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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


Fuegos dance is somehow one of the funniest things for me. Also loved how he made that poor Japanese woman dance on the first show. She was so awkward, but he just wouldn't stop until he was done.


My head hurts, I've got Doom Sickness from 4 hours of Dark Forces and Doom II, but none the less i'm in the mood for ...wrasslin? So let's get into


So the show starts off with a intro, detailing all the matches for tonight. Immediately I note the old Roster here but I might not have been watching TNA in 2005 so I don't remember but there's Dudleys, Jeff Jarret, Rhino! Sabu, and America's Most Wanted. We start with the twerp who used to announce TNA matches and the Franchise (now working for the Target Franchise) Shane Douglas. The Twerp exaggerates this event as the turning point of wrestling itself. The commentators are Don West! ...and Mike Tenay :(. Again they speak of big changes happening tonight that'll effect TNA in 2006.

Also there's the hexagon ring.

We start off the pre-show with the timer counting down to the PPV. 3 Jobbers in the ring with a vague announcement of their names which are forgettable.

They're facing Chase stevens, andy douglas and lance hoyt.
it's a six man tag team match.

Not being a straight squash match (Me thinks cause the pre-show has 30 minutes to go) First thing I notice is how cool the ring in and how much more awesome and interesting it is than a 4 sided ring, why? Cause it's round! It gives a bit more character and uniqueness at least to me. And then I notice Hoyts silly baggy pants. Jobbers hold their own, as does Hoyt and the Naturals. Naturals seem to work as a pretty good team, reminds me of a indie tag team. Nice high flying and double team moves. I'll admit, I do like Lance Hoyt's clotheslines. Seemingly confusing tag rules cause it seems just everyone is coming in and fighting,with the ref making no effort to make them go back to the corners; the naturals nail a jobber with the 'natural disaster' and Hoyt nails the legal man? with his finisher which is pretty cool and unique. He pins and Hoyt and the Naturals get the win!

So now we go to Shane and the twerp guy and the ring is being dissassembled like Johnny 5 for the barbed wire match between Sabu and Abyss.

We go to a video package about Samoa Joe who will be fighting AJ Styles for the X-division championship. Vintage ruthless Samoa Joe! Joe is the heel here as he viciously attacks AJ in the back and so on. God what a competitor!

Twerp guy says there's people from all over including Vancouver to see this event. He asks the girl in the crowd where's she from and she is confused and says Miami.

Clearly people from all over...florida.

We cut to a video package of Rhino for the main event match. He goes on about going through a divorce and stuff and that he's only human.

PPV starts!

Barbed Wire Massacre Match: Sabu vs. Abyss

The Suicidal Suicidal Suicidal Sabu and the also not careful Abyss. Abyss makes his way to the ring with a guy in a red suit that looks like a evil guy I guess, and then Sabu arrives and we get started. No ropes, just barbed wire, shades of ECW? Match starts right away and this will probably be real bloody. Sabu goes for a hit with the barbed wire bat and misses getting it stuck in the barbed wires and then picks up a chair and repeatedly hits Abyss with it. After a pin attempt Sabu is the first to go into the barbed wires. And LOL the ref does have protective gear on! I didn't notice til Tenay pointed it out. Sabu is the first to bleed. Sabu is neck first on the barbed ropes when suddenly he pulls out a fucking syringe and starts stabbing Abyss!


Abyss starts bleeding. Storyline goes that Abyss's past makes him fear barbed wire, so instead Sabu is going to be throwing himself on the barbed wire every chance he gets. No wait, Abyss finally gets himself into the barbed wire after missing Sabu. James Mitchell aka red suit evil man throws in a chair wrapped in barbed wire , Abyss puts it on Sabu and good god he's gonna do it! Abyss is confused! He doesn't know where to bounce off of cause there's no ropes! He decides to just jump on the chair but OH NOES!

Abyss gets hit in the head with the chair too! So much blood! Sabu throws himself over and just rolls off Abyss's back rather than land on it hard. Going back into the ring Sabu lands front first on the board covered with barbed wire! Abyss brings another goddamn board too. This is gruesome to me. Except Abyss goes into the board this time and Sabu sandwiches Abyss! THE PIN! Sabu Wins!

