See that picture above? Thats the most iconic, resonant, emotional scene in all of STAR TREK. Its one friend saying goodbye to another, after years of companionship and camaraderie. Those two men know each others strengths and weaknesses. Theyve seen each other at their best and their worst. The scene relies on context and history, but its no less effective to newcomers who see it. We have Spock, who dies in the bravest way possible, saving Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise. It is a good death. And in that death, he teaches his old friend Kirk an invaluable lesson he faces death, finally, after dodging and cheating it for so many years. Kirk, at last, knows what sacrifice really means, and he becomes a better man for it. In 1982, when a character like Spock died, it meant something. Sure, he came back in the next movie, but at the time, audiences had no idea he would return. It felt final, and triumphant. Its one of my favorite scenes in movie history. So yeah, Im a little precious about it.
You dont get to remake That Scene. You cant, because what that scene means has been set up by years of episodes and a movie, and it has special significance. The fact that its now Kirk in the chamber and not Spock doesnt change anything, and when Kirk dies we already know that its not permanent. Its just an opportunity for Abrams, Lindelof, Kurtzman and Orci to shove fan service down the audiences throat. Theres no special meaning or weight to it, and when Spock screams KHAN! at the top of his lungs, it feels like an insult. It feels like the filmmakers think so little of STAR TREK and the fans; that all we want to see are the same stories over and over.