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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.


I don't understand why Ricardo isn't an active wrestler, he's got more personality than practically anyone else on the show.

And I mean, if you look at the other joke characters (Ryder, Santino, Kane, Brodus, etc.) it's not like there's a high watermark for wrestling ability.


I don't understand why Ricardo isn't an active wrestler, he's got more personality than practically anyone else on the show.

And I mean, if you look at the other joke characters (Ryder, Santino, Kane, Brodus, etc.) it's not like there's a high watermark for wrestling ability.

As much as you hate or thing that Kane's character is a joke, he's been cemented high on the mid-card and as a main-eventer that helps with feuds and puts people over. Meanwhile none of those other joke characters are worth a crap or will have done anything remarkable in a few years.

And looking how things are going, Ziggler might take Kane's place as a main-eventer jobber.
Kane in a Title Match?

That would be my guess. Obviously the lower tier talent would never be in a title match. He'd be jerking the curtain like he belongs.

Midcarder at best, sloppy in-ring work, moves slow, second rate Undertaker-like gimmick.

And I mean, if you look at the other joke characters (Ryder, Santino, Kane, Brodus, etc.) it's not like there's a high watermark for wrestling ability.

As much as you hate or thing that Kane's character is a joke, he's been cemented high on the mid-card and as a main-eventer that helps with feuds and puts people over. Meanwhile none of those other joke characters are worth a crap or will have done anything remarkable in a few years.

And looking how things are going, Ziggler might take Kane's place as a main-eventer jobber.

If there was anything wrong with my examples it was that Santino is a far more competent wrestler than he has any reason to be. He gets to wrestle roughly one real match per year and has never lost the ability he has.

Ziggler will always have a job forever* because he can make anyone look like a champion but he needs to win a feud, any feud, at some point in time.

Until he breaks his neck doing a triple backflip in a Ryback match, then he'll just take over whatever position Droz has


Trailer for PWG - Death to all but Metal;


Singles Match
1. B-Boy vs. Famous B

Singles Match
2.TJ Perkins vs. Ryan Taylor

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Title Match
3. "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen (Champion) vs. Brian Cage (Challenger)

No Disqualification Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship Title Match
4. Super Smash Bros. (Player Uno & Stupefied) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

Six-Person Tag Team Match
5. "Pretty" Peter Avalon, Ray Rosas, & Joey Ryan vs. Candice LeRae & RockNES Monsters (Johnny Goodtime & Johnny Yuma)

Singles Match
6. Michael Elgin vs. Willie Mack

Singles Match
7. El Generico vs. Ricochet

Preorder here

Fuuuuuuck, Kevin Steen vs Brian Cage-Taylor, Michael Elgin vs Willie Mack and El Generico vs Ricochet all look fucking AMAZING. Can't wait to see this one. Also, PWG needs to make this happen; BCT vs Elgin.

The biggest news here is new PWG music! Also, the reason for the early title matches were due to Steen having a concussion and steen/SSB having to catch a flight


Ziggler will always have a job forever* because he can make anyone look like a champion but he needs to win a feud, any feud, at some point in time.

Until he breaks his neck doing a triple backflip in a Ryback match, then he'll just take over whatever position Droz has

Going back to your previous examples of joke characters, and not specifically talking about joke characters but about main-event jobbers, Kane is the position he is right now (WHC 2 years ago, feuding with Cena, Orton, Punk, Bryan now, etc) because he's been always a threat, he was a credible monster heel and a capable big man that wouldn't pull a hamstring 2 minutes into a match.

But Ziggler isn't a threat to anyone, he wasn't a threat to Edge, he wasn't to Punk, or to Sheamus. Comparing him to Kane, Kane only got a 1 day title run, maybe Ziggler needs those extra 23 hours, or maybe he just needs to win matches against credible opponents, even if he doesn't wins a title.
Half tempted to put a 'Vince McMahon Return Sweepstake':

1. Fires Someone
2. Kiss My Ass Club gains a new member
3. Tears his quads
4. In-Joke about his 'Son-in-Law'
I'm going to guess he comes out and says he will make his decision by the end of the night. Laurinitis tries to impress him all night long. At the end of the night McMahon calls him out to the ring, is about to fire him, and then Cena interrupts. The firing is forgotten. Kiss my ass won't happen in an election year for his wife. I'm almost tempted not to watch Raw again, since I don't want to ruin the good feelings I have about wrestling after being at the TNA ppv last night. TNA is just so much better than WWE right now.


