What did he contribute to any of that? Covid made demand go to insane levels across the board. We don't know how much he actually contributed. Anyone could have potentially rode that wave. We have no way of knowing whats going on behind the scenes. Sony were coming off their most successful console since the PS2.
He did many things as the CEO.
Had to manage a console launch in times of global pandemic lockdowns difficulting manufacturing, shipping and selling consoles on retail shops and malls plus not being able to promote it with presential events.
He achieved it breaking sales records for any console in gaming history, with a marketing campaign that broke all time gaming history records for any company in most social media networks. That was after he overhauled their marketing team unifying the different region/country specific teams that previously had each one their different strategies, messagings and campaings and now follow a global and unified, more optimized and effective vision and messaging.
Soon after launch also had the issue of lack of components that highly reduced the units being able to be produced (other than the related issues of covid). Also had to face insane inflation and component prices increase that didn't allow them to make price cuts and instead forcing them to increase console, game and services pricing.
On the game side highly increased the manpower of their teams, acquired support teams to help them more and also acquired more gamedev teams. He also invested more in 2nd party games for this generation than they ever did before for a generation (according to Sony). They have more 1st party games under development they ever had before, and broke the fastest selling console exclusive for Sony with titles released in 2020, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
He also signed more 3rd party exclusives to be released this generation than they ever did before in previos generaitons. Game sales+addon revenue in PS is making more revenue than ever.
PS5 users have an all time ARPU record, and the PS4 users have the highest ARPU than it had during its generation. PS also achieved its highest active userbase ever (12M MAU this December) on PS history, which may also be the highest MAU ever for any console brand in gaming history.
He continued and expanded the GaaS and PC strategies that were started before him having great success with GT7, MLB, Helldivers 2 and The Final Shape plus, plus releasing many late PC ports of old PS games that in all cases were profitable and many of them having a huge profit marging, so the PC revenue keeps growing a lot year after year to provide them now or soon above a billion of yearly profits from PC. And doing so with no negative effects on the console side, if something having a positive side effect there.
He also overhauled PS+ merging it with PS Now, highly improving the catalog and cloud gaming. As result SIE's game subs make more revenue than ever.
He also heavily invested on accesories like PSVR2, PS Portal, different controllers and headsets. SIE accesories make more revenue than ever.
He also revamped their movie/tv shows area, becoming way more successful than ever before and have many projects in the works.
He also started to work on a future mobile gaming strategy signing deals with many of the top mobile gaming publishers, developers and platform holders of Asia, region where they want to specially grow. Plus also acquired Neon Koi (who has top European talent from top mobile gaming devs plus Rockstar) and also started to work on the PS+ expansion to mobile (including cloud gaming, they've been working on it during many years).
So basically he did many important changes, improvements and investments in all areas and achieved record success. He has been the most successful CEO that console makers ever had in gaming history.
During the 50 years of gaming history tons of games got cancelled in all companies, including Sony. It's something normal, part of the creative process of making games. It's totally dumb and nonsensical to think the most successful console maker CEO ever is going to be fired because of the cancellation of a game.
BTW, regarding PS2 their most successful region by far was Europe (other than in PS this doesn't happen in any other gaming platform). And the guy in charge of promoting and selling it in Europe was Jim Ryan.