Earlier Jeff Jarrett arrived via limo with AMW, oh and Rhino showed up too. TO THE IMPACT ZONE!

we go to a 4live kru interview and LOOK WHO IT IS EVERYONES FAVORITE
They talk about being a family and violating team Canada and then konnan says something to his Latin peoples ORA LE!

X-divison match: Alex Shelly and Roderick Strong vs. Matt Bentley and Austin Aries

Barbedwire ropes down and normal ropes back up, looks like a filler X-divison match. A young looking Austin Aries. Matt Bentley comes down into the ring with a classy looking lady named Traci and people are doing the 'bentley bounce'? Ok. Matt Bentley is supposedly the cousin of Shawn Michaels himself. Double A starts off showing off his aerial maneuvers he's young and energetic! Matt is alright I guess, he gets off a patented Shawn Michaels elbow drop! Shades of Cuz HBK. Roderick Strong nearly knocks a camera tripod down!

That camera has a family! Matt Bentley hits his cousin's superkick and gets the pin. Austin is the highlight of the match obviously. Matt and Austin win!

Monty Brown is in the back yelling at a innocent doll and pretending it's Christian Cage. Monty's weird shirt looks furry and itchy. Jeff Jarret comes from behind and calls Monty 'Snuffalufagus'.

Raven vs. Chris K
It's Raven! I like Raven! Larry Zybysko is in the ring and demands Raven sign his release. Raven calls Larry a washed up has-been, the answer to a game show no one asked and david hasslehoff without the popularity in germany. Raven laughs and doesn't sign. He faces a mystery opponent named Chris K.


He gets to the ring immediately attacking Raven. They start going outside and I think they're pissing off the fans on the guardrails cause they keep throwing themselves against it, pushing themselves and the guardrails into the standing audience :\ . Raven does a ankle lock, Kanyon oversells a knee to the face. Raven powerbombs Kanyon onto a chair, does his evenflow ddt and pins him for the win. Larry comes back out and demands he signs his release. He says NO! And he slaps larry and Larry fights back and it gets broken up by Raven's fan.

Shane Douglas interviews Team Canada and Bobby Roode is a member! Fat glasses guy Coach D'amore slaps Showtime Eric Young. Here's Jeff again saying they're planning a screwjob for him in the main event. Conspiracies!
Team Canada vs. 4Live Kru

R-Truth raps and then he fucks up by giving Konnan the mic. New Age Outlaws do their thing modified for TNA and the Kru. Billy Gunn looks stupid as hell with those pigtails. Kip James aka Billy starts off with Bobby Roo. He throws Petey Williams like nothing, tags in Konnan..who throws his fucking shoe at Petey...His SHOE! So Konnan isn't in long , tag to R-truth who then does stuff then tags in BG James and they do their old team moves. GET ROWDY! Roode taunts Kip James with a DX salute. Chair comes into play, Konnan gets it and is ready to hit a member of team Canada when..SWERVE he strikes Kip James in the face!
He tells Bobby Roo to get the pin and Team Canada wins it! BG James demands a answer and Truth tries to seperate them, Konnan hits BG! Truth is LEGIT SHOOK!
Konnan tries to hug R-Truth and Truth denies it, Truth is still shocked at what transpired.

Cut to the back and the franchise talks to the Diamonds in the rough who he says are bitching that they're overlooked, but they got the attention of some baseball dudes and they're going into a Basebrawl match in a while. They laugh at the thought of baseball players in wrestling and Simon Diamond wearing Umpire armor says the white sox players wives love the diamonds. Ooooo! Baseball puns follow.

Footage of CNN sports coverage follows where they show White Sox player Dale Torborg (and former wrestler) getting hit by Simon Diamond and White Sox AJ Pierzynskil getting on the mat too. Probably the only time TNA was mentioned in the news.

BASEBRAWL MATCH: Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin, Dale Torborg w/ Manager AJ Pierzynskil vs. The Diamonds in the rough featuring Bobby Heenan on Commentary.

Some baseball guys are in the audience. 2 or 3 exactly.
Heenan returns to do commentary once more! He's well into his later years.

