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July Wrasslin’ |OT| The Ring’s a Field, the Field of War, That’s Where We Lay the Law


The question is because everyone from NXT is doomed to bomb beause real people with real jobs won't like them. Neville is amazing, but is ugly and little kids won't like him. It seems important for a lot of people that a wrestler is able to move merchandise regardless of his work.
No the problem is the assumption in your post that Neville is amazing.

I like him. If I disliked him that's why I would dislike him.

People like marketable people because they like them, and that's what makes them marketable - being easily liked.

In short you have causation reversed.


I honestly can't point to a particular Sami promo that really stood out to me as amazing and I don't care to look through the archives to try and find one. But the impression that I get from him every time he's on the mic is that he's genuine. He doesn't sound like he's reading off a script, he doesn't look like some emotionless CAW that has no idea how to engage a crowd, he sounds and looks like he believes what he's saying and that's what makes him good. He responds to things like a normal person instead of trying to pretend he's responding to them like he thinks he's supposed to. That's why I think he'll be fine if/when he gets called up.


You can get someone over if that said person does the same segment every week with no change and goes nowhere.

They should re introduce them and build them up like they they do on NXT. Give them proper feuds and character.

Paige was mishandled from the start, she would neve get over like that. Emma was also given a different character that missed why she got over so obviously it didn't work the same way.

NXT characters can work on the main roster but not like that. Hopefully they'll handle Zami way better. He is too good to be sent to die.
People like marketable people because they like them, and that's what makes them marketable - being easily liked.

I like this line of thinking, applicable to many things



Data West

coaches in the WNBA
And I definitely don't think Emma should have been fired, but I think they should have repackaged her and tried to send her out again as something different. Something that isn't just about as 'lol NXT' as you can get. I'm so sick of WWE thinking dancing is instant gimmick win. But I also realize it's the WWE. This is the same company that fired Dawn Marie after she got pregnant when they told her they wouldn't. They're not your buddy. They're scummy as fuck.

And I also am not that bothered by it because, as I've said before, I think the whole division needs to go on hiatus because they got nothing right now.


I'm wondering if this Emma sacking plays into the big HHH vs Dunn battle over the NXT talents that's apparently going on at the moment. I just can't believe they'd do this when it was accepted in court that it was an accident.


I honestly can't point to a particular Sami promo that really stood out to me as amazing and I don't care to look through the archives to try and find one. But the impression that I get from him every time he's on the mic is that he's genuine. He doesn't sound like he's reading off a script, he doesn't look like some emotionless CAW that has no idea how to engage a crowd, he sounds and looks like he believes what he's saying and that's what makes him good. He responds to things like a normal person instead of trying to pretend he's responding to them like he thinks he's supposed to. That's why I think he'll be fine if/when he gets called up.

Same thing that benefits Ambrose, he has confidence and sounds like he believes what he's saying. Once you get that, you're fine.
And I also am not that bothered by it because, as I've said before, I think the whole division needs to go on hiatus because they got nothing right now.

They have total divas so that's not going to happen. Also AJ will make it more relevant again with live crowds despite people here hating the shit out of her.


Yeesh, I see everyone is "working" their negativity "gimmicks" today. It's like you've all "turned heel" or something.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
They have total divas so that's not going to happen. Also AJ will make it more relevant again with live crowds despite people here hating the shit out of her.

AJ's fine. Who's she gonna wrestle though? They already shit on Alicia so that they could put over the less interesting Paige. Who's after Paige? Cameron? Naomi, again? Just because people care about AJ doesn't mean they'll care about AJ's feuds. All it'll do is drag down AJ's overness by sticking her in these completely pointless feuds against these opponents who have zero build or zero character. I don't even know what the fuck Naomi's character is outside of her entrance.


i donno why WWE pretends they like Roman, he'll end up like Ezekiel Jackson, Brodus, Mason Ryan or Ryback.

its just too painful to watch

Nah they actually do like Roman. Roman is marketable, he's basically ready for early morning talk shows.

