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Journey |OT| Perfect Strangers


I really enjoyed the 2nd play through.

I got the
white robe
and started again from the bridge, the person I met also had the
white robe
and we spent ages just messing about and enjoying the environment.
2 white robea
with full scarfs, timing songs while flying with the little creatures for ages, great music in the background. we did the whole game again together was glorious.


Amazing experience: the whole sound design, music, imagery, art direction, fellowship with a stranger, flow of the movements and polished controls. It's a pretty short game and I was worried that the asking price was too high, BUT after finishing the game, I'm more than happy with its value proposition. Beautiful game, I'll be back for more.


It may be too early to say this, but I think this game is like a sunset or a full moon...its appeal does not diminish, no matter how many times you experience it. TGC may have created something unprecedented here--a piece of entertainment/art that can rival the timeless beauty of mother nature and the cosmos. Timeless meaning the experience does not diminish with time or familiarity. How many man-made things can you say that for? I can't think of any other game or movie I would say that for.
Got my companion trophy yesterday. Went in with my
scarf and joined with someone who was on his second playthrough. Helped him across the
broken bridge without repairing it
and showed him all the glyphs etc.. Stayed with him until the end. Got a friend request and big thank you afterwards from him.

So in your journey of playing the game you go from Child (walking towards your goal without knowing what is going on but being amazed by the world around you) to Explorer (subsequent playthroughs for collecting and learning) to Teacher/Sensei (helping other people in their exploration [/spoiler]and the white scarf actually indicating your sensei status[/spoiler]). Very satisfying Meta-arc as well.

I was going for that trophy the other day when someone showed up who must've been going for it too. We had everything finished and tried to help each other make the first jump. After a few tries my partner made it but, I just missed the ledge. S/he stands at the top and chirps at me a few times and then just fucking leaves me! What an asshole.


Felium Defensor
No way. That's awesome.
Seriously stuff like this is what makes this game so special. The fact that you actually feel the connection with your fellow traveler and embark that journey together at your own free will is just something else. The fact that you write down and remember your companions names, send them a thank you message and what not just shows the power of this gem. What you shared on that 2 hours journey is something real and quite rare in this medium of ours we call gaming.

I value that immensely.
This is a title that won't live up to it's hype that others are saying about it. I didn't read this thread at all, watched no media on it, and saw maybe one or two screen shots. I bought it from the quality of the developer. I went in blind and glad I did as I was overwhelmed with how great of a game it is.

I'm sure my opinion would have been different had I not been on a media blackout though and read this thread before playing.
Ah cool you liked it! In another thread when a post I made convinced you to try it out. I hoped you wouldn't be cursing my name later.

I do agree the less you know going in (just like most great things) the more rewarding it is. It's been almost a week and I'm still thinking about this great game. It's really stuck with me.


Just finished my 3rd playthrough. Best one yet.
It took 10 minutes of failed attempts , but one dude stuck with me and we managed to cross the Broken Bridge together to get that trophy.
After that much help, I knew he'd stick with me to the end, and sure enough he did.
Got a friend request from him, which is kinda hilarious and kinda awesome.
Really really great game.


To whomever i just shared that experience with: holy fucking shit. I can only name a handful of other games I would say this about, but Journey is a masterpiece. Ive been avoiding everything about the game before playing and had no idea about the companion system and it had such an amazing effect. This felt like a new Ueda game.


So I just finished my first play through, and it was amazing. That was one of the best, if not the best, experiences I've ever had with media in my life.

Although there was one thing that took me out of the moment.
Near the end where you have to sneak by the flying things in the snow area, my companion got spotted and attacked, and he ended up flying and landing exactly where we needed to go to leave the area. Sounds all fine and dandy, but he actually got stuck in between one of those stone things sticking out of the snow and the wall, so he was tumbling through the air in a corner forever. I felt really bad having to leave him like that, but what could I do. I just chirped a bunch. Hopefully it translated well enough to him.


I just finished the game, but i forgot to take note of my companions :(

If you completed the game with other player
who got attacked two times by the sentries at the snow zone and helped you to reach a glyph near the beggining (the one in the sandfalls)
, it's me!

Edit: if it helps, my PSN id is keimikaze.

Sera O

I wanted to message the companions I encountered along the way last night but didn't write the names down - I thought I'd have a record of them in 'players encountered'. I would have liked to say thanks, but it was a great experience anyway.


Reluctant Member
Finished and got my Companions trophy! Met the journeyer who helped me in the underground since the first one got lost. :< I was sad to see you go RhenoFormiga! And thanks to KyleClone, I was happy to be able to journey with you :D (Who knows, maybe one or both read GAF.)