Tenay is mouthing something. Welp that sums up their relationship. Tenay is a dickhead.

Diamonds in the rough come out to the ring first, then the baseball team I guess? Sanjay Dutt first with his White Sox jersey, Chris Sabin follows also wearing a White Sox jersey,then finally comes the two Sox players. This is more team White Sox vs. Simon Diamond's in the rough.

Torborg if you didn't know was the KISS DEMON in WCW. LOL. He went onto the White Sox who won the World Series in 05.
Commentary focuses on talking to Heenan for a while, Tenay acts like a dick to Bobby. It's a little hard to understand Bobby :( Match goes on and it's whatever, outside Pierzynskil has that bat and scares off Simon Diamond. Diamond by the way is really fat and out of shape, so is his bald partner. They go at it for a while, match is pretty boring except for a few good moves by Dutt. Simon hits Torborg with the baseball shin protector and Pierzynskil pulls out the ref before the count! He argues with the ref that he wears white stripes and can do whatever he wants, Bobby intervenes and talks to the ref. Red Sox Baseball player in the audience slips a home plate to Pierzynskil! Aj Pierzynskil goes to the ring and hits Simon Diamond with the home plate! Sabin hits his finisher, Dutt does a jump off the turnbuckle and lands it, all 3 pile on the pin and win it! Team White Sox wins!

Aj Pierzynskil signs homeplate for Simon and they celebrate. Bobby finishes in the commentary booth and Tenay bullshits that he loves him and Bobby goes 'yeah sure' pretty much.
Dutt and Sabin present the White Sox guys with their own TNA rings...which i'm sure they still have right?

Douglas talks to Christian who says the christian Coalition aka his peeps are cheering for him. Captain Charisma is here and ready to fight. Video highlight of Christian/Monty feud.
Contenders Match: Christian Cage vs. Monty Brown
Monty Brown shows up to the ring, then here comes Christian Cage in a wacky shimmery outfit and hoodie, not his best outfit. This is his debut PPV Match, calling it a rebirth. They start off, Monty overpowering smaller Christian. Christian trolls and taunts Monty to distract him. Monty throws Christian outside via gorilla press, Christian lands on his face. Monty tells the crowd to move by faking a throw of Christian into the guardrails but throws him to the ring instead, Monty trollin the crowd. "I do what I want whenever I want!" Crowd calls Monty the 'Alpha Female' for some reason. Christian tricks Monty to hitting the exposed turnbuckle and hits the unprettier for the win! New No. 1 Contender!
I'm pretty damn sure Christian's theme is a instrumental Evanescence song.
Shane interviews Team 3D.
Then a video package for AMW/Team 3D.

NWA World Tag Team Championship Tables Match: Team 3D vs. America's Most Wanted

Team 3D comes out first, not with tables sadly, they're already at ringside. AMW aka Harris and Storm the champs come out next. 3D isn't waiting! They attack on the ramp! Fighting goes everywhere! Original Wildcat (before Kofi) Harris pins Devon but ref says Table only! Both men have to go through tables. Bully Ray does devastating slaps to the chest that they leave marks on Chris Harris, his chest turns a light purple. Lots of close calls with nearly hitting the tables but 3D manage to hit AMW with their own move taking out one of the guys with a table. Harris is the only one left! Harris lures Devon to the ramp but Bully follows and they hit the 3D on Harris . New NWA Tag team champions Team 3D!

X-division championship video package plays.
James Storm suffered a neck injury from getting put through the table and is being carried off by medical.

X Division Championship Match: AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe the samoan submission machine is here! And he's wearing a towel covered in AJ's blood. Ew. And here comes AJ Styles the X Division champ! And he doesn't want Joe to possess his DNA on that towel anymore! AJ is here to stop the out of control Samoa Joe. Bell rings and AJ immediately runs and attacks Joe. AJ is on fire, snap suplex! Counter to dropkick!

Joe doesn't take it for very long though



and he gets the shit beat out of him for a long time. AJ tries to come back.

