OK, I'll play along...
So Assange is a Russian puppet.
Wikileaks has shed light on a ton of shit that needs to have light shed on it. The DNC/Podesta emails were real. Everything else they have released has checked out.
So I ask you, at the end of the day, what difference does it actually make if Russia is behind him? So because the info came from Russia we shouldn't care about Gitmo procedures, murder of Iraqi civilians by our millitary, TPP, etc? Is that what you all are saying?
As for influencing the election - newsflash - our government has done that to other countries. I'm not happy about it but people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Now as to what I actually think on this topic...
On the one hand - we have the CIA saying it was Russia - the same CIA that lied to us about WMD, lied about torture, killing civilians, and a bunch of other shit. And on the other hand we have Assange/Wikileaks - who has been exposing the CIA and other government agencies for their lies. Add to that the fact that no one, to my knowledge, has been able to discredit anything released by Wikileaks up to this point. This is after 10 years and tens of thousands of leaks. Based on that, at this point, I'm inclined to believe him. The simplest explanation is that the leak came from within the DNC itself.