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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


The one he started using as WrestleCon?

I can ask him. Maybe the normal DGUSA music guy has it too.

Thanks, I can't find it anywhere. I like the sound of it, it has a country / roots vibe that I dig. A friend of mine said he was able to Shazaaam it once, but he didn't remember what it was.....so it's at least an actual artist.


Concerning that Hogan/Vader clip where Hogan no-selled, ugh. I was a face-Hogan fan for years and years. Even when others booed him I'd stick by his side and remain a fan. However, I was also a HUGE fan of Vader. I loved to hate the guy (Flair/Vader at Starcade '93, one of my favorite matches and buildups of all time) and I eventually just loved him period. When he met Hogan, when all of that went down, that is when I started to despise face-Hogan. That is when he turned heel for me. I once again became a fan of Hogan when he turned heel but by God I hated him and WCW when they treated Vader so badly. Heck, I hated WWF when they ultimately treated him like crap also. Vader really deserved far more respect back then.
Concerning that Hogan/Vader clip where Hogan no-selled, ugh. I was a face-Hogan fan for years and years. Even when others booed him I'd stick by his side and remain a fan. However, I was also a HUGE fan of Vader. I loved to hate the guy (Flair/Vader at Starcade '93, one of my favorite matches and buildups of all time) and I eventually just loved him period. When he met Hogan, when all of that went down, that is when I started to despise face-Hogan. That is when he turned heel for me. I once again became a fan of Hogan when he turned heel but by God I hated him and WCW when they treated Vader so badly. Heck, I hated WWF when they ultimately treated him like crap also. Vader really deserved far more respect back then.

I always enjoyed WCW over WWF, so it pissed me off when he joined WCW back in 93 I think it was. Before you know it, it's just him going over all my favorites like Flair and Vader. Fuck Hogan. He fucked TNA for the last almost 4 years, doesn't do shit to put over anyone, and his final scene in TNA is Dixie begging him to stay and him quitting. Fuck him over and over again.
That's Shao Kahn.

Shokan is what Goro, Kintaro and Sheeva are.


Revel in my name botching glory.
The first of the FantasticaMania shows are live tomorrow from Osaka, looks to be a fun line-up - the top 3 matches should all be great. Definitely going to be watching if I'm not too busy.

Osaka BODYMAKER Colosseum #2

18:30 JST | 10:30 CET | 09:30 UK | 04:30 EST | 01:30 PST

Japanese Commentary - ¥1,500
Spanish Commentary - $15

VOD available until 01/26, 18:30 JST.

01. Titan & BUSHIROAD vs TAKA Michinoku & Taichi
02. Stuka Jr, Fuego & Rey Cometa vs OKUMURA, Vangelis & Niebla Roja
03. Jushin 'Thunder' Liger & Maximo vs Jado & Gedo
04. Tetsuya Naito & Volador Jr. vs Máscara Dorada & KUSHIDA
05. La Sombra & Rush vs Shinsuke Nakamura & Ultimo Guerrero
06. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Mistico II & El Desperado vs Kazuchika Okada, Mephisto & Rey Escorpión


The first of the FantasticaMania shows are live tomorrow from Osaka, looks to be a fun line-up - the top 3 matches should all be great. Definitely going to be watching if I'm not too busy.

Osaka BODYMAKER Colosseum #2

18:30 JST | 10:30 CET | 09:30 UK | 04:30 EST | 01:30 PST

Japanese Commentary - ¥1,500
Spanish Commentary - $15

VOD available until 01/26, 18:30 JST.

01. Titan & BUSHIROAD vs TAKA Michinoku & Taichi
02. Stuka Jr, Fuego & Rey Cometa vs OKUMURA, Vangelis & Niebla Roja
03. Jushin 'Thunder' Liger & Maximo vs Jado & Gedo
04. Tetsuya Naito & Volador Jr. vs Máscara Dorada & KUSHIDA
05. La Sombra & Rush vs Shinsuke Nakamura & Ultimo Guerrero
06. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Mistico II & El Desperado vs Kazuchika Okada, Mephisto & Rey Escorpión

I don't know any of the CMLL guys, but I'm just going to trust you on it being fun. If I am up by 10:30 I might get it. Not sure yet because I might try to watch some live RAW today.
Looks like a sellout tonight. Been debating snagging a ticket prior, but haven't seen them dip enough. Haven't been to RAW in a very long time.

I thought about making the trip. I'm about 2 hours away in CT. A little too far from me when I have to be up at 6am for work. They usually come to Hartford in June so I'll just wait I guess.