But Joe is too Stronk

But he hulks up! Styles Clash! But Joe kicks out! Back and forth and Joe reverses a move to get AJ on the ground in the rear choke! AJ gives! NEW X DIV CHAMPION! SAMOA JOE!
Samoa Joe lifts AJ to his feet...to shake his hand? NO! To hit him with the belt! Joe attacks security! He's out of control! He's got a chair and he's going to finish off AJ but it's Christopher Daniels! He's here for revenge! He attacks Joe! Joe quickly gains advantage then is stopped by security and refs. Joe says forget it and leaves.

What a match! AJ and Joe had so much energy so much life to them. Joe is scary as hell and vicious back then. But we're onto the main event now. Top of their forms!

A video package for the World heavyweight championship plays.

Shane Douglas interviews Rhino. Rhino calls Gail Kim a skank and AMW a bunch of cowboy bitches. He's doing it for his daughter! He says he's going to cut Jarrett in half with the Gore GORE GOREEEEEE!!

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: "King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett vs. "The War Machine" Rhino

Rhino's music hits and out runs the man-beast and challenger Rhino! He looks to be in good shape! But look out here comes the King of the Mountain!
The twerp Borash does the whole weigh in thing. Match starts off with a series of holds, pretty normal stuff. We start going into dropkicks and armdrags. It starts going outside then Rhino throws Jarrett into the crowd. Then it goes near the stage area. Jarett gets busted open from being thrown into a wall headfirst. Double J gets thrown on the ramp then dragged back to the ring by Rhino. Very slow match so far.

Rhino is basically dominating and throwing Jarrett against stuff. Jarrett comes back and goes on a scaffold, Rhino follows and he hits Rhino with a chair making him fall onto a table.

Rhino suplexes Jarrett on the ramp. He goes for tables and brings it up to the entrance and..

They're both down but the announcer says that they have to the count of 10 to make it to the ring. But there's the Canadians! Those evil Canucks are attacking Rhino! They threw him down the entrance tunnel thing and are helping Jarrett to the ring!
BUT RHINO IS BACK! He ran to the ring and takes out the Canucks and Jarrett! Rhino gores the Ref by accident, they're both down. More Canucks attack including Roode and Rhino still kicks out. Jarrett gets the guitar and bashes Rhino's head. He still kicks out!
Some blonde named Jackie slaps Jarrett, Rhino tries to take advantage but Jarrett still kicks out. Coach D'amore hits Rhino with a hockey stick and Jarrett does his finisher onto two chairs and pins Rhino to retain!


So overall I thought the PPV was alright, it was a long 3 hours and I reviewed as I watched cause I knew I wouldn't remember spots and times in the video. This was a lot of work and stuff. I don't know how Stro does this. Pretty long, some good matches, few GREAT ones. Overall it's alright.

What'd you think of my review Stro?


Why hasn't someone done Immigrant Song with Bork's scream?

So overall I thought the PPV was alright, it was a long 3 hours and I reviewed as I watched cause I knew I wouldn't remember spots and times in the video. This was a lot of work and stuff. I don't know how Stro does this. Pretty long, some good matches, few GREAT ones. Overall it's alright.

What'd you think of my review Stro?

I do it with booze and watching the shows in chunks. Also, that's Final Resolution 2006.

Some extra gifs from that show:






Why hasn't someone done Immigrant Song with Bork's scream?

I do it with booze and watching the shows in chunks. Also, that's Final Resolution 2006.

Some extra gifs from that show:

Good ones. Yeah I probably should've done chunks but I sat through it straight mostly.

good shit nobody

there's nothing good about this picture

Nope. Which is probably why dumbass Konnan didn't do much in the match except provide the swerve


.. they will only be bringing 5 divas to England.
In that 2000-2003 time with WWF/E women's wrestling, it was mostly five or six wrestlers squaring off (Ivory, Molly, Lita, Trish, Jazz, and later Victoria).

Quality > quantity. You don't need 12-14 women to have a nice staple of wrestling.

This storyline with Magnus driving Styles and Sting out of TNA also reminds me of Steiner driving Nash and DDP out during the final months of WCW 2001.
TNA should've been going younger for the past several years. Getting Hogan like they did and allowing him to change so much was a big mistake for them. Magnus only 27 years old while Steiner was 38 in 2001 WCW. Sting should've been stopped wrestling a while ago. What he should do is sign with WWE in a Legends contract and get into the HOF and get a DVD. I don't see, barring big money, any reason for him to face Take just to job in what would be his only WWE match.