Starting my 3rd playthrough in a couple hours. My body is quivering in anticipation, my mind already feels all mushy, and the tears have already started flowing. I've done almost nothing but think about this game all day. Same thing I did yesterday. I don't see this stopping anytime soon.


Two absolutely amazing things:

The slide down the sand and through the building at sunset.

Standing in the room before you begin up the mountain, as it pans across the pictographs showing your entire journey thus far.

EDIT: I just started my second playthrough, and
I don't know if I accidentally hit chapter select, but I made it from beginning to the top of the mountain in less than 30 minutes, skipping a lot of the chapters in between. I stepped into a portal in one of the first areas, and I skipped ahead at least 1 1/2 hours.
Just finished first playthrough...pretty fuckin impressed. Don't know if I can put much else into words right now. It's an effective, affecting experience. Elegant. Awe-inspiring(in the literal sense, in the Grandness of Nature sense). Romantic? Actually I'll say this, it did something that in recent years art in general hasn't been doing for me much, which is that its emotional tone is huge, serious and dramatic without feeling cheesy.

EDIT: You know what it is, it's a goddamn Godspeed You Black Emperor album.

EDIT: I met eight players over the course of the game, most of them were pretty cool. I actually had a little argument with one guy/gal. They were singing 'there's something we have to do here! I know it! Stay here!', I said 'come check this out! we've been sittin on this thing for 5 minutes, let's try something new!' I was right, by the way.


I think my favorite 'shot' has to be
the fourth level where you slide down and explode from the sand waterfall with the sun in the background.
Two absolutely amazing things:

The slide down the sand and through the building at sunset.

Standing in the room before you begin up the mountain, as it pans across the pictographs showing your entire journey thus far.

EDIT: I just started my second playthrough, and
I don't know if I accidentally hit chapter select, but I made it from beginning to the top of the mountain in less than 30 minutes, skipping a lot of the chapters in between. I stepped into a portal in one of the first areas, and I skipped ahead at least 1 1/2 hours.

If you haven't figured it out already:
Choosing level select takes you to the first basin with the selection of portals. After your first play through all the portals are open so you can enter them to choose the chapter you wish to go to. Their arranged from left-to-right to my understanding but I haven't actually checked to make sure. They show an image of the area you're about to go to when you enter each portal area, though.
This is one of my new favorite games. It is so much fun to just run around meeting random strangers. You are in no way pressured to work together, but somehow you still feel obligated to one another. You don't want to let your new pal down!

I hate disconnecting on a buddy, and I feel so sad when I watch someone fade away. I never thought I'd worry about online multiplayer this way!

This game is so good. I just wish there was more! <3


Gold Member
I just finished my first playthrough. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever experienced a full body emotional reaction. You know how you get all tingly sometimes?

I was with somebody for the last 2 levels. That final climb and we were huddled up against each other trying to climb that mountain. Each trying to egg eachother on with our pathetic whimpers of strength. I saw him or her fall. Then I did. Then we awakened on the other side and the person I was with let out the biggest yell :D. Then we flew.

Apparently I met 8 people on my Journey.

I'm going to play again.

Right now.
2nd journey donei tried to help another player the best i couldi even showed him the right way to cross that underground passage without being hit ( weird player , always charging , not even wanting to stay close to me during the snow part ) We got separated in the last part of teh final level ..( still haven't got the companion trophy since it's teh second time this happen to me...)


Just a had a perfect run with someone named Toxisitee. Both sporting white robes and we did not miss a beat. The chemistry is really pure magic in this game. Nothing else like it and I can't get enough.


Just did my second run. I was lukewarm on the game the first time around, but this time things really clicked, and even the mountain passage with the wind was emotionally effective (especially when I noticed that
your scarf peters out if you don't stay close to your companion to keep each other warm
). The game is still no mindblowing revelation, but it's a perfectly therapeutic and carthatic experience that made my eyes well up near the end. It wasn't just the music working me over, it was the sense of freedom or redemption or rebirth -- however you choose to interpret the final stretch. So yeah -- the game improved for me when I went in a second time, and while it's not one of the greatest games ever, it clearly does have a lot of heart and soul.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Just beat it. Really impressed. Journey is a real audiovisual treat. I'd like to highlight this or that, but honestly, the entire game is a 'wow, look at this' moment.

None of the people I met ever stuck with me though ... :(
On metacritic, Journey is now above Uncharted 3, Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim in the PS3 section


Neo Member
Just finished the game. Wow, what an incredible 2 hours i just had. Beautiful graphics and music,really nice online component. Only complain is that i wish i could turn off the sixaxis camera control.It was indeed a beautiful journey.