Best of Memphis in the 80s Part 17

Jerry Lawler vs. Dutch Mantell (5/29/88)

This was one of King's first defenses as World Champion. Dutch wants the ref to check King better, so King drops all of his tights to the bottom layer. Dutch pulls off his Bruiser Brody boots to prove he has nothing on him. Dutch seems to have King's number in the opening moments at least. Dutch throws a slap that gets King fired up, but the ref prevents him from using a closed first. King uses the other hand. Dutch comes back with some elbows and a short arm lariatooo. A few more and Dutch has King down on the mat with a hammerlock. King is thrown to the floor. They fight into the crowd for a bit. They come back into the ring and King starts throwing punches and a lariatoooo of his own. The ref grabs King while he's throwing punches, while allows Dutch to throw another lariatoo into King, which also knocked down the ref. The ref does the same thing while Dutch is throwing punches, which allows King to pull out a chain and use it to get the win and retain his title.



Jerry Lawler vs. Kerry Von Erich (6/27/88)

This match is JIP with King dropping an elbow and both men losing their tempers. Crowd is hot. King gets out of a suplex and does an O'Connor Roll, which Tonado rolls through. These two are pissy with each other for throwing closed fists/using the point of the elbow for elbow drops. Sleeper from Kerry. King fights out, but is put right back in the hold. Lawler gets out and puts Kerry in a sleeper. Kerry made it to the ropes, but the hold wasn't broken and King pulled him back to the center of the ring. Kerry throws King off. King applies a front guillotine, shoots the half and gets a 2 count. Kerry hits a suplex, but King holds on to whatever kind of weird headlock he has on. Both men go for a cross body and collide in the ring. This is actually title vs title. I think by this point, WCCW, CWA, and AWA were merged and running under the Pro Wrestling USA banner, but were still running independently. The match is thrown out when Jimmy Golden, Robert Fuller, and Senshi hit the ring to attack King. KVE tried to fight them off, but was also beaten down. Jeff Jarrett made a save with a big board. I'm not sure who Senshi is. My initial thought was Muta, but I'm not sure. He did work for WCCW in 1998, so it is possible it was him.

Both men want the match to continue and it does. Kerry rolls King up as soon as the bell rings and now he's pissed. King blocks the Tornado punch and throws one of his own. Flying fist drop. Kerry is busted open. More punches and another fist drop. Wait, Kerry countered it with THE CLAW! King fights out with a fist to the gut. Another punch sends Kerry over the top rope. King joins him on the floor and Kerry hits him with the Tornado punch. King bumped for it, but basically no sold it. They continued to fight on the floor and both men were counted out while preventing the other from getting in the ring. This was really interesting. Both guys were the top faces of their respective territories, so the fans were very split, but they both kind of worked heel against each other for most of the match. I liked this a lot. The super hot crowd definitely helped. Both men want the match restarted again. "You can't kick my ass on your best day."


Bill Dundee/Brickhouse Brown vs. Jimmy Golden/Robert Fuller (9/18/88)

This is actually an AWA match, shown on AWA TV with AWA announcers. Golden and Fuller are of course Bunkhouse Buck and Col. Parker. I assume Continental has recently fallen on HARD TIMES, so they went North a bit. Brickhouse Brown cleans the Stud Stable out with hip tosses and dropkicks. Harvey Whippleman is the manager for the Stud Stable and Lee Marshall is the lead announcer. I'll assume Brickhouse is named that because he's built like a brick shithouse. Double atomic drops. Fuller's ass is sent into Golden's face. Ray Stevens is the color man and claims that Crocodile Dundee was based on Bill. He's also talking about Prince and I swear he said "NWA" instead of "AWA". Dundee gets his arm worked over. Dundee pulls the switch and Fuller ends up doing arm moves to Golden without realizing it. Dundee is thrown to the floor and Sylvia (?) hits Dundee with a "KOrean kendo stick". Hot tag to Brown. Crowd pops huge for Dundee attacking Bruno. Sylvia broke up a pin with the kendo stick and caused a DQ. The heels continued to fight, with CACTUS JACK joining in. Jeff Jarrett and some other dude came out and all the faces ran the heels off. Oh, and Jimmy Valiant was there, but with only a mustache and not the beard. Dundee gave a promo to Lee while Valiant kissed an old man.