Nobody is putting ol FEED ME MORE on TV to show off and speak about the product


And I definitely don't think Emma should have been fired, but I think they should have repackaged her and tried to send her out again as something different. Something that isn't just about as 'lol NXT' as you can get. But I also realize it's the WWE. This is the same company that fired Dawn Marie after she got pregnant when they told her they wouldn't. They're not your buddy. They're scummy as fuck.

And I also am not that bothered by it because, as I've said before, I think the whole division needs to go on hiatus because they got nothing right now.
I feel like the only reason it exists is so they can say they employ female wrestlers and have them there for eye candy for men.

Controversial opinion: None of them are on the level where they should be wrestling on a major wrestling show with millions of viewers. They're more models than athletes. They're slow and awkward in the ring. Almost every women's match I've seen in WWE that has been highly rated has been "good for what it is" to me. I have a lot of respect for the women that are there to actually wrestle and not just use it as a vehicle to a reality show or a modeling career, but I'm not exactly broken up about them not getting a lot of time on the show either.


Bray Wyatt is over.
Rick Rude was over as a heel.
Andre the Giant was over
Jake The Snake was over.
The Great Muta was over
Ted Dibiase was over as a heel
Owen Hart was over as a heel and a face

So yes, being good at your job is a side product of being a good performer. Because I don't have this 'man, the mainstream fans they just don't get it!' attitude. Because they're not neanderthals despite how some people who post on message boards like to think as much to feel better about themselves. I don't have to like everyone they like, but they either like or hate people I like. They don't show indifference.

How is he amazing? Because he can do moves? Wrestling, ESPECIALLY WWE wrestling, is more than doing moves. Why do I give a shit about the moves he can do when he's got a completely uninteresting character? There's no investment. Doesn't matter if Darth Maul does a million flips if no one knows or cares about who he is.

No the problem is the assumption in your post that Neville is amazing.

I like him. If I disliked him that's why I would dislike him.

People like marketable people because they like them, and that's what makes them marketable - being easily liked.

In short you have causation reversed.

I care about Neville, about his character. I was more interested to seeing if he was retaining against TK on Takeover than a lot of more prestigious title defences. Maybe I'm a mark for "the moves", but I always look forward to his matches and I want to see where his storylines go. This makes me a moron to some people because he is obviously going to bomb, which I assume means that he is not marketable and so is moronic to like people who aren't marketable.

I'm not asking about "people", I'm asking individuals if being marketable is something they like in a wrestler because plenty of things are niche and they are fine. It's not about being better or not; it's just that I don't see people saying, for example, that Europa Universallis fans are idiots because they like something that doesn't appeal to a broader crowd.
I feel like the only reason it exists is so they can say they employ female wrestlers and have them there for eye candy for men.

Controversial opinion: None of them are on the level where they should be wrestling on a major wrestling show with millions of viewers. They're more models than athletes. They're slow and awkward in the ring. Almost every women's match I've seen in WWE that has been highly rated has been "good for what it is" to me. I have a lot of respect for the women that are there to actually wrestle and not just use it as a vehicle to a reality show or a modeling career, but I'm not exactly broken up about them not getting a lot of time on the show either.

It's not a wrestling show though.


I feel like the only reason it exists is so they can say they employ female wrestlers and have them there for eye candy for men.

Controversial opinion: None of them are on the level where they should be wrestling on a major wrestling show with millions of viewers. They're more models than athletes. They're slow and awkward in the ring. Almost every women's match I've seen in WWE that has been highly rated has been "good for what it is" to me. I have a lot of respect for the women that are there to actually wrestle and not just use it as a vehicle to a reality show or a modeling career, but I'm not exactly broken up about them not getting a lot of time on the show either.