I'm going to be kind of busy, I have a dilemma where I have to re-arrange my entire room due to problems. So if I review another PPV it'll probably be the other turning point or Sacrifice. But it won't be for a while.
You say that...but when was the last time you heard Kevin Kelly call a match? Watch ROH TV some time and try not to hate everything about Kelly...it's impossible.

Also, his damn catchphrase whenever someone hits a dive. "SOARING AND SCORING!!!". Ugh.

ROH should pry Mike Tenay away from TNA.



Famous Memphis Moments

Jerry Lawler vs. Curt Hennig Hype (1988)

Curt sent in a promo with some delightful Bret Hart style sunglasses on. He immediately starts by saying he's the only real champion, unlike Ric Flair who only wrestles for the NWA, or Randy Savage who only wrestles for the WWF. He goes on to say that he wrestles everywhere in the world, for Don Owen in Portland, for Giant Baba in Japan, in Great Britain, and everywhere else. This is King's last shot and Hennig isn't giving his title up.


King responds. Both men were able to chose unbiased referees. Hennig picked his father, Larry Hennig, while King picked Jackie Fargo. King is in Miami Vice mode, with 5 O'clock shadow and a tight tank top/t shirt under a gray blazer with tight jeans. King hopes that if Jackie is voted as ref, Jackie won't give King any unfair advantages. He wants to win the title fairly. Fans get to call in and vote for who they want to be ref, for $1 per call. For the match, big posters will be made up and given away, and a lottery winner will get King's crown.


Another King promo, this time saying he will be making his first title defense against Bill Dundee. We then get a music video set to Glory Days. It's clips of him beating up current WWF/AWA stars with clips of him driving to a show and getting ready mixed in.

Brickhouse Brown vs. Stud Stable Recap (8/28/88)

Oh boy, this should have at least a few highly questionable phrases thrown out. Lance talks with Brickhouse Brown. He wants a tape played of some of the things the Stud Stable have done to him.

The Stud Stable got Brickhouse a big watermelon. Brown was not pleased with this as he doesn't like watermelon and doesn't like the implication. "You might as well be a color chart when TV goes off." I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. Robert Fuller insists Brown has a color problem.

The next clip is of Fuller giving a nice robe to one of his men. He gives another a check I think. He got his woman some jewelry. He gave Downtown Bruno a Rolex. He got Brickhouse some beef jerky, I think. And possibly some tissues. Brickhouse has HAD IT. He quits. Fuller gets out of his wheel chair, screaming that he owns Brown and calling him "boy" more than a few times. A fight erupts. Brown's hands are tied to the ropes and he is repeatedly whipped. If there is an upside to this, it's that it got heel heat. The Southern fans weren't cheering for a black man getting whipped like a slave. They were upset and cheering for him to make a come back. After the video, Brown says he isn't a slave and is going to treat Fuller like a runaway slave himself. Clips of Brown vs one of the guys in the Stable. It would end in a DQ. Jeff Jarrett and Bill Dundee would hit the ring to make a save.


Battle Royal (2/4/89)

Yuck. I don't think there has ever been a good battle royal that wasn't a Royal Rumble. This is pinfalls and over the rope eliminations. Hashimoto, Tracy Smothers, Scott Steiner, Brian Lee, Adrian Street, Robert Fuller, and Bill Dundee are some of the names in this. It's in the studio. Jeff Jarrett is also in there. Hashimoto won after eliminating Tracy Smothers. The Japanese team would continue the fight along with Phil Hickerson. Hash DDTs Tracy through the announce table. Spike piledriver on the floor. The Imperial Japan flag was then draped over Tracy before a group of faces came for a save. They cut the camera so as to not show the injury. Instead of any kind of medical staff helping Tracy, the faces just pick him up and carry him away. Even though he probably has a serious neck injury and yells when they pick him up. Typical boring ass battle royal.