Jerry Lawler vs. Kerry Von Erich (9/17/88)

This is also an AWA match. Another title vs title match. Kerry does a weird Fargo Strut. King has his hands taped up. Actually, they kind of look like MMA gloves. Both shove each other off and they have a tense lock up in the corner that the ref has to break up. King gets the first major win with a shoulder block. Fargo Strut. Lariatooo from Kerry. King blocks the next one, Kerry blocks King's, and Kerry connects with another lariatooo. Small package from King. Lariatoo from King! King throws a punch in the corner. Kerry casually no sells it and hits the Tornado punch. THE CLAW! King gets out and hits a big punch. They start trading punches. The ref tries to break it up and they both punch him. A second ref comes in and stops the match. The match is restarted. Ref bump. KVE hits a piledriver while the ref was down and gets the pin. New champion! The ref was informed of the piledriver and the decision was reversed. But the rules in WCCW state that champions loose their titles on disqualifications. Kerry says that WCCW doesn't have sissy rules like no piledrivers. King was still declared the winner since the piledriver, while legal in WCCW and the AWA, is illegal by the Tennessee Athletic Commission, who sanctioned this match. Interesting finish. I'm not sure if King got the WCCW title or not. A quick look at Wiki shows that King did not win the WCCW (also known as WCWA) Championship in this match, but would a month later. The titles would eventually be unified by King at the AWA PPV Superclash III on 12/13/88


Bill Dundee/Jeff Jarrett/Jimmy Valiant vs. Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden/Tommy Rich (9/17/88)

Jeff and Golden start the match. Jeff hits a falling DDT and an interesting gutwrench/butterfly suplex combo. Dundee is tagged in. Fuller throws some heavy forearms in the corner, but quickly tags out to Rich. Dundee throws Rich around. Valiant throws the ref and does disgusting dancing. I never liked the Boogie Woogie Man. He forces himself on Sylvia and does more gross dancing. Match was a DQ after multiple run ins.


Dutch Mantell vs. Jeff Jarrett Orchestra Match (Late 1988)

I don't know what an Orchestra match is, but I hope it gave Jeff Jarrett the idea to use a guitar as a weapon. Or a cello. Oh, this is an actual percussion performance. I think it is supposed to simulate a wrasslin match or something. And during it, a match takes place. How strange. Remember that WCW show that had a band playing the whole time? It's like that, but with a percussion orchestra. This is so weird. I can't really describe it. You'll need to watch it. If this doesn't break down into someone going through a drum or hit with a gong, I'll understand why Memphis couldn't compete with the big boys. Now there are some horns. This is bizarre. Like some kind of performance art. YES, Dutch has a drum! The drummer takes it away and gets hit with it. Dutch then DDTs the guy in the ring. Jeff wins with a sunset flip in one of the legitimately most bizarre things I've ever seen in wrestling.



Dutch Mantell vs. Jeff Jarrett (1/28/89)

Jeff immediately runs Dutch from the ring. How can they compete without a percussion orchestra playing? Dutch hits a body slam, but misses a big elbow drop. Dropkick from Jeff and Dutch is bailing out. Dutch has put on a considerable amount of weight over the past year or so. I feel like maybe he had an injury and wasn't wrestling very much. I believe he would pretty much retire from in ring action in the next year or so. Dutch does a lot of cheap shit and slams Jeff's face into a chair. Lariatoooo. Dutch locks on an abdominal stretch, using the ropes for leverage. The classic IRS spot. Big knee drop. Dutch runs Jeff into the ref. He gets his bullwhip out and gives Jeff a few swats. Jeff gets disqualified for hitting Dutch with a chair.


Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden vs. Jed Grundy/Scott Steiner (2/18/89)

Grundy is a short, fat farmer type. Fuller takes a swig of Grundy's moonshine and had to run away to get water. Jed. Fat fuck Jed. Get this out of here. Just give me Scott Steiner being a freak athlete. Nothing of note. Jed sucks. Steiner was super green and didn't get a chance to do anything anyway. Golden/Fuller won with powder, but the match was restarted. Jed hit Fuller in the gut with the jug of moonshine and Steiner got the pin. New champs. The heels complained about seniority after the match. They attempted to kill Jed's chicken. Jed nearly rips Sylvia's dress off. Jed wants to take her home, so I believe they set up a winner gets the YAK match. There was also a promo done at a later date for the Evansville show.