Just finished the game. Wow, what an incredible 2 hours i just had. Beautiful graphics and music,really nice online component. Only complain is that i wish i could turn off the sixaxis camera control.It was indeed a beautiful journey.
How does sixaxis keep getting in the way for some of you? Are you guys the same spastic sort who apparently can't hold their 3DS without breaking the effect? :p
Not sure if posted, but there's a really good >> 1UP << article about Journey's development, showing the various prototypes
There's even an early concept trailer in there, showing a very masculine character! I'm glad they changed the direction :lol

when I ask what he would want to do differently making the game if he had a $30 million dollar budget, he makes quite a few Uncharted references (he'd "probably" want to hire Naughty Dog to do character animation, give characters arms so they could climb rocks and help each other out, and have more people playing together at once).

"Really, though, if I had $30 million dollars," he says, "I would sponsor five smaller indie games."


The article is well worth a read


Neo Member
How does sixaxis keep getting in the way for some of you? Are you guys the same spastic sort who apparently can't hold their 3DS without breaking the effect? :p

Giving us the option wouldn't hurt. Besides, i don't think the sixaxis functionality adds anything positive to the game.That's my opinion though obviously there are other people that like that type of camera control.


Took the journey a second time. This has got to be the most amazing, purest multiplayer experience of all time. Jenova Chen is a genius, I'll play anything he is ever involved with.

First half I encountered a
white robed
buddy, I had no idea what the deal was with that, took me by surprise! We had an awesomely wonderful time, pretty much floating and flying the entire trip together, in perfect sync. Unfortunately, I lost him during the sand sliding. I quickly got another companion, a first-timer, tried to show him the ropes best I could, still got blasted by one of the monsters in the snow mountain. :( Made it all the way to the end together still, every time one of us would get left behind we'd wait up for each other. It was the best.

Seriously, genius multiplayer.


Took the journey a second time. This has got to be the most amazing, purest multiplayer experience of all time. Jenova Chen is a genius, I'll play anything he is ever involved with.

First half I encountered a
white robed
buddy, I had no idea what the deal was with that, took me by surprise! We had an awesomely wonderful time, pretty much floating and flying the entire trip together, in perfect sync. Unfortunately, I lost him during the sand sliding. I quickly got another companion, a first-timer, tried to show him the ropes best I could, still got blasted by one of the monsters in the snow mountain. :( Made it all the way to the end together still, every time one of us would get left behind we'd wait up for each other. It was the best.

Seriously, genius multiplayer.

The thing that gets me is just how seamless it is. My first encounter with someone, I was in the second area riding on the sand and this guy just comes riding on screen and we just happened to run through each other.
Journey continues to astound me. I don't think any other game has caused real emotional response like this one (maybe Katawa Shoujo) in so many different people, no matter where I read about it.

In my second playthrough, it was obvious we had both played through at least once already, as we each led one another to runes that the other had passed up. A rapid succession of weak chirps soon translated into "Hey, hey, over here!" which was easily applied to various situations. This system of communication is so elegantly simple, yet effective.

Up until the
sandstorm tower, I thought we had seen and done everything there was, but the altar at the top of the tower told us otherwise.
We had missed a rune somewhere, and through a few gestures and chirping sequences, we each deduced that the other also wanted to go look for it.
Skiing around the tower itself, gliding up the windy hills, and jumping across to nearby ruined bridges all left us empty-handed. Back to the top of the tower we went, presumably to press onwards
- after all, he probably wants to get on with things, since he has been here before...

No, hang on. I really want to find this rune. I'd better let my buddy know that I'm not quite ready to leave. Where did he...?

At the top of the tower, hopping from edge to edge, I realize that he had the same idea: use the highest point in the area as a vantage point to get a good look for the rune! The problem, of course, is that the sandstorm is everywhere, and neither of us are sure whether the rune's glow would cut through. What to do? Almost simultaneously, we both chirp and scoot towards an edge. Going down! If it isn't near the tower it has to be further back: Into the dunes, where we ride the carpet creatures around until we spot the other set of ruins and find the missing rune!

Fast forward to the
sand slide slalom spectacular
, where I consider trying for the achievement, but after a few
decide that I'd rather not risk getting separated from my companion. Speaking of which, where IS he? I think hear him chirping somewhere behind me. The white glow noting his location blends into the setting sun's brightness as I pan my camera back around to look for him, at which point he
comes sliding gracefully off the end of a section of ruin above me! As I passed it, the glimmer of a rune caught my eye, and I realized he had been trying to guide me towards it. Crap. Well, at least he showed me where it is for next time :)

The rest of the journey was amazing as well. I was able to chirp and sit a couple of times in order to get across that I wanted him to sit as well for the achievement, and in the end also got Companion with him, meeting no one else for the entire duration. Thanks, Archidork!
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