Things Vince doesn't like:
Women's wrestling
Tag team wrestling

The last two are straight from HHH's mouth. Vince feels they are wastes of spots that should go to singles stars.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm not asking about "people", I'm asking individuals if being marketable is something they like in a wrestler because plenty of things are niche and they are fine. It's not about being better or not; it's just that I don't see people saying, for example, that Europa Universallis fans are idiots because they like something that doesn't appeal to a broader crowd.

Because if Europa Universallis comes out, it'll still sell. It's in the wide world of PC games where all sorts of Europeans and whatever can buy it, and they can still make a profit. They are not part of the biggest Sports Entertainment business in the world. If Europa doesn't do well, they'll have a sale, and they may or may not make a sequel. They usually just have to cut even. If a WWE wrestler isn't marketable? They're either enhancement talent or they're gone. It is a completely different beast from independent wrestling. It's not about how many 'ohs!' you get from the crowd. It's about, 'do the fans like you? How many shirts did you sell? How many posters did you sell? As a heel, did you give more heat to this face, so his stuff sold better? Are kids gonna buy your toy to beat you up?' WWE is a business, and if you aren't marketable, why would they waste their time with you? You either need to be marketable now, or they need to see merch potential in you. Remember how the Spinner belt was around even after Cena? t hat's because it sold shit tons. Because they sold tons of kids toys, they kept the title that way for years. That's how important it is to them. So if you like someone who's not marketable, go ahead, but you're not gonna see them around often. And if you do? You're not going to be as interested in them because they're not going to get the hot angles, they're not going to get promo time, and they're going to job in 5 minute matches.
Mad respect to Death Grips. "we are now at our best and so Death Grips is over. we have officially stopped." That's how it should be done.


Because if Europa Universallis comes out, it'll still sell. It's in the wide world of PC games where all sorts of Europeans and whatever can buy it, and they can still make a profit. They are not part of the biggest Sports Entertainment business in the world. If Europa doesn't do well, they'll have a sale, and they may or may not make a sequel. They usually just have to cut even. If a WWE wrestler isn't marketable? They're either enhancement talent or they're gone. It is a completely different beast from independent wrestling. It's not about how many 'ohs!' you get from the crowd. It's about, 'do the fans like you? How many shirts did you sell? How many posters did you sell? As a heel, did you give more heat to this face, so his stuff sold better? Are kids gonna buy your toy to beat you up?' WWE is a business, and if you aren't marketable, why would they waste their time with you?

I'm not asking WWE management, I'm asking people in this thread. I totally agree that a wrestler who doesn't make money probably isn't going to have a great career at WWE; but I am asking if you, as a human being, as a wrestling fan, enjoys more watching people who you think are going to be a good financial thing for WWE.


Basically Dunn's apparently been purposefully fucking over a load of NXT talents in an ongoing power struggle with Hunter to make him look bad.

Really dumb stuff.

I can't wait until HHH is in full control of the company. If NXT is any indication he is going to do a great job.
AJ's fine. Who's she gonna wrestle though? They already shit on Alicia so that they could put over the less interesting Paige. Who's after Paige? Cameron? Naomi, again? Just because people care about AJ doesn't mean they'll care about AJ's feuds. All it'll do is drag down AJ's overness by sticking her in these completely pointless feuds against these opponents who have zero build or zero character. I don't even know what the fuck Naomi's character is outside of her entrance.

AJs whole divas career has been against opponents with zero build or character and she's still over. Maybe they'll do something more interesting with Paige given it looks like this will result in a double turn, maybe she'll move onto fox after, the Naomi/Cameron feud could result in a reason to care about one of them. I don't think it matters as long as she stays as over as she is through her own character work/wrestling.

Ultimately the can't scrap the division because it would make the company look terrible. I'd be all up for an complete reboot of the division but it's not going to happen with Total Divas still going on.


Remember Johnny Ace's "toys for the boys" campaign where he hired "divas" just so the boys would have a variety of girls to regularly fuck on the road? Good times.
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