Shogun/Samurai vs. Mason Dixon Connection (3/25/89)

Shogun is Shinya Hashimoto! Not sure who Samurai is yet. The MDC are John Paul and Tracy Smothers. I just want to see Hash stiff the fuck out of someone. Hash and Smothers have a shoving contest. Enziguri from Smothers. "Hashamuti". Karate battle. Hash is eventually sent to the floor. Tojo is apparently a heel again. Big dropkick from Smothers. Not much of note here besides Hashimoto wrestling in a TV studio in Memphis. MDC win with a super kick and a roll up.

Jerry Lawler/Jeff Jarrett/Freddy vs. Dutch Mantell/Master of Pain/Ronnie Gossett (7/10/89)

This is a handheld fan cam, which makes me sad, because I need good quality for a match featuring The Undertaker and Freddy Krueger. Gossett is a morbidly obese clearly non-wrestler. Freddy and Dutch start the match after Freddy chases everyone out of the ring. Undertaker bumping for a guy dressed up as Freddy Krueger. Freddy tags out to King. King vs Taker. Freddy gets the claw on Taker. Nothing really of note. It's a stalling cheap house show kind of match. Taker did an awesome leg drop. Ended in a DQ and big brawl.



Buddy Landel vs. Freddy (8/12/89)

Freddy's mask is on the line. Memphis doesn't give a FUCK about copyrights. Freddy is Doug Gilbert, brother of Eddie. He also sucks and is even worse gimmick wrestling. King was brought out to prevent Gossett from interfering. DQ finish. Terrible. A big brawl erupts. What the fuck, Jason also shows up and trips as soon as he got into the ring. King, Freddy, and Jason were left standing tall.


So ends the final wrestling disc. There will be other matches, but mostly just as angles or clips. From this point on, hours of angles and music videos is what I will be covering. First up is Jerry Lawler's heel turn, then a half hour of music videos. After that, I'll get into the Kaufman angle and tons of other wacky shit.

In early 1989, the deal with the AWA went sour. King refused to give up the AWA Championship, so he kept it and still promoted himself as the Unified Heavyweight Champion. Verne Gagne would have a new belt made and continued on. Jerry Jarrett Promotions bought controlling interest in WCCW. CWA and WCCW were combined into the USWA and would run shows in all the areas that both companies used to run, but with major cards still being held in Memphis and Texas. It only took about a year for the Von Erichs to pull out as they felt the Memphis area was being given too much attention. The USWA continued exclusively in Memphis as a continuation of the CWA, while the WCCW name went back to the Von Erichs, but that promotion died just a few months later. USWA would last until 1997, when it was sold off and the selling ended up with a bad lawsuit and a RICO case.
Samoa Joe finally talks about the kidnapping angle:

The man should be angry at Russo. He was close to becoming a star in TNA and then
Russo came back basically ruined it all for him.

Joe is kind of an idiot. If they were paying you to stay home you could have at least purchased a treadmill. When they kidnapped him he was looking more out of shape than ever and when he came back he was exactly the same.


Samoa Joe finally talks about the kidnapping angle:

The man should be angry at Russo. He was close to becoming a star in TNA and then
Russo came back basically ruined it all for him.

Informative stuff. I sometimes wonder how many burials throughout history have been brought upon more because of writers' incompetencies rather than deliberate malice by some higher up person A or B. Probably a lot more than one might think. It still baffles me how WWE, for example, managed to completely drop the ball on nexus storyline. That angle was so hot.


Joe is kind of an idiot. If they were paying you to stay home you could have at least purchased a treadmill. When they kidnapped him he was looking more out of shape than ever and when he came back he was exactly the same.

Maybe the kidnapper was devil Ned Flanders?

I don't know any of the CMLL guys, but I'm just going to trust you on it being fun. If I am up by 10:30 I might get it. Not sure yet because I might try to watch some live RAW today.

I'm not terribly familiar with CMLL either, but it's always pretty fun to see these guys mix with the New Japan wrestlers on the Fantasticamania events. Guys like Volador Jr, Rush, La Sombra & Mascara Dorada are super talented though, I've no doubt they'll put on a good show. Oh, and Titan. Dude's pretty amazing.

Here's some music video highlights of last year's Fantasticamania events, to give you an idea of the sort of stuff they'll be showing off tomorrow;

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrJPL_yYltM - Day 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD2iaFLKctU - Day 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxfHl_GEei8 - Day 3
I always enjoyed WCW over WWF, so it pissed me off when he joined WCW back in 93 I think it was. Before you know it, it's just him going over all my favorites like Flair and Vader. Fuck Hogan. He fucked TNA for the last almost 4 years, doesn't do shit to put over anyone, and his final scene in TNA is Dixie begging him to stay and him quitting. Fuck him over and over again.