Kerry Von Erich’s Jacket (2/11/89)

Jeff Jarrett had become close friends with the Von Erich's while wrestling in Texas. Kerry presented Jeff a jacket. This jacket was worn by both the deceased Mike Von Erich, and also by Kerry when he won the NWA Championship. Kerry considers Jeff to be a brother. However, later in the night, Dutch Mantel cut a promo on Jeff for wearing a dead man's jacket. Jeff was then attacked by Dutch and Jimmy Golden/Robert Fuller. Dutch ripped the jacket apart. Kerry and Kevin hit the ring. As Lance was talking, Dutch came out in the Memphis studio. Dutch says he has respect, but Kerry presented Jeff a dead man's jacket. Dean people scare him and give him the heebie jeebies. Jeff Jarret came out and attacked Dutch.

Kind of random collection of stuff here. Harkens back to a day where outright racism and making fun of dead people were very acceptable.


You say that...but when was the last time you heard Kevin Kelly call a match? Watch ROH TV some time and try not to hate everything about Kelly...it's impossible.

Also, his damn catchphrase whenever someone hits a dive. "SOARING AND SCORING!!!". Ugh.

ROH should pry Mike Tenay away from TNA.

no kidding? Really annoying? Well to be fair I've never seen a ROH event.

If I had the chance I'd have Dino Winwood do commentary as Joey Styles. That or one of the best commentating team in West Virginia.

also whipping? Really? Goddamn what a heel.

Also what's your guys opinion on Big John Studd? I know New Legacy inc clowns on him but was he a genuine talented wrestler before or during WM 1?


I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been any news about WWE wanting Jeff Hardy back or Hardy contemplating returning to WWE. Despite his lukewarm status in TNA if Jeff comes back to WWE I believe even in 2014 it won't take much time for him to regain all his popularity when he left.


I've only seen WWF Studd and he was boring as fuck.

oh lol
I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been any news about WWE wanting Jeff Hardy back or Hardy contemplating returning to WWE. Despite his lukewarm status in TNA if Jeff comes back to WWE I believe even in 2014 it won't take much time for him to regain all his popularity when he left.

Well there was that fake tweet about him returning to the rumble.


I still don't get the Sting should face Taker thing. I would much rather Undertaker face someone current and elevate someone with a good match. Especially because Undertaker probably doesn't have much time left. Maybe he'll hit 25 wins? Maybe this is his last year.

I think Brock is a bad pairing for him too. Undertaker should always face a guy that will be active, or at least someone that has been around in the WWE for a while before. Sting has a good legacy (if you ignore the last 10 years) and he'll be a name people pop for but I've seen this man wrestle.

He can't even do his signature move convincingly anymore. Are you really going to get a good match between him and Taker or are you going to get a match where two men just look super old and it be kinda sad?

The only match that makes sense to me is a Hogan vs Sting match. "The WCW feud done right." You keep it short, Sting goes over, they shake hands, and Michael Cole reminds you to relive the legacy both men carved out in WCW on the WWE Network.

Put him in the HoF, release some shirts and a DVD, maybe have him do some RAW appearances, and hopefully the man will retire. OR he'll just sign on to the next Double J clusterfuck.

Alternatively, I will accept a Sting vs Taker match if he wrestles as Crow Sting and he Beastie Boys' Fight For Your Right is his entrance music.

I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been any news about WWE wanting Jeff Hardy back or Hardy contemplating returning to WWE. Despite his lukewarm status in TNA if Jeff comes back to WWE I believe even in 2014 it won't take much time for him to regain all his popularity when he left.

Maybe WWE just isn't interested.

Hardy isn't very reliable, is he?


He's reliable enough to take a crazy bump over the top rope for a one-off pay day.

He might turn it down anyway, I think he's still trying to get his band to take off. Bless him.
man, i'm writing the review of the first match and i'm already bored stiff. i guess i'll just review some solo matches, a full event is too much.
man, i'm writing the review of the first match and i'm already bored stiff. i guess i'll just review some solo matches, a full event is too much.

I dunno how stro does it (alcohol, I'm guessing?). He's a freakin' machine!

