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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

Sunny realised you can do 40 man Rumbles on WWE 14, so we now have 7 open spots for the Avatar Rumble!

Bootaaay said:
OK guys, on behalf of WrassleGAF COO Sunny McFlower, I'm now taking submissions for the 2014 WrassleGAF Avatar Rumble!!!

This is seperate from the Rumble Lottery that is run during the Royal Rumble PPV, instead Vince will simulate a Royal Rumble on WWE 14 using the first 30 entrants submitted to me, which will then be streamed live at some point before the Rumble itself. Everyone who enters agrees that, for one calendar month, they have to change their avatar to a picture of the eventual 2014 WrassleGAF Avatar Rumble winner!

. Submit your chosen entrant to me via PM
. Keep your submission a secret, so as to not spoil the surprise
. Try to pick someone moderately famous/infamous, to make it easier to find a pre-made version of the wrestler in community creations
. The cut off limit is 40, but duplicate entries will be accepted so more people can join in on the fun

So, who's up for it? Should be good for a laugh, if last year's was any indication. We got stuck with Big Show avatars in 2013. Who will it be this year?

Go, go, go. 33/40
i can't get over how healthy and happy Jake looked.

i also liked how Henry is so FAT, Brock had to do the kimura with a single leg scissors instead of a body scissors.


From what I read you can rent games or there will be a sub where you can acess a library netflix style .

No word is any PS plus benefits

If it was a legit Netflix style sub where ALL PS1/2/3 games are available at any time as long as you have the sub, that'd be amazing. A sub to have all the games made available to pay more to rent is not quite as amazing.


Fuck, i keep trying to get days off from work, but other stores in the area keep calling me to come in on my days off to see if i can work. I would say no, but the money is too good. I'm trying to clear my wrestling backlog and write my recaps, but it's getting close to impossible now!

Also, i imagine right now the library consists of the games available right now on the PSN store. Which honestly, is good enough for everything but the ps2. Step that up, and its holy shit


Why isn't Gaf down yet?
A) This was already sort-of-announced last year.
B) We don't have specifics relating to pricing models.
C) We don't have specifics as to what titles will be available when apart from 4 first-party Sony PS3 games (2 of which are really good).


A) This was already sort-of-announced last year.
B) We don't have specifics relating to pricing models.
C) We don't have specifics as to what titles will be available when apart from 4 first-party Sony PS3 games (2 of which are really good).

Yeah but, PS3 on Vita and other connected devices without a PS3. Even if you knew about them acquiring the service before, the implementation is huge.


So not worth it
Yeah but, PS3 on Vita and other connected devices without a PS3. Even if you knew about them acquiring the service before, the implementation is huge.

Also, US only, Europe surely gets another shitty per country deal where it takes years before we get it.

Jamie OD

Also, US only, Europe surely gets another shitty per country deal where it takes years before we get it.

We can access the other US PSN stuff no problem. Maybe the only thing preventing us from getting access to this is if you need an American credit card for the subscription.


Maybe you should say something.

Report back with the results.

brb. goin for walk.



Yeah, everyone who pm'd me and didn't submit a fictional/non-wrasslin related character got in.

Still six spots open!

Okay cool.

You were there with us during WK8, you definitely get it! Check your PM!

Awesome! Thank you! I was thinking about getting it for a while, but wasn't sure how much mileage I would get out of the full game. Gonna give it a shot later or tomorrow.


Nintendo fans remind me of that Simpsons where they're having a BBQ and Lisa throws the pig away while Homer goes "it's still good, it's still good".

the pig is the Wii U.

Not surprised to read this. Nintendo fans have been like this since life emerged from the primordial muck.


ROH TV report for 1/4/2014. (Episode 120)

Full report here: http://www.wrestleenigma.com/roh-on...ghlights-final-battle-2013-and-a-hero-returns


Overview: This week’s episode of ROH TV highlights two big matches from Final Battle 2013. After being welcomed to the Hammerstein Ballroom by Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness on commentary, the main event between Michael Elgin, Adam Cole, and Jay Briscoe is hyped, and the first match is quickly introduced: Mark Briscoe vs. Silas Young in a strap match. Bobby Cruz is waiting in the ring to make the introductions.

As Silas Young comes to the ring, he heels it up and has an exchange with a woman in the front row. She gives him the finger, and he goes on about how he’s “a real man.” The crowd tosses over half a dozen streamers into the ring, but Young tries to toss them away. Nice touch by Silas, who is really good at playing this character. Briscoe comes out next to a good reaction. While Kelly explains that the first man to touch all four corners of the ring sequentially wins the match, Briscoe and Young have a 12-foot strap attached to their left wrists. According to Kevin Kelly, this is the first strap match in ROH history. And we’re off...

The finish: Young and Briscoe are back in the ring, with Briscoe on top of Young’s shoulders. Young is carrying Briscoe around while touching the corners. Unbeknownst to Young, Briscoe is also touching the corners right after Young since he’s being carried around by him. After three corners, Briscoe tries to pull Young down, but Young realizes what’s happening, dives for the final corner, and wins the match.