Hogan joined in summer of '94. Ironically, the six months before he joined WCW (basically, the Flair/Vader Starrcade '93 match on) was fantastic and we really might've had an entirely different history of wrestling if either Bischoff had not been able to get the money for Hogan or Vince had brought him back or he'd landed a bigger Hollywood role.

Likely, there would've been a big Austin/Flair feud in '95, Pillman would've never had a massive car wreck, and Dustin would've had at least one World title run.


I thought about making the trip. I'm about 2 hours away in CT. A little too far from me when I have to be up at 6am for work. They usually come to Hartford in June so I'll just wait I guess.
they always do a before New Years house show at the XL center in Hartford every year. I guess Vince and trips like the extra pocket change after the holidays without making a trip out of state


I'm not terribly familiar with CMLL either, but it's always pretty fun to see these guys mix with the New Japan wrestlers on the Fantasticamania events. Guys like Volador Jr, Rush, La Sombra & Mascara Dorada are super talented though, I've no doubt they'll put on a good show. Oh, and Titan. Dude's pretty amazing.

Here's some music video highlights of last year's Fantasticamania events, to give you an idea of the sort of stuff they'll be showing off tomorrow;

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrJPL_yYltM - Day 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD2iaFLKctU - Day 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxfHl_GEei8 - Day 3

That does look pretty fun. Yeah will probably get this if I am up early enough. Otherwise I might still get the VOD later.

PS: You might turn me into a NJPW fan with the stuff you post on here and the WK8 show I saw recently.
That does look pretty fun. Yeah will probably get this if I am up early enough. Otherwise I might still get the VOD later.

PS: You might turn me into a NJPW fan with the stuff you post on here and the WK8 show I saw recently.

Glad to hear it, New Japan deserves all the attention they can get - they've been on a roll for a good 2-3 years now.

Also, I should mention that there's another Fantasticamania show on Saturday, which has a couple of singles matches if that's more your thing, including a Nakamura vs Rush match which I'm really looking forward to.


Daniel Wyatt has been super fucking disappointing so far. I'm hoping tonight on RAW they start doing something with that angle. How am I surprised that Vince and company have managed to fuck this up too? Actually, this is probably to plan. It's served pretty well to bury Daniel Bryan into the background these past couple of weeks.

That or this is a set up for Daniel Bryan to destroy the Wyatt Family from the inside. Because holy hell is he ever not convincing whatsoever in this roll so far. And those dorky ass overalls. The fuck?
What does ASS 3:16 even mean!?

Seriously though, he was fucking great on Smackdown. That shit was awesome.
Lol, CNBC going for the trifecta of lame wrestling fan insults in the very first paragraph;


"Good news for "professional" wrestling fans: No, it's not actually real. However, now you can enjoy wrestling 24 hours a day, seven days a week from the comfort of your parents' basement."

What does ASS 3:16 even mean!?

Its wrestling code for Shawn is a...

Lol, CNBC going for the trifecta of lame wrestling fan insults in the very first paragraph;


"Good news for "professional" wrestling fans: No, it's not actually real. However, now you can enjoy wrestling 24 hours a day, seven days a week from the comfort of your parents' basement."

If only we were all as lucky as Randy Orton was during his youth


Lol, CNBC going for the trifecta of lame wrestling fan insults in the very first paragraph;


"Good news for "professional" wrestling fans: No, it's not actually real. However, now you can enjoy wrestling 24 hours a day, seven days a week from the comfort of your parents' basement."



Hold on, gotta wipe the cheeto dust out of my neckbeard and let me adjust my fedora.
You know what's odd (but probably shouldn't be) when you watch shows from 10/20+ years ago and see guys wrestling on the indy scene and they're the exact same character NOW and do the exact same spots still.


Billy Gunn wrestled on Smackdown? I completely ignore that show so I wouldn't know.
It was CM Punk, Billy Gunn & Road Dogg Vs The Shield.

Billy was a beast, delivered some amazing looking power moves. And Road Dogg sold like a fucking boss, it looked like The Shield nearly killed him in the ring.


Lol, CNBC going for the trifecta of lame wrestling fan insults in the very first paragraph;


"Good news for "professional" wrestling fans: No, it's not actually real. However, now you can enjoy wrestling 24 hours a day, seven days a week from the comfort of your parents' basement."


I don't know which is trolled more, wrestling or Metallica.....what does it say that I enjoy them both?
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