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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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RE: Alex Koslov news

Shame he's losing his job but he really looked like hell during WK9. Big old gut, unshaven (and not in the like cool facial hair way but the "I don't feel like shaving" way). It's another blow the Jr. Division but I'm not sure how much of an impact the Forever Hooligans were making anyway.

As an aside, I have heard from more than one person that Rocky Romero is one of the most underrated and underappreciated guys, not just in NJPW, but in the entire wrestling world. I have no idea why though.


People wanted the new Nation and TNA seemed to have delivered it:

* Bobby Lashley vs. Bobby Roode for the World Heavyweight Title is next. Roode sprints to the ring to start. MVP, Kenny King and two masked men come to the ring. They pull the referee out and King hits him. Kurt Angle comes out and brawls with MVP but they lay him out. Roode is surrounded now. The masked guys are revealed to be Low Ki and Samoa Joe. Eric Young comes out for the save but turns heel and hits Roode with a steel chair. The referee comes back in, leading to Lashley making the pin and winning the World Heavyweight Title. The crowd erupts in a big "bulls--t" chant at Lashley....

lol, So
its a heel group of Lashley, MVP, Kenny King, Samoa Joe, Low-ki and Eric Young playing the Owen Hart role


People wanted the new Nation and TNA seemed to have delivered it:

lol, So
its a heel group of Lashley, MVP, Kenny King, Samoa Joe, Low-ki and Eric Young playing the Owen Hart role


Joe needs to be pushed as TMF in TNA and just destroy everyone heel and face. Him being 2nd fiddle to MVP and Lashley is disappointing.
way too late for that, Russo destroyed him


Why is WWE so scared of Canada?

It seems nuts for a nation that has such a rich wrestling culture that the WWEnever does shows up there.

They would rather be in the middle of nowhere with 5,000 asleep fans than a full stadium that might boo Cena or Reigns...
Borash had an awful shaved head during his WCW.COM ppv appearances. So creepy like he should drive a panel van and not be allowed with in 250 yards of a grade school.



Its on sale guys


Bad brawling to start, a boring technical match in street clothes, a basic tag match, an awkward and poorly shot segment with JB and EC3 and the production is HORRIBLE



Would LegitShook.com be interested in my multi-day adventure to have an expired credit card removed from my Best Buy account? It's been quite the ride.
They're even censoring the "Holy Shit" chants. This is going to get really annoying during any type of match predicated on spots, like Ladders, Tables, etc..
That history of the X division promo package is like a highlight video of other companies stars. Shelley,Daniels, Kaz, RVD and AJ featured in it. And whoa Amazing Red! I remember thinking the S.A.T. we're gonna be huge stars.


Fun brawl, enjoyable street fight, solid tag match, meh promo, and this Aries vs LowKi match is great so far.

Better than Raw.
You make that sound like an accomplishment.

I could take a dump in my toilet, hold a camera phone up to the resulting excrement, film it for 3 hours and put that up on YouTube and THAT would be better than RAW.

You know what else is better than RAW?
Listening to Bryan, Vinny & Craig rip on this week's RAW show.

And you don't even need to pay them money to do it. They're giving it away for free.


Why is WWE so scared of Canada?

It seems nuts for a nation that has such a rich wrestling culture that the WWEnever does shows up there.

They would rather be in the middle of nowhere with 5,000 asleep fans than a full stadium that might boo Cena or Reigns..

exactly right.

it's fucking ridiculous. I wonder if Philly will get on the shit list too after they boo the fuck out of Cena and Reigns at the Rumble?
Why is WWE so scared of Canada?

It seems nuts for a nation that has such a rich wrestling culture that the WWEnever does shows up there.

They would rather be in the middle of nowhere with 5,000 asleep fans than a full stadium that might boo Cena or Reigns...

Does Canada have different laws surrounding work permits/health care/etc than the US? Maybe they are worried about a possible law suit? Strange to leave money on the table if it's a hype country for WWE.
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