I'm certainly not "getting off" on being a contrarian. It's simply my personal opinion. I don't even think it's an opinion that's entirely unpopular among many people who were fans of the original books, or indeed, fans of the films.
I loved Richard Harris and I felt he did a wonderful job in the role as Dumbledore in the first two movies. But even as someone who was given the unenviable task of having to follow Harris' performance in the role, I felt Michael Gambon did a really, really poor job with the part. I'm sure a lot of that could be chalked up to Gambon's Dumbledore being written in a noticeably colder, more clipped fashion in comparison to the Harris incarnation, in conjunction with some bad direction (which is personally why I'm reluctant to criticize Gambon outright for line readings like this) but even outside of that particular context surrounding the role....I personally felt Gambon delivered a series of rather dull and unconvincing performances whilst part of the series, completely exercising a lot of the wit and warmth I've long associated with the Dumbledore character.
I hope by expanding upon my original post, you've come to understand my perspective a little better, even if you might not necessarily agree with it.
Completely agree, and this certainly isn't an unpopular opinion.