Maybethe tree is the key to the rebirth of the multiverse?
Regardless, I think it has some sort of significance in what is to come.
TheBeyonder portal gave me major chills though - flashbacks to the OG Secret Wars.
You two had the same thoughts I did about it.Yeah, I know, hence kinda.
I dunno, I want to believe. I know they won't be able to do shit to the Beyonder horde, but they might be spared somehow... Namor 'died' just a few issues ago under similarly iron-clad circumstances, who's to say Thor and Hyperion won't manage to cheat death too?
The only way I can see Thor and Hyperion surviving is like how Hickman "killed" Johnny Storm in Fantastic Four. We just assume that they fell in battle, but maybe they prove triumphant. Or the Beyonders are so caught off guard by two beings standing up to them they spare them to "research" them. Much like what happened to Doom in OG Secret Wars. Of course, I don't see Thor or Hyperion having something on them to steal Beyonder power.
Oh, and Deodato's art for the Beyonders is so much better than all the other appearances of them so far in this.