Taking some time off the job hunt (2nd round interview next Monday!) to type this up. List of performers that I have liked but have been wasted in some way since I started watching.
Ziggler Post Survivor Series '14 - Huge spot, huge response, "killed" the Authority. Shoved into a bizarre team with Cena/Rowan. Authority brought back two weeks later. Yes, he definitely irritates me and others in this thread but man, he was given nothing after this.
Leaving the company OR useless jobber status.
Stardust Post Survivor Series '14 - Fine tag champs when I started watching. Lost the belts to Miz and Mizdow. Given nothing. Proven on the mic, in the ring, multiple false starts across a variety of characters. Happening again. Comedy feuds with R-Truth into supposed program with an actor.
Useless jobber status.
Damien Sandow Post February 2nd Raw - Part of the most watchable and entertaining feud in the lead up to Wrestlemania. Got over with the crowd. No singles match to blow off at WM. Small spot in consequence-less Battle Royal, which the fucking Big Show won. Nothing match on Raw to settle the feud, made to look like a goober by Summer Rae. Spirited promo on Raw next week, basically stating "I can be real ass Damien Sandow". Transitions into awful awful gimmick impersonating Macho.
Useless jobber status.
Dean Ambrose Post Hell in a Cell '14 - Consistently popular, when given the chance cuts great promos. Limited offense but takes incredible bumps and since when has limited offense ever been a limiting factor for main event WWE talent? Given goofy comedy shtick a lot. Original feud with Rollins @ HIAC '14 was very hot. Intense as fuck match (match that "brought me in" to WWE). Bullshit ending into Wyatt feud into what should have been a completely character killing bullshit ending into awful IC title program into killing himself at WM into nothing into Rollins feud v2 with ending designed to make us think Ambrose is a contender but he's got jack shit to do this month apart from being Reign's best bud!
Wasted potential company carrying star.
Bray Wyatt Throughout - Am told that this guy was mega over before I started watching. Very unique look and stand out character. Great talker, so much so that he is used to fill up way too much time on his own, much to his detriment. Gone from creepy, intimidating and mysterious cult leader to heat sucking, feud stopping can't win a match heel. Entire build of his WM match with Taker revolved around him taking the mantle from the deadman. Alas, they want one more match from Taker so Wyatt's entire character was sacrificed for that cause. I'll admit he seems to struggle to have good matches but his feuds also struggle to make anyone care about them. Love to see him do some work in Lucha Underground though!
Zero heat useless jobber heel.
Luke Harper Post Survivor Series -
Should be Kane.
Wasting away off TV.
There are others but man this list is just depressing and disgustingly smarky already.