Analysis: This was a very fun match with a lot of creative spots and uses of the strap. Some of the strap shots and bigger spots looked hard and painful. Both guys worked hard and put together a performance that definitely grabbed people’s attention. The ending was a little strange, but it fit with Briscoe’s wackier persona, and the right man won. Silas Young is an excellent heel, and you can tell that he lives his character in and out of that ring.

I’ve enjoyed this little match series between Young and Briscoe. They’ve worked stiff, and the payoff has been quality pro wrestling entertainment for the fans. Hats off to both men.


Overview: After a commercial for the full Final Battle show and some live dates, Kevin Kelly recaps how the match between Elgin, Cole, and Briscoe has come to pass. A nice video package that really put over the importance of this match, and the conflict between the three men. Elgin is out first, Briscoe second, and Cole last. Bobby Cruz makes the introductions. A big fight feel is in the house as the show goes to commercial one more time before the beginning of the match.

The three men start by slowly walking towards each other in the centre of the ring. Cole quickly slides to the outside, smiles, and poses with his arms in the air. Classic heel move by Cole, who is welcomed back into the ring by Elgin, but refuses the invite. Elgin and Briscoe decide to start the match one-on-one with Cole looking on from the outside. They lock up, and Cole quickly tries to sneak back into the ring to get an advantage, but Elgin and Briscoe break the lockup and look to go after Cole, who again slides out, smiles, and runs around the ring a bit. The crowd starts chanting “Man up!” Elgin and Briscoe try locking up again, and the same scene repeats itself with Cole trying to grab an advantage, but quickly jumping to the outside again. A fun way to annoy the audience and the other two participants in the match. This scenario repeats again, and Cole is clearly established as a cowardly and opportunistic heel. Moving on…

The finish: Cole gets back into the ring. Briscoe tries going for a third Jay Driller on Elgin, but Cole superkicks Briscoe and rolls up Elgin with a handful of tights for the victory. Cole looks euphoric and maniacal as he’s handed the championship.

Post-match: Hardy enters the ring and nails Mark Briscoe with Jay Briscoe’s belt. He then nails Jay Briscoe. Cole struggles with Elgin, but Hardy ends up hitting a twist of fate on Elgin. Suddenly, Chris Hero’s music plays. As Cole and Hardy look up the ramp, Hero enters the ring from behind them and hits a rolling elbow on Hardy. He kicks Cole before putting on his famed elbow pad, and hits a rolling elbow on him as well. Kelly and Corino go nuts on commentary, signing off with “A new dawn has arisen!…It begins again!”

Analysis: A very good main event. The three performers worked the three-way match style well, and there were always logical reasons for one guy not being in the ring. Elgin looked like his usual beastly self, Briscoe came off as paranoid, and Cole looked like the cowardly heel that he clearly is. Another match on this show which had the performers not only acting as their characters outside of the ring, but inside of it as well. Honestly, you don’t see that often enough today.

The return of Chris Hero put this segment over the top.


Conclusion: This week’s episode of ROH took two matches from the company’s biggest show of the year. Honestly, this was not a bad move, as it gives new fans a taste of just how good ROH can be, and it may have sold a few DVDs of the show as well.

The first match between Silas Young and Mark Briscoe was very entertaining, and for a free TV match, it was certainly different and creative. The main event offered a more classic pro wrestling feel to the show with three men going out there to beat each other up with nothing else besides their feet, fists, and bodies. There was also some intriguing storytelling involved once Hardy hit the ring.

Top quality TV episode from ROH this week, but it was to be expected given the source. Let’s see how ROH really starts off 2014 when they go back to their usual TV taping style next week.

Grade: A-


I just clicked that Sony thread again. Now EA is salty and begging for Sony's forgiveness?

They do realize EA had like 15 launch games for PS4, right? These are businesses, not manchildren. Fuck. So many mark ass marks over there.


I just clicked that Sony thread again. Now EA is salty and begging for Sony's forgiveness?

They do realize EA had like 15 launch games for PS4, right? These are businesses, not manchildren. Fuck. So many mark ass marks over there.

haha , right!

I have no clue what is going on


I'm actually more excited about WWE announcement tomorrow. Guess that makes me a mark but I actually believe that service is going to work properly. PlayStation Now, I'll believe it when I see it working on my crap DSL line.


I just clicked that Sony thread again. Now EA is salty and begging for Sony's forgiveness?

They do realize EA had like 15 launch games for PS4, right? These are businesses, not manchildren. Fuck. So many mark ass marks over there.

You have to learn how to filter out the crazies.

I'm actually more excited about WWE announcement tomorrow. Guess that makes me a mark but I actually believe that service is going to work properly. PlayStation Now, I'll believe it when I see it working on my crap DSL line.

Yeah I have no faith in game streaming at this point. I'll try it out for sure but I doubt it will be a great experience. Maybe somewhere down the line it will be viable. When it comes to the network I am interested in what it will exactly be. If it will have all the newest stuff also on demand it might be something for me. Since I live in Germany watching RAW live is a pain and if that is the only thing the network does then no thank you.
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