Personally, I found it hard trying to review the shootstyle stuff. If it's not a pro-wrestling hold I can call, it's all armlocks and leglocks to me. Also, it's not the most varied style of wrestling to review.

strobogo said:
I'd watch the Hennig/King stuff and the Brickhouse Brown stuff just to see how crazy wrasslin used to be.

Crazy to see how far Hennig had come at this point - on the Portland stuff I've been watching from '82 he's so young. There's flashes of Perfect there in his ring work, but he was struggling to define a character.


I still don't get the Sting should face Taker thing. I would much rather Undertaker face someone current and elevate someone with a good match. Especially because Undertaker probably doesn't have much time left. Maybe he'll hit 25 wins? Maybe this is his last year.

I think Brock is a bad pairing for him too. Undertaker should always face a guy that will be active, or at least someone that has been around in the WWE for a while before. Sting has a good legacy (if you ignore the last 10 years) and he'll be a name people pop for but I've seen this man wrestle.

He can't even do his signature move convincingly anymore. Are you really going to get a good match between him and Taker or are you going to get a match where two men just look super old and it be kinda sad?

The only match that makes sense to me is a Hogan vs Sting match. "The WCW feud done right." You keep it short, Sting goes over, they shake hands, and Michael Cole reminds you to relive the legacy both men carved out in WCW on the WWE Network.

Put him in the HoF, release some shirts and a DVD, maybe have him do some RAW appearances, and hopefully the man will retire. OR he'll just sign on to the next Double J clusterfuck.

Alternatively, I will accept a Sting vs Taker match if he wrestles as Crow Sting and he Beastie Boys' Fight For Your Right is his entrance music.

Maybe WWE just isn't interested.

Hardy isn't very reliable, is he?

Hogan vs Sting is way worse than Taker vs Sting. Hogan should not be allowed to wrestle ever again. He was never a good wrestler and now he can barely move.

Taker vs Brock Lesnar is the best match to have in my opinion.


Varied shows help. The joshi show was one of the hardest for me to get through because all the matches were the same, with all the women using the same 3-4 moves repeatedly. Doing them 20-60 minutes at a time helps. Alcohol also helps. For actual wrestling shows, I often listen to music or podcasts while watching the in ring stuff unless I really want to hear the crowd or commentary.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Funny, I don't remember anything memorable post-Angle.
I can even remember memorable Christian stuff. All I remember about Angle was things not living up to expectations.
Funny, I don't remember anything memorable post-Angle.
I can even remember memorable Christian stuff. All I remember about Angle was things not living up to expectations.

Yeah, that's how I feel.

At the time me and a friend remained internet dark from who the surprise signing was, stayed up late and watched it all live. So when Angle was revealed it was true hype and surprise. It was like TNA had FINALLY signed someone worthwhile. Then they blew it and threw away THREE Joe v Angle matches within 6 months or so.
I dunno how stro does it (alcohol, I'm guessing?). He's a freakin' machine!

Personally, I found it hard trying to review the shootstyle stuff. If it's not a pro-wrestling hold I can call, it's all armlocks and leglocks to me. Also, it's not the most varied style of wrestling to review.

i'll probably just post some gifs of the best moments with a quick descritpion of what's happening.

Mr. Sam

Crowd calls Monty the 'Alpha Female' for some reason.

Monty Brown's nickname was "The Alpha Male", this being during the days when everyone in TNA had to have a fucking nickname - including quote marks - for some reason. Name a TNA wrestler between 2005 and 2007, I could likely tell you what their quotename was. "Alpha Female" is therefore a delicious satire.

Unless you're commenting on the quality of the chant. As wrestling chants go, I'd say it's slightly above average.

Monty Brown is probably the most high profile wrestler to make the jump from TNA to WWE, with the possible exception of Chris Harris. Marcus Cor Von might not be a ring legend but I think we can all agree he left a bigger mark than Braden Walker. And no, Christian doesn't count.


I can see it now. We all sign up for WWE Network ready to sink our teeth into some New Generation, Attitude Era, and Ruthless Agression Raw.




I can see it now. We all sign up for WWE Network ready to sink our teeth into some New Generation, Attitude Era, and Ruthless Agression Raw.



:lol :lol
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