it was, I didn't regularly tune in as it felt souless without the personality of the past shows.

Sad to see some people out of work, but also glad it failed as it should be a cautionary tale to companies that try to put out these types of shows. Gamers are fun loving people for the most part. We want shows that don't take themselves to seriously have a bit of comedic and sexual innuendo and for the most part don't take themselves too seriously. At least I do.


Has any internet company expanded greatly, opened a big studio/office space, and then survived in any meaningful way?

Easy Allies is a shell of itself and has a year left maybe, Giant Bomb is a zombie, and G4 is dead dead.

I ask because Kinda Funny just opened this absolutely obscene studio. Feels like Rome before the fall.
Why would you risk ostracising viewers in the first place? Why not just stick to talking about games , making the shows fun to watch, try and do better than what’s out there if that’s possible. That will do more than any rant against a few arsewipes giving abuse or getting pissy about attractive hosts.

It’s like what’s going on with movies and TV shows, the writing in some of this stuff is awful, hollow, it’s like hours and hours of ad lib sessions trying to find something funny whilst throwing in politics and baiting to antagonise as much as possible.

There has always been shit content but I don’t remember it being deliberately thrown in audience/fans faces before. It’s like “we don’t like this so we will make sure no one else does either”.

Either that or my paranoia is getting worse.
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weirdos are gonna blame that awkward platinum hair lady.

But this shit was never gonna work. People can seek individual youtubers and twitch streamers that reinforce their likes and dislikes.

There’s half naked twitch gamers, youtubers that cry woke, youtubers that suck off gamepass, normal tubers, weird ones, etc.
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