Couple of random notes:

F4Wonline.com is reporting a WWE source indicated to them that Christian was not happy about appearing on TNA's Slammiversary pay-per-view. It is said Christian was very friendly and cooperative with everyone at TNA - but he wasn't happy he got requested by TNA for the appearance.

F4Wonline.com is reporting that Vince McMahon was furious about Brock Lesnar's recent appearance at UFC's 146 pay-per-view.

Reportedly, Triple H had to talk McMahon out of making any immediate drastic decisions regarding Lesnar and his current WWE run. Triple H is said to be heavily pushing Vince McMahon to keep with current plans, having Triple H versus Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam, with the belief that Triple H will go over in the match.

WZ has learned from sources that Linda McMahon's campaign for Senate in Connecticut could be affecting both a major WWE storyline and the company's decision to fire talent.

Our sources report that WWE is holding back on firing any talents right now because of Linda McMahon's campaign, which is promoting her as a "job creator." In the past, WWE has been known to do some spring cleaning after WrestleMania season and release several talents in a short period of time. This wave of mass releases hasn't happened yet and sources are telling WZ it may not happen this year in order to avoid bad publicity for McMahon's political campaign.

We're also being told that McMahon being a "job creator" could affect tonight's storyline with John Laurinaitis having his job evaluated by Vince McMahon. Sources said they wouldn't be surprised if Laurinaitis got some kind of stay of approval as opposed to Mr. McMahon's typical "you're fired" gimmick.
To each their own. All I know is I've been entertained by TNA lately, everyone has a storyline for the most part, the titles matter, and they treat the fans with respect. WWE does embarassing shit like Hornswoggle as JR, Cole in bbq sauce, etc, 90% of the roster doesn't have a storyline, and nothing matters. If you enjoy that more than TNA than more power to you. But WWE is garbage right now.


Reportedly, Triple H had to talk McMahon out of making any immediate drastic decisions regarding Lesnar and his current WWE run. Triple H is said to be heavily pushing Vince McMahon to keep with current plans, having Triple H versus Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam, with the belief that Triple H will go over in the match.



No longer the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations?

- John Laurinaitis' bio has been removed from the WWE Corporate website's index of executive officers. Laurinaitis previously served as WWE's Executive Vice President of Talent Relations. At this time, Laurinaitis appears to be a TV performer only. Laurinaitis' WWE.com bio still labels him as the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, since it has been part of his character.

Triple H, who oversees the talent relations and talent development departments, has been added to the website.

Credit: corporate.wwe.com

Hunner taking over firing duties, I mean hiring?
To each their own. All I know is I've been entertained by TNA lately, everyone has a storyline for the most part, the titles matter, and they treat the fans with respect. WWE does embarassing shit like Hornswoggle as JR, Cole in bbq sauce, etc, 90% of the roster doesn't have a storyline, and nothing matters. If you enjoy that more than TNA than more power to you. But WWE is garbage right now.

Pay no mind to the "lol TNA" responses. Those opinions will never be changed. To them TNA is always bad and the most horrible episode of Raw is still more entertaining because "oh mah gah look at dah pyro and dat crowd and AJ and Kane lolololol @ the brilliant comedy take what you can get Michael Cole said a funny"



I drove a total of 4 hours just to take this pic. I am the luckiest chick in the world. Also might be the shortest.

Linda is probably just gonna get stomped again isn't she, why do they let her stupid hobbies influence business decisions?

Hunner taking over firing duties, I mean hiring?

This is actually very good news. Aces is a perfectly cromulent on screen character, but lousy at his "real" job. Mr. H's at least has shown some interest in going after real talent in his pursuits of Mistico and the KOW.
TNA has been really good recently but they just seem to have no idea how to end shows, which isn't the end of the world.

Also AJ seems incredibly cool and down to earth. I'm on board.


I'm in a pattern having stayed up to watch the NBA Playoffs, so I think I'll stay up and punish myself tonight.

Well I've had to stay up late to be on call for when servers go online so it doesn't affect other parts of the company, so - Newcastle-broskis representing.


No One Remembers
As the years have gone by, however, Vinny Mac has seemingly lost his handle on what does and does not work in professional wrestling. And it was on this date in WWE history (June 11, 2007) that he